As time passed, the forces participating in the ranked battle arrived one after another, and after Li Jiu obtained the key to the Spiritual Heart Lounge, he bid farewell to Lin Tiannan and returned to the venue.

Because the contestant of the Spirit Heart Academy was alone, Lu Biehe didn't come to something, and the empty lounge was particularly deserted.

It's not that Lu Biehe is not interesting enough and didn't find someone to support Li Jiu, Li Jiu liked the feeling of chartering the venue and didn't let others come over.

"Dear contestants, please leave the lounge~" A voice came over the radio.

Li Jiu washed his face with cool water, picked up his spirits and walked out.

"Has it finally started?"


the venue of the game, 6 a.m.

At this time, the audience seats at the competition venue were full, densely packed with black shadows, countless small signs stood around the ring, and a circle of people sat behind, and the sign in front of each small group of people was marked with the name of the force.

Behind each small sign, there are generally 3-8 people sitting, only Spirit Heart Academy and some cannon fodder signs behind the sign is not a single person.

At this time, a light sword sound sounded from the sky, and the people present quickly looked up, only to see a sword cut through the sky, and a spiritual flew, as if it was dancing...

Then countless flying swords soared into the sky, flying along with the sword, and these flying swords circled the entire stage several times before stopping around the ring.

A heroic black-haired man on the main seat flashed out, landed steadily in the ring, and stepped forward to perform a standard spirit master salute: "Below is the Great Elder of the Lingyun Sect, Ling Wanjian, today I have the honor to preside over this year's Divine Dragon Ranking Battle again."

Then he began to balabala talking nonsense: "....... (Too lazy to make it up.)

At this time, Qin Wujie didn't know where to learn the location of the Spirit Heart Academy, and she sneaked up to Li Jiu's side alone.

Seeing this, Li Jiu smiled helplessly: "Xiao Qin, are you trying to kill me when you sit next to me?"

Qin Wujue's face turned crimson, and he said, "I'm just... Just help you analyze their combat effectiveness, so that you can win more?

"What about the homework left for you?" How's it going?

"According to the master's orders, the Qin family has already settled the dwarves."

Li Jiu saw her diligent and diligent work, so he didn't bully her in public anymore, Qin Wujiu's suitors were definitely in a long line, there was no need to find himself unhappy.

"That's pretty much it."

"The host... Although this Ling Wanjian only looks like he is in his 40s, his cultivation is said to have reached the 7th level, and I heard his father say that he presided over the previous ranking battles.

Li Jiu picked up Yan Yu's snack and began to eat: "There is so much nonsense... Xiao Qin, you go back first, don't expose my identity. "


Ten minutes later.

Ling Wanjian's polite words were finally finished: "I won't say much about polite nonsense, and everyone doesn't like to listen to it." The

audience burst into warm applause, and relatives who got married and had children had never applauded so fiercely.

Audience heart: Damn, doesn't this smelly old man know that the game behind is good?

Why so much nonsense?

Suspected leakage of national essence....

Smiling on the surface, MMP inside.

"The witnesses of this year's Divine Dragon Ranking Battle are Liu Lao from the Ministry of Education of the Spirit Master Association and Elder Wang from the War Department, I believe that no one questions the qualifications and authority of the second elder!"

As soon as the words 'Spirit Master Association Warhead' came out, the audience was immediately shocked, knowing that the Spirit Master Association is a global-level spirit master force.

To be able to achieve such achievements in such a large organization or the combat department, a smaller power disciple or patriarch is nothing in the eyes of others.

Even those strong overlords were overwhelmed when they heard Wang Lao's name.

With such a strong person at the ceiling level of combat effectiveness, how can anyone dare to cause trouble?

Li Jiu's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and he does not respect these so-called bigwigs at all, except for Liu Lao.

Li Jiu looked up at the main seat, and next to Elder Liu was an old man in a black robe, with a plain appearance, expressionless face, and a restrained temperament, who looked no different from the old man selling vegetables on the street.

It's hard to imagine a being with hands and eyes in the sky....

Elder Wang just got up and smiled slightly, without any officialdom, giving people an amiable image.

However, the small fluctuations of spiritual power emanating from his body made people frightened, and they couldn't help but dare not look at this person directly, and everyone felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.... A sense of powerlessness in the face of absolute strength.

Li Jiu was too far away from him to sense Elder Wang's detailed combat power, and he had at least level 80 by sight!

It is a realm that Li Jiu cannot understand at the moment!

"Ahem, now start reading the rewards and rules of this year's Shenlong Ranked Battle."

Ling Wanjian's opening made people return their focus to him, because the ranked battle prizes they had heard before were all rumors and were not true enough, and everyone listened carefully.

"This year's Shenlong Ranked Battle adopts a one-on-one Spirit Master single-control battle."

There are many ways to compete in the Spirit Master field, such as group fighting, only sending spirit pets, and spirit masters and pets together.

And this spirit master single control battle, as the name suggests, each spirit master can only send one spirit pet at the same time to accompany him in battle.

What seems to be a boring wheel war is actually a competition in all aspects.

The first is the physical strength of the spirit master, spiritual power, canceling the opportunism of combining spirit pets, this kind of competition for the first place in the sword, must use this more extreme way to judge a person's comprehensive strength.

The fight is the overall strength, the combat power of each spirit pet, the kind of spirit master who raises 1 foil N, or the spirit master who has no combat power in the body will be screened out by this competition method.

Li Jiu doesn't care, he is not afraid of singling out him in a group fight, even if he is the same as the 3 pets, Ying Ruoxue, Yuguang, Yan Wan sisters (count as a pet) Iron Triangle is not afraid of the enemy at all.

Single, group attack, transformation outbreak, recovery.

Spelling a single body, with its own resilience, the shadow of the immortal blood is the king of solo!

On the real PK, the physical strength is more than 30 levels, and Li Jiu, who holds the double blade of the snow moon, is not afraid of anyone, but he can also transform into blood if he fights!

"Ranked Battle Individual Reward, First Place, Mixed Yuan Dan of Nine Colors."

"Second place, a superb Holy Spirit Seal."

"Third place, middle-grade spirit weapon, Qingxiao sword."

The crowd below has exploded!

The Mixed Yuan Pill has long been like thunder, a panacea that is hard to find, and the Life Pill that only the predecessors of the Dan Demon can refine in the Shenlong Continent!

And this one is nine-color?

What does the Mixed Yuan Dan of Jiucheng represent?

At least 200 years of life expectancy bonus, the big men of the forces who listened to it were full of enthusiasm, and they couldn't wait to take off their naked arms and personally go to the competition to recapture this Dan.

All the participating disciples looked straight at the ring...

With lifespan, there are more opportunities to break through, and there is more life.

Lifespan is opportunity.

The richer and more powerful the person, the more afraid of death, and the barefoot poor are not afraid of death.

The existence of some small place asked: "Ultimate Holy Spirit Seal? What is that? "

Dirt buns!"

"Could it be... Legend has it that surpasses the best of the Spirit Seal?

Some sect elders sighed, their eyes full of incomparable envy: "Being able to permanently strengthen a spirit pet's skill is equivalent to strengthening the left arm and right arm of a spirit master, and it is really generous for the organizer to reward the winner with such a heavy object!" "

The third-place mid-grade spirit weapon is also a good thing, but it is too inferior compared to the rewards of the first place and the second place!

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