Fire spiritual power is also divided into levels, the most common red flame, then blue flame, orange flame, and then black flame.... There is basically no record of it above, all of them are the purple flame and golden flame that are almost non-existent in the legend.

At that time, Tulis, who fought against Li Jiu in the secret territory of the pyramid, also used black flames.

And the white flame attached to the Divine Yan Arrow and the Void Flame of Ying Ruoxue far exceeded the flame understood by the world.

As soon as the black flame of Willow Abandonment came out, the audience exclaimed.

The Liu family licked the dog and said, "It's actually Hei Yan, Liu Er Shao is really strong!"

"Isn't the Liu family majoring in dark spiritual power? The fire attribute affinity should only be at the level of red flame?

"What a wizard!"

"It is worthy of the Liu family, and the Xuanling Master family is powerful."

Liu Zhenhan, who was far away at the rest table, also widened his eyes, he didn't know that his son would still do this trick: "When did he learn the fire system combat technique?"

Liu Mad said proudly: "This is the adventure that the second brother got from the ancient corpse, and it is said that it is a surprise for my father."

Liu Zhenhan had to admit that Liu Jiu far exceeded his expectations.

"It's my mistake..." The

world foolishly thought that Ying Ruoxue's Void Flame was red, after all, the gap between blood and red was still not too big, and the audience did not believe that there were blood-colored flames in the world?

"This Firefox has lost its skills anymore, it's wasted."

Some sharp-eyed spectators said, "It seems to be still accumulating tail flames."

"Although that move tail flame is indeed strong, it is useless to face such a group of zombies with a single attack, and it is good to save the big meteorite just now until now."

"Yes, yes, the silly fox was deceived by Willow."



Li Jiu smiled disdainfully when he saw everything in front of him: "You like to play with fire, right, then I will accompany you to have fun."

He stretched out his hands horizontally to retract the Snow Moon Twin Blades back into the system space, and then a golden longbow composed of spiritual power and his left wrist slowly appeared.

"This? Li Jiu also shoots arrows from a distance? "

It's over, since the ancient archers are more pressed, this willow abandonment is going to lose."

"Fart, it's about to be approached, remote singer."

Li Jiu raised his arm to pull the bow to the full moon, and said to himself: "Since the feather optical light wings flew, I can't shoot the light fury arrow. "

Go, Hikaru, it's all up to you to stack buffs."

The trick of the Light Feather Arrow has been used too many times, and he is quite skilled and knows it in his heart.

The golden arrow turned into a thread and flew into the zombie swarm and set off a spiraling explosion, booming, and the explosion of the light feather splashed onto a large number of zombies, but did not cause fatal damage.

Liu Ju seemed to see victory in his hands, and laughed: "It's useless!" "

The battle technique of the Spirit Master's reproduction wants to kill the Spirit Pet in seconds? Daydreaming!

"I thought you were a smart person, but I fought with you in close combat and you chose to shoot arrows from a long range, so go down!"

"Split the sky!"

Liu Jiu took the lead, flew into the air with a big jump, and slashed fiercely in the direction of Li Jiu!

A black wave of fire rushed down the knife in his hand towards Li Jiu, who was motionless.

The onlookers said a little anxiously: "Why didn't he hide?"

"Aren't you scared silly?"

"That fox's tail..."

Liu Qu looked at the enemy motionless and seemed to accept his fate, as if he saw the scene of Li Jiu being carried away by his own serious injuries in the next second.

From the beginning, he knew that Ying Ruoxue belonged to the kind of spirit pet who was good at large-scale range skills, and he restrained his zombie army, but he managed to force it to hand over the range skills, and he won.

Normal Spirit Pets do not support continuous release of group-wide skills at all.

Li Jiu was not as desperate or crazy as he expected, but smiled disdainfully: "The frog at the bottom of the well."

"This man is being forced to be cornered, if I had just attacked him."

"He lost his best chance to surrender and was finished."

"Silly X, look at his fox spirit pet's tail, it seems to have a big move!"

Just when everyone thought that Li Jiu was waiting to be killed and forcibly pretended, Sakura Ruoxue quickly jumped in front of him from behind Li Jiu, and the Nine Tails stood up like a peacock opening the screen.

The nine rounds of blood-colored 'sun' emitted dazzling light!

Liu Qu smiled disdainfully: "Nine single attacks, there is a fart!" "

When the wind was blowing all over the ring, eight pure flames flew out in turn, bombarding the zombie army in different directions!

The nearest of these pure flames flew straight towards the willow in the sky!

"Insect carving trick, break it for me!"

Liu Qu waved the Broken Flame Knife in his hand and descended from the sky, wanting to cut off this seemingly weak flame with one blow, just as he was about to approach.

The air was disturbed by a riot, and the pure flame turned into an irregular misty shape, and then began to bloom!

When the black flame transformed by Liu Abandon's spiritual power came into contact with the pure flame, he only heard a woman's soft groan: "Sunset." "


Not good!

"Imperial Arts—Damage Transfer!"

Liu Qu no longer had a chance to make an expression, and the sunset generated by the detonation of the pure flame instantly expanded by more than ten times, swallowing Liu Qu's entire person.

The other pure flames that fell into the zombie army also exploded one after another, a cloud of blood-colored mushrooms rose up flat, and the manic qi waves formed one roaring impact, and the entire spiritual power barrier enchantment of the ring seemed to emit a painful sound.

After the poor zombie army was marked by the [Divine Order], it suffered a strong impact from [Sunset], and the avatar generated by the phantom gradually dissipated like gravel in the wind, and the only real body also hit the owner's [Damage Transfer] effect.

It was equivalent to nine sets of sunsets all bombarding his already decaying body.

The result is not suspenseful.

When the smoke cleared in the sky, a huge and incomparable pit had already formed in the center of the ring, and the existence of the Yin Zombie King finally rested completely.

No one could enslave his corpse.

Because.... GH is all cherry blossoms.

Li Jiu and Ying Ruoxue stood in the corner of the platform, still receiving the impact of the fire wave, and the referee stupidly climbed up from under the platform.

"This..... Spiritual Heart Academy, win! "

Because Liu Jiu's body has been damaged by the Void Flame, resulting in pitch black, although he used the life-saving skill very early, the Void Flame is so powerful that it didn't burn him to ashes, and his skill was handed over quickly.

Liu Zhenhan almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and quickly led people to the ring to pick up his son.

"Ah, it's so hot!"

"Foundling, are you all right?"

"Go and call for the medical team!"


Jiu looked at the chaotic crowd in the audience, put away Sakura Ruoxue and left the ring without returning.

At this moment, no one dared to question that Li Jiu was relying on luck.

Liu Jiu, a strong player, was killed by his fox spirit pet in seconds!

Even the second pet was not summoned, his face was eaten with a flame, and his life and death were uncertain.

Li Jiu directly became the strongest dark horse in this year's Shenlong ranking battle, and there was no one.

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