"This spell is similar to the [Li Dai Tao Zombie] that the master gave me, and it is a good thing to save your life."

"Thank you, senior." Li Jiu bowed to him again.

[Xuan Ling Ring]: The magic ring made of special spirit stones in the middle-grade spirit costume, which can accelerate the absorption speed of spiritual power after wearing.

This ring is carved with a blue bird, and it emits a faint fluorescence and the fire emblem ring on the right hand, and the spiritual power contained in it is very pleasant.

"It's pretty." Li Jiu put it on his left hand.

"The host... This door doesn't seem to open? Yuguang's voice came.

There was nothing worth nostalgic about the entire fifth floor, and Li Jiu quickly leaned over.

The iron door was firmly closed, there was no keyhole on it, and the maker did not seem to want to open the door again.

"I have a hunch..... The dragon in this is definitely not a dragon with the spirit of the divine dragon in the Divine Dragon Secret Realm. "

Light and darkness, yin and yang, water and fire, everything has two sides.

"Break it, Wakayuki." Li Jiu said lightly.

Sakura Ruoxue on her shoulders immediately perked up, she quickly changed back to her original size, nine tails suddenly stretched out, and a flame of nothingness burned on her imposing long tail.

The complete Nine Suns Sunset bombarded out, and this seemingly incomparably strong iron gate was smashed on the spot, and there were few things in this world that could block the power of Shinra-level, let alone block the stormy destructive power of the Void Flame.

As soon as the black iron door broke, a rotten, bloody, and foul-smelling smell came to his face, almost spitting out Li Jiu's breakfast.

There was an obvious black qi in the air in front of him, and it was this black qi that made Li Jiu feel a sense of suffocation and a strong sense of oppression.

"Is this the legendary Dragon Oppression? It's much stronger than that skeleton dragon girl!

"Uh-uh-huh!!! Is that you? Yue'er? A man's roar came from the depths of darkness.

"You're coming to see me, aren't you?"

"You can't bear to let your father's bloodline be completely cut off, right?"

"I miss you so much..."

Suddenly, his voice changed by two points: "It's the breath of humanity!!" Damn guys! Damn it for you and that stinky fox!! Then

, the heaven-shaking dragon groan burst out from the darkness, and Li Jiu's eardrums ached.

The tower seemed to have a strong vibration like induction, and then Li Jiu could not hear any sound.

At this time, the position where Li Jiu was standing was a dark intersection, with a straight passage in front of him, left and right, which did not know where to go.

These passages are long and there is no end in sight at a glance.

The dark walls around them were covered with corrupt black-red and emitted a strong smell of blood.

"Master, there seems to be a monster in this layer, and the feeling is getting lighter and lighter, which may be related to the seal in the tower." Yuguang closed his eyes and seemed to be sensing something.

"Well, it should be an undead Warcraft, experience baby, rush!" Li Jiu waved the Snow Moon Double Blade in his hand.

"Master, left."

"Good." Li Jiu led the spirit pets towards the left passage.

A three-way fork in the road appeared ahead, and under the detection of Yuguang, Li Jiu chose the right side.

It wasn't long before another three-way junction appeared in front of you...

After detouring an unknown number of times, the road ahead is finally a straight line, no longer a zigzag crossing in different directions.

A roar of terror and hatred came from the front.

Then Li Jiu saw the owner of this voice.

Two horns on its head, an orc-like monster, two pairs of sharp fangs in its mouth, a strangely ugly face, one hand holds a huge meat cutting knife, which seems to be stained with dripping blood, and the other hand is a bloodthirsty iron hook!

There is a strong smell of blood inside the body.... Because its body is like a stitching monster, it has the power of demons that Li Jiu is familiar with.

[Butcher of Hate]

Grade: Monarch

Level: Level 50

Introduction: Originally a demon warrior under the King of Hate, a Warcraft that has been transformed by fusing several demonic powers.

Skills: Bloodthirsty Instinct, Death Demon Qi, Desperate Hook Kiss, Demon Body, Death Howl...

"Roar! How many years have it been, finally there is a fresh meat rack! "

This is a foggy space, the surrounding misty black fog obscures the vision, and Li Jiu's vision is only a little more than 4 feet away, which is very uncomfortable.

"Come on, level 50 Warcraft." Li Jiu said calmly.

When the butcher saw the weapon in Li Jiu's hand, his eyes were full of anger: "This breath....... I changed my mind, I'm going to shave your flesh piece by piece!


It seems that there are thousands of bells shaking wildly, and the ugly roar makes [Firm] passive trigger immediately, but the sound attack effect of the butcher's death howl is not only mind control, but it shocks Lijiu's eardrum and bleeds on the spot!

After all, the human flesh is still too fragile compared to the Warcraft, and ordinary spiritual masters who do not pay attention to exercising are afraid that they can be killed by shock!

"Uh It hurts, you bastard. "

Li Jiu is also the first time he has encountered an enemy with such strong sound skills, and he is angry!

Jade, just play auxiliary in the back.

Li Jiu, who was injured in his ear, was full of anger, and directly withdrew Yan Wan's power into the true body mode, and an ominous black flame rose.

"Huh? Why haven't you fainted yet? This power!! The

butcher was taken aback, he didn't know how many creatures he slaughtered with this death howl, and the seemingly weak human in front of him actually didn't faint?

And.... Hands are actually shaking?

Why am I afraid of this weak human being in front of me?

This is the breath of gluttonous adults and lust adults!

No way!


At the same time, in another space.

A cyan dragon slowly opened its eyes, and a trace of doubt flashed in its eyes: "It's not good, how did someone enter there?"

"Someone got in? How did he get in? A black-robed man stood in front of the green dragon and stretched his waist, and the black robe behind him was embroidered with the two big characters 'Wenqu'.

"I don't know.... Even I can't get in there, just like in this closed world, no one can go to the other end. Qinglong said.

"Don't you think it's boring that Lei Zhen locked you up here for so long?" Wenqu Xingjun said.

"He's protecting me, human greed is too terrible." Qinglong pouted. "Instead, you... What are you looking for me for? Wen

Qu Xingjun took out a divine chess piece in his hand: "This chess piece..... Do you recognize it? "

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