Several colorful spiritual power explosions bloomed wantonly in front of the ancient tower, and the colorful light gradually devoured these black devil insects.

"Ruoxue, we don't need to keep our hands, we don't have this little material money!"

"Yes, honey."

Li Jiu: Fortunately, with the powerful battery of Sakura Ruoxue, or you can only run away today!

With a long roar of Ying Ruoxue, the flame of nothingness cast her handsome body, and under the four hooves was filled with even more violent evil flames, and the majestic nine tails were all unfolded, just like the ancient gods!

Nine clusters of pure flame spewed out in a spiral, and Ying Ruoxue's [Divine Anger] passive triggered 2 times, and the setting sun detonated the pure flame eleven.

At this moment, the black devil insects within the attack range saw their grandmother at the same time.

With a wave of his hand, the golden feathers in the sky pierced the black devil insects that intended to flank into slag.

Finally, a murderous red light flashed from inside the ancient tower, followed by a piercing and sharp insect sound.

This insect sound is extremely ugly, like a cat's paw scratching glass, making people's eardrums a little uncomfortable.

Li Jiu's head was dizzy and almost planted, and then immediately regained its clarity.

"Ding~ Firmness has taken effect."

The evolved firmness has become an aura-type skill, and the spirit pets have not suffered spiritual attacks.

At this time, Li Jiu felt that a pair of eyes seemed to be staring at him on his back, and he quickly rolled to avoid the sneak attack.

Feather Light and Xiaoying reacted the fastest, and they joined forces to fight back with one left and one right, knocking the black figure back several feet away.

"Hiss~" The mournful insect chirp sounded.

"This insect mother seems to use spiritual power to transmit sound." Li Jiu looked at the comer.

This is a huge black devil worm, the four wings on its back are buzzing, and the tentacles on the side of its mouth are constantly dripping with rather sticky and disgusting mucus.

[Black Devil Insect Mother] Grade: Dominant

Level: Level 47 Introduction:

Originally an ordinary flying wing insect, it was immersed in dark spiritual power for many years after being trapped here, and evolved into the Black Devil Insect Mother


Skills: Corrosion Mist, Mother Worm, Fast Reproduction, Rebirth of Severed Limbs, Dark Sound Wave, Soul Returning (Displacement of Sacrificial Offspring)...

I have to say that this black devil insect mother is very strong, and can rely on her children for displacement flickering, as well as group control.

The attack form of Spiritual Power Transmission is called Sound Spirit Skill, and the Sound Spirit Technique can directly attack the enemy's spirit, which is a very deadly skill.

In terms of the spiritual power of the black devil insect mother level 47, the spirit masters below level 47 will basically be hit, and they will be forced to stun into a stake to be slaughtered.

The Black Devil Insect Mother hurriedly climbed up from the ground, and a deep and terrifying scar appeared from its chest position, and a faint light followed the wound towards its body.

The black devil insect mother who could not sneak up on it let out an angry howl, its body shook slightly, and its eight claws condensed several black rays of light towards the feather light!

As soon as I saw Yuguang's feet step on it, he took off upside down and gracefully dodged these black light attacks, and the flying light wings were all retracted and reorganized into twelve light wings.


Three golden arrows escaped from her hand and flew through the air onto the fat body of the Black Devil Insect Mother, immediately leaving three bottomless blood holes!


The black devil mother rolled and struggled, it suddenly felt that it might die here today, and the strong desire to survive made it want to escape!

Its body suddenly turned into a black shadow and shrunk, transferring to a black devil insect on the edge of the battlefield at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Sakura Ruoxue and Yan Yu, who were in charge of the miscellaneous, were quite focused, still focused on controlling their casting rhythm.

Fortunately, telepathy transmitted information faster than any sound, and Sakuraruoxue's nine big tails instantly burst out towards the body of the black devil mother, and very accurately caught it... One foot.

Yan Yu on the side waved his demon wings to accelerate and sprint, and a wooden dragon restrained the black devil insect mother who wanted to escape, and the sharp chain blade in his hand penetrated its body.


The shadow hovering in the air swooped down rapidly, and the claws of the cold light forcibly tore off the wings of the insect mother, and the feather light stepped through the void and came to the insect mother, and the aurora blade attached to the holy light smashed fiercely on the insect mother's head!

This black devil insect mother died on the spot without any room for resistance under the combined force of the spirit pets, and did not even have time to make a cry of sorrow.

Its body was twisted to pieces by swords and claws, and the creepy sound of bone cracking was particularly crisp in this silent space.

With the demise of the Black Devil Mother, the remaining Black Devil Insects on the battlefield wailed at the same time, and their legs were kicked - braided.

With Li Jiu's current combat strength, only several high-level demonic beasts can attack at the same time to break Li Jiufang's formation to give pressure, and a sixth-order monarch will be beaten to death by Li Jiu's spirit pets... What's more, it's just a 5th-order black devil insect mother?

"It's so weak." Xiaoying shook his head unsatisfactorily.

This black devil insect mother is full of treasures, and the blood flowing on the corpse is comparable to liquid gold.

After quickly cleaning up the battlefield, Ying Ruoxue once again cast a fierce rain to burn the insect corpse in the center of the square.

Never give the enemy a chance to come back from the dead, GH is all raised for you!

This is a valuable lesson learned from the battle between Li Jiu and Tulis.

And Li Jiu himself toured the entire square with Xiaoying and determined that this was the end of the steps.

All the secrets are inside the tower.

"Master, all the black devil insects have been cleaned up, and I don't feel the breath of the monster at present." Yuguang said softly.

"Inside the tower?"

Yuguang looked at the black tower and shook his head: "Sorry master, I can't sense inside, this seems to be a good sealing spirit weapon, which can isolate spiritual power fluctuations, otherwise the master will not be sneak attacked."

"Okay, let's take a look."

Looking at the deep and mysterious dark space inside the gate, Li Jiu rewarded it with a glowing arrow.

Dazzling explosions filled the first floor of the black tower, there were no terrifying monsters inside, but unfortunately it had been completely contaminated by the insect mother, and there was insect fluid and broken insect eggs everywhere... As well as foul-smelling feces.

"Hmm.... It stinks so much! Yan Yu pinched her nose, and she was embarrassed to run back to the spirit pet space alone.

Li Jiu nodded gratifyingly after seeing it, usually he did not spoil Yan Yu, almost responded, fortunately, the little girl is still very contentious, not the kind of princess temper that comes casually.

"Come, I'm afraid of smell, bring this." Li Jiu took out the mask that had been prepared a long time ago.

After making sure that there was no danger inside, Li Jiu took the spirit pets into the first floor of the ancient tower.

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