After Li Jiu heard Ling Wanjian's words, a trace of essence flashed in his eyes, and he clenched his fists.


That's great.

This Dan is none other than me!

This.... Win the first place in this ranking battle no matter what!

Ling Wanjian's voice changed a little, and his expression was a little unnatural: "Below there is Boss Liu of the exclusive sponsor [Tingrou] Company."

"Yes, I want to watch the game, not the commercial!"


"Boss Liu?"

"Oh my God!"

"I was actually fortunate enough to meet the legendary Boss Liu today? Didn't come in vain! Ling

Wanjian's words were like an explosive bag, thrown into the crowd and set off a huge wave!

Li Jiu had heard when he was queuing up that the expenses of all the forces of the Divine Dragon Ranking Battle in the Lingyun Sect were all counted on this Boss Liu.

What a lot of money!

I heard that she was good-looking, and Li Jiu also wanted to see it.

"Hehe, welcome everyone to [Tingrou] to patronize the business, [Tingrou] will give everyone's female companions a new experience."

A soft and enchanting voice passed into the ears of everyone present through the spiritual microphone, bringing a strange ripple.

As long as a man hears this voice, he will involuntarily look at the source of the sound.

A woman dressed in simple black slowly walked to Ling Wanjian's side, but unfortunately she was wearing a silver mask on her face, and she couldn't get a glimpse of her true face.

Long hair like a waterfall, snow skin like fat, simple black clothes on her body but incomparably charming, tightly outlined a bloody arc, the outstanding crisp breasts, snow buttocks portrayed vividly.

A simple ribbon gently tied around the waist outlines the willow-like bee waist, creating a perfect S-shape.

This is a woman with an amazing figure, and when men see her, they will know what a real devil figure is.

"Huh, snap."

The woman seemed to know that all this would turn out like this, and she lightly snapped her fingers, and the spiritual masters with lower spiritual power cultivation regained their senses.

Even Ling Wanjian's breath behind him changed a little, and this expert quickly closed his eyes and used his spiritual power to stick to his heart.

Boss Liu smiled slightly, and said imaginative words: "I will give a mysterious gift to the first place in this year's Shenlong ranking battle Oh, everyone cheer for the competition." "

The crowd was silent.

And Li Jiu in the audience did not eat this set very much because of the desire cultivation method and the firm passive effect.

This man.... Where do you seem to have seen it?

Could it be that woman?

When Boss Liu twisted his very enchanting body and left the ring to take the main seat, the men of all forces reacted back.

Among them, the Holy Son of the Holy Court of Light reacted the most violently, his eyes full of fiery light and murmured, "I want this woman, I want her to be gentle in my crotch."

"If this woman helps, great deeds will be accomplished."

Speaking of which, the Holy Court of Light is the fastest growing force in a hundred years, and it is said that they have received the inheritance of a certain god, and they can carry out special advents to greatly improve their combat effectiveness.

The talent and strength of this year's Holy Son Ye Wuyao and Saint Anker are even more outstanding.

An Kerr in a sky-blue robe walked silently behind him, her long golden hair like satin, and her charming face was clearly defined.

It's a pity that her starry eyes are eclipsed, unfocused, and seem to have gone blind.

"Lord Holy Son, such an unknown woman is not allowed to enter the Divine Court."

"According to legend, Boss Liu is a woman who has a promiscuous life in her private life, not a virgin, and it is not allowed."

Ye Wuyao's eyes swept around An Ke'er unscrupulously: "Holy girl, you manage a little too much..... On the contrary, you are a virgin... When will we receive God's rituals?

An Keer smiled and said, "The Holy Son is the Lord and the Holy Daughter is the supplement, not to mention that I have already received God's guidance a year ago, and I can no longer provide strength for the Holy Son."

"Everything I do is for the court of God, for the safety of God, I am faithful to the court, you know the Son."

"Lord Holy Son, please keep your inner peace, and don't let the awakening of God advance or delay, delay the great plan."

Ye Wuyao's eyes turned, he finally became a holy son independently from the Ye family, and his power in the divine court was still not as good as that of the holy girl.

He could only snort coldly: "Hmph! I know.

"That's good, I wonder how confident Lord Saint Son is in winning the championship?"

Ye Wuyao said arrogantly: "Of course, ten, heaven and earth, only I am respected, how can the Lingyun Sect resist the power of God?"

"As for the others, they are all local chickens and dogs, come and kill one by one!"

After hearing the words of the Holy Son, An Keer had a slightly addictive smile on his lips, and then turned and left.

Ye Wuyao only stared at An Keer's ass, and did not care about the weird smile at the corner of her mouth.

Ling Wanjian on the ———————— stage shouted: "Now, I announce that this year's Divine Dragon Ranking Battle has officially begun!"

Then he waved his big hand, and several figures jumped up from under the stage, and a mysterious and huge cylindrical spirit stone was transported to the stage.

"This year's Shenlong Ranking Battle has a total of 387 spirit master forces to rank, a total of 1023 spirit masters participated, all participating spirit masters must not be less than 18 years old, no more than 21 years old, non-this age group of competitors will be disqualified from the competition."

"I leaned, I didn't say I wanted more than 18 before?"

"It's over!"

"My nephew is just 17!"

Some of the contestants and families in the audience couldn't sit still.

Ling Wanjian pronounced it with spiritual power, shocking the audience: "Su Jing, now start the ranking number extraction, in order to avoid the villain pointing the finger, before drawing the number, a unified spiritual master age and level test will be conducted." "

Every ranked battle has a spiritual power test, but there was no limit of 18 years old before, and many forces wanted young players to get together and go through the motions.

"Imperial Water Sect—Li Che, Yun Tianxiang."

The named disciples immediately got up from the contestant stand and jumped into the ring, and they injected their spiritual power into the spirit stone, and for a moment the spirit stone emitted a dazzling blue light.

"19 years old, spiritual power level 18, water."

"20 years old, spiritual power level 20, water."

The two drew their numbers and returned to their seats.

"Good dish, it's only level 20."

"I was level 20 when I was 18."

Some garbage people are mocking others and talking about trash, and the master never expresses his opinion.

"The Western Regions Mixed House

...", "Tianjiang Mountain Villa

...", "Moon God Worship Sect

...", "New Treasure Island..."...

A large group of participating spiritual masters came to the stage to test and collect their own unique numbers, most of them at this age, that is, level 18-30.

True level fluctuates depending on talent.

Those who can become a third-order spirit master under the age of 20 are already a very strong existence.

It's not because of their dishes, the vast majority of people don't have a prominent family lineage.

Everyone started cultivating at the age of 18, and it is already very good to reach level 20 within two years, and the geniuses who can participate in the competition are basically geniuses from all over the world.

It's a pity that these geniuses are only the green leaves of red flowers in this feast.

So far, there has not been a single Rank 4 Spirit Master.

Before Ling Wanjian read the next name, his brows obviously furrowed, and his voice also changed: "Driving the corpse Liu family.......... Willow abandonment, willow madness. "

The forces of the Megatron Dragon Kingdom have finally begun to appear.


Recently, I have been busy with other things, and the update is late, please rest assured that it will not be broken~

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