The interior decoration of this tower should have been very grand and atmospheric, but at this time, under the shadows and insect fluid, it gave people a bit of a creepy feeling.

"The host seems to have ... Living stuff. Yuguang looked at Li Jiu seriously, his eyes full of fighting intent.

"It should be the guy we're looking for."

There are no monsters in the first floor of the ancient tower, let alone the need to stay.

"Let's go, let's go to the 2nd floor and take a look."

Due to the narrow space in the tower, Li Jiu took the shadow back, and Sakura Ruoxue also turned into a mini form and lay on Li Jiu's shoulder to fake sleep.

"Master Se, there seems to be a mural here!" Yan Yu looked at the surrounding walls with interest.

"Huh? There are really murals.

Yuguang led the way in front alone, and Li Jiu carefully looked at the mural on the wall.


this mural is inscribed with the history of the creation of this tower.

I don't know how long after the demise of angels and demons, a large number of beasts were impregnated by unknown forces and turned into brutal and vicious monsters, and countless people turned into the plate of monsters.

The originally relatively prosperous human civilization is about to be destroyed, and a small number of human beings have survived by hiding underground through more advanced technology.

I don't know how many years have passed....... After the underground human beings saw the sky again, they found that a continent of the original Holy Spirit Star did not know how much impact it had been affected and split into three continents, which was the current Divine Dragon, Red Snake, and White Eagle Continent.

Those who survived also found that their bodies could already use a peculiar soul power... A spiritual power that can conclude contracts with Warcraft.

Humans with the help of spirit beasts rebuild their homes again.

"Lying groove, is this the origin of the spirit master? I also wonder why the humans of this world were beaten so badly by Warcraft. Li Jiuto said to himself.

Yan Yu smiled: "Could it be that all Warcraft are gradually evolved from the power of light and the power of darkness?" So look at it this way.... As a demon race, we are still very powerful!

"Master Color, am I very powerful?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

The history of the Holy Spirit Star immediately aroused Li Jiu's interest, and he immediately climbed up.

It's a pity that the mural on this black tower has no written description, and the full-screen Lijiu subjectively speculates based on the information retained by Xiaoguang teacher, and there is also a fault in the time on the mural.

On the 5th floor, Li Jiu found four human skeletons on the ground, and a dark iron gate at the end of the road blocking his way.

An ominous aura emanated from behind the door, just like that Pandora's box...

Li Jiu did not hurry to open the door and continued to watch the mural.


When people gradually used spiritual power contracts to reclaim the land that once belonged to them, they found that an unknown huge monument was erected in the center of each of the three continents.

No one knows who built these huge monuments, and inside the monuments seems to suppress a large number of evil beasts, and the heaven-rushing demonic energy makes it impossible for ordinary people to approach.

The area where the monument is located is carefully designated as off-limits and no one is allowed to set foot in it.

But the good times did not last long, and suddenly one day, just like the end of the world, the three monuments disappeared at the same time on the same day, and the countless evil beasts imprisoned inside woke up!

Fortunately, this time, human beings already have their own special powers, and they are no longer beaten by Warcraft and lose their armor and lose their homeland as they did back then.

With the help and guidance of a mysterious black-robed man, humans worked together to lock these evil beasts into the newly built Black Tower again, in which 4 respected elders in the human camp joined forces to perform forbidden spells at the cost of their own lives to seal the Black Tower in a special space.

This is where this tower comes from.

Li Jiu looked at the four corpses on the ground and respectfully performed a spirit master salute to them: "Thank you seniors for sacrificing your lives to seal the Demon Beast, I am ashamed of myself." "

If there are no predecessors to plant trees, how can the descendants take advantage of the cool?

They deserve to salute themselves.

These people are the real Terran heroes, unsung heroes.

"Master Serge, why didn't we meet the legendary Warcraft along the way?" Yan Yu pestered Li Jiu like a curious baby and asked.

"I don't know... It may be that he died of old age, or he was injured by the Terrans, plus he was trapped here, and his life was lost and burped, right? Li Jiu shook his head.

"Master, this is the Divine Dragon Trial, there should not be such a dangerous thing." Yu Guang said with some concern, "Shall we go back?"

Li Jiu shook his head: "This tower has 7 floors, we have only come to the 5th floor, the upper 2 floors must be sealed with very important things, it may be related to angels and demons, for the sake of you and Yan Wan, I must take this risk."

"This beam with Cami has already been forged, and there is no way to avoid it."

"If I'm guessing correctly... The guy sealed above is estimated to be dying, the first 5 layers of the monster have all died, and it is impossible for the ancients not to know its danger, the seal will only be more terrifying, it is estimated that the black devil insect mother below has absorbed the power leaked by this guy to evolve.

"Honey, I listen to you." Sakura Ruoxue swept Lijiu's face with her big tail to show affection.

"Master, Yuguang will protect you."

"Master Se, I'm also very powerful now!" Yan Yu punched several powder punches into the air.

Li Jiu looked at the black door: "It's a dragon, you have to give me a coil, it's a tiger, you have to lie down for me, if I can't even beat a dying dragon with 4 grade perverted spirit pets, I still need to find a piece of tofu to hit and die." "

Sky Shadow: Rush! Kill the Waste Dragon! Let me have an experience exclusively!

Yu Guang looked sideways slightly, "Master... So I rushed?

Li Jiu quickly stopped her: "Although we want to go up, it does not mean that we are pifu."

"Let's put away the bodies of these Venerables first."

Li Jiu walked alone to their corpses, his space ring contained many large boxes, originally intended to fill Yan Yu with snacks, but they were all eaten, and naturally vacated.

"Several seniors, juniors came here to take the adventure and did not prepare the urn, or made a mistake." Li Jiu said to himself.

"If I cremate you, I'll blame me if you don't like to come to me in the middle of the night.... Let's just make a break, eh.

"How about a big box for one person?" If you don't speak, I should agree. "

Naturally, no one answered Li Jiu, the souls of several seniors have been scattered into ashes for many years..........

"Yuguang, you go and open the door, it's almost over here." Li Jiudao.

Li Jiu has only been here for 24 hours, and every second counts.

Li Jiu very carefully put the corpses of the seniors into 4 large boxes, "I can't take you out, I've done my best to help you get a nest, I hope you don't blame me." The

corpses of the heroic spirits seemed to respond to Li Jiu, and a talisman and a ring pressed under one of the corpses were shining!

The TV series sincerely does not lie to me! Generally, respect treats the corpse of the predecessor with good things to take!

Li Jiu picked up the charm.

[Golden Cicada Shelling]: The spell transformed by the condensation of spiritual power by an unknown master can completely defuse a fatal attack below level 60, and can only take effect once.


fill in the pit chapter, if you want to look at it well, look carefully, foreshadowing the buried.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to see it, don't ask me this and that later, I can't reply.

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