
Lao, who was seated in the main seat, straightened up slightly and muttered, "Is this the spiritual pet he got in the Neon Zone?" "

The reason why Li Jiu dared to summon Ying Ruoxue in the territory of the Hualong Kingdom was because there was no record of the Spirit Master Association in Inoue Shan's notes.

The Spirit Master Association was also established by the thunder earthquake and the global spirit master thousands of years ago, and the existence of the Saint Yan Divine Fox obviously predates the history of the Spirit Master Association.

Elder Wang, who was fighting the main battle, also froze, "What kind of fox spirit pet is this?" How come I haven't seen it? Wang

Lao racked his brains and couldn't think of any kind of flame nine-tailed fox that looked like this.

"The Agni Fox can only evolve to 6 tails... There seems to be no fire system in this nine-tailed fox attribute, and this color is not like ordinary flame. "

In the ring.

Liu Chu's face was indifferent, and Ying Ruoxue's momentum turned into shock.

Liu Ju took out a fiery red machete from inside the space ring, "Everyone underestimates you, you are very strong."

The audience couldn't sit still: "This knife seems to be a lower grade spirit weapon-Broken Yan Knife, a gift from Broken Yanmen to Mr. Liu's birthday, but I didn't expect that Mr. Liu gave it to Liu!"

"This Liu Jiu level is higher than Li Jiu, he should be able to win, right?"

"Maybe, this nine-tailed fox seems to be very strong."

The referee saw that the player was ready and shouted: "The game is on!"

Liu Jiu shouted: "Xuan Lingshu - Corpse Fury!"

Li Jiu frowned slightly, this move he had learned, the Liu family's family Xuan Spirit Technique, the effect was to increase the combat effectiveness of all corpse pets by 50%.

I saw that the Yin Zombie King's body was full of black flames bursting, and it poured its spiritual power into the iron spear in its hand, and the dazzling black light reflected a gun shadow, with a palpitating power towards Ying Ruoxue!

A little beauty pinched a cold sweat for Li Jiu: "No, Xuanling Master has one more skill, it's hard to come out."

"yes, it's still such a strong amplification skill."

"I just said that Li Jiu is a bastard, and he met a hard stubble pill."

At this time, the evil nine-tailed fox's body emitted a terrifying spiritual power fluctuation, and the super high temperature made the referee watching the battle next to him cry bitterly.

A cloud of void flames ignited on her four hooves for a long time, and the speed of the entire fox increased to an extreme, easily dodging the unrivaled gun.

A pure flame that had already been charged instantly rolled up a powerful firestorm towards the Yin Zombie King, like an incomparably fierce beast opening its fangs towards them!

"Sweep through a thousand armies!"

Not to be outdone, the Yin Zombie King circled a few times with an iron spear, bravely rushing forward towards the pure flame, and the iron spear swept and swung out black spiritual power afterimages, colliding with Ying Ruoxue's pure flame!


At the junction of the two forces, the friction of flames and black spiritual power caused the air to distort violently.

In an instant, the tip of the iron spear in the hand of the Yin Zombie King seemed to be slowly ignited by the flame of nothingness!

Liu Qu's face changed drastically, and the sweeping thousand army under such a bonus only offset the combat skills of the opponent's spirit pet?

"That's it?" Li Jiu said softly.

Liu Chu frowned: "Imperial Arts, Battle Order!"

A series of strange sounds came out of his mouth, and the Yin Zombie King seemed to be inspired when he heard it, and rushed towards Sakura Ruoxue with great momentum.

Speed and power have become much faster!

"A rare amplification heaven-given imperial art, I didn't expect that he also had a group bonus imperial art in addition to the Xuanling Technique."

"Liu Chu must be very powerful if he fights in groups, these two techniques can increase the combat effectiveness of the All-Spirit Pet!"

Sakura Ruoxue cast a soaring flame, her agility constantly dodged the guns of the Yin Zombie King, and the nine tails behind her constantly ignited the pure flame... In the eyes of outsiders, it is the mage spirit pet being suppressed and beaten by the melee spirit pet.

The Yin Zombie King missed several shots, and his heart was extremely anxious, "Where do I see you hiding?"

He stopped his charging body and took a few steps back, aimed his gun in the direction of Sakura Ruoxue with both hands, and began to charge up.

Breaking through the power, briefly charging for 2 seconds to throw a spear at the enemy, this move is fast and generally cannot be dodged.

Sakura Ruoxue Fox's eyes raised slightly, no longer dodging, fighting to accumulate?

The old lady is afraid that you will not succeed in her spell skills?

Because Yan Yu, who could help her recover her spiritual power, was not present, Ying Ruoxue had to keep enough spiritual power in case of emergency.

The [Clear Flame] she uses is an auto-tracking attack that takes time to accumulate.

And didn't open the skill to make the opponent think she was a good dish?


The flame of nothingness burned wildly on Ying Ruoxue's body, like the delicate colors of the setting sun, and the Dao heat wave swept around, and everyone in the audience suddenly felt... It's so hot!


A huge meteorite filled with flames quickly formed and quickly smashed towards the Yin Zombie King.

The onlookers could clearly see that this fire meteorite was surrounded by countless waves of flame, which seemed to swallow the entire ring.

Referee: I slipped away.

The Yin Zombie King's face was surprised, the other party was actually faster than himself to chant this large spell?

The arrow had to be sent on the string.

He stiffened his head and threw the spear in his hand towards the burning star, and the black spiritual power on the iron spear continued to rotate to form a black storm, which was extremely powerful!


With a loud bang, the black iron gun was smashed to the outside of the field, and the burning star was impacted and deviated from its original trajectory, directly slapped on the empty spiritual power barrier.

The people of the Lingyun Sect were dumbfounded, they not only rubbed their eyes after seeing the big hole in the spiritual power barrier.

Is this true?

What the hell?

Less than 4 levels to break the barrier?

Liu Qu took the opportunity to order the Yin Zombie King to cast a spirit summoning.

In the deep pit caused by the bombardment in the center of the field, small black flames continued to ignite where black spiritual power remained, intensifying.

In these black flames, 'Yin Zombie Kings' with iron spears continue to emerge!

It's a bit of a sprinkling of beans into a soldier.

"Groove, doppelganger?"

"Is that a foul? Umpire?

The referee hurriedly climbed onto the stage: "The phantom generated by the battle technique is not a violation, it is essentially a spirit pet." "

These zombie doppelgangers are all transformed by the spiritual power of the Yin Zombie King, and they all have a gloomy appearance, and they have returned to their bodies one after another, forming an army of zombies.

Lu Biehe, who was watching the live broadcast, slapped his thigh: "It's bad, these doppelgangers also seem to eat the bonus of his imperial arts."

"That's too much!"

Li Jiu looked at the 'zombie army' in front of him, there were at least dozens of Yin Zombie Kings, although the strength was not strong, but the victory was in number.

It must be a hard battle to send Xiaoying.


The Yin Zombie Kings raised their spears one after another, and Liu Qu also raised the Broken Yan Knife and pointed it at Li Jiu with a proud expression: "Let me see if it's you?"

Li Jiu naturally knew that he was referring to Liu Cheng's murderer.

"I haven't lost since this trick came out."

"Your fire spirit fox must have lost its spiritual power when it used the large-scale damage skill just now, right?"

The more Liu Chu said, the more excited he became, and began to laugh maniacally: "So many physically enhanced zombies, how do I see you kill them all?"

"Tired can also exhaust you!"

Then he and the Yin Zombie Kings rushed towards Li Jiufang at the same time, and a black ominous flame also ignited on the Broken Flame Knife.

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