"That's not okay, Long Yuan gives you... I will die.

"Less deceiving people, you didn't take out Long Yuan to show me just now." Li Jiu turned around.

Bai Xiao almost furious: "You... I give you the dragon yuan, how can I recover my strength? This tower will always draw my energy.

Li Jiu smiled and squatted down to look at Bai Xiao, "Lord Dragon King, you have to see your situation clearly, now you are begging me to do something."

"You will also be trapped here with the dragon yuan, and if you follow the words, I am afraid that no one will be able to trespass here."

"This..." Bai Xiao was speechless.

"Either you are trapped here with this dragon yuan, and I will find the way myself."

Li Jiu showed a smile like a spirit pet dealer: "Either you give me the dragon yuan, I will help you untie the chains, and after you go out, I will help you find a hostess at random, the words of the divine dragon should be very sought-after, right?"

Bai Xiao also wanted to fight for some conditions: "Without my strength, how can you leave this iron tower?" The life expectancy of a person is only 100 years.

Li Jiu smiled confidently: "It's not a secret, I can live at least 2W years, not to mention I don't believe I really can't get out, since the Snow Moon Double Blade can bring me in... That will definitely wait for me to leave.

"20,000 years? How many levels of your soul power is it? It seems that it is not yet 40... How is this possible? Bai Xiao looked at Li Jiu in disbelief.

"Believe it or not, bye." Li Jiu got up.

"Wait, I can tell you the secret about Obsidian, as long as you release me!"

"Not interested!"

Bai Xiao hurriedly prescribed his last conditions, he was really afraid that if Li Jiu did not close the door after he left, the sixth-layer monster came out and divided his corpse.

"Then you let me out, I'll be your soul pet, okay? I'm a mythical dragon. "

If you're a woman, consider it, a man... Forget it. "

Li Jiu looked at Bai Xiao's appearance, he is a handsome guy who makes women unable to walk, but it is useless to me.

"What? You bastard, you actually think that I am not worthy of being your soul pet? Bai Xiao was about to explode after hearing this, "What's so good about female soul pets?" Women are everywhere, you so..." At

this time, Sakura Ruoxue on Li Jiu's shoulder couldn't hold back, and a medium degree of void flame ignited on her tail, which flung angrily towards Bai Xiao's face.

"Wow!! Bai Xiao rolled in pain, and the pain from his soul made him, the once peak king, unable to help crying.

Stinky fox!

Both the ice attribute and the fire attribute are so disgusting!


I'll unload you in eight pieces after I go out!"

Bai Xiao suppressed the killing intent in his heart, knelt on the ground and said, "Uh-uh.... Good... Count me begging you, I will give you Long Yuan, you save me first.

"It's not over like this, no matter what dragon king you are or the god of war, you must have the appearance of asking for people." Li Jiu saw that he agreed and walked back.

"Come on, give me Long Yuan."

Bai Xiao's face was embarrassed: "Uh-uh... You have to let go of half of my body first, you human being is too cunning. Li

Jiu thought for a while, this level 0 dragon couldn't turn over any waves, and it didn't matter if it was half unlocked.

"Well, I'm the most honest person and never lie." Yuguang's hand rose and fell, cutting off the chains on Bai Xiao's left hand and left foot.

Li Jiu pointed at Bai Xiao's nose and said, "After I go out, I will help you find a hostess, you can sell Moe casually... Then you can enjoy the dragon life to the fullest, be a dragon well, and don't be caught. "

Uh-huh, thank you." Bai Xiao lowered his head, and his eyes flashed with a trace of viciousness.

Let me make a pet for a woman?

Still want to sell moe?

You're insulting me!

Kill, not disgraceful!

You're ten times more foolish than prison!

Bai Xiao raised his head and laughed: "This Long Yuan... It is necessary to use your soul to be able to receive it, and foreign objects will not last long.

"Let me explain to you in advance, don't play tricks with me, otherwise you will have good fruit to eat!"

Bai Xiao quickly raised his hand: "I really didn't lie to you, Dragon Yuan is a thing of the dragon clan, even if your soul really absorbs it....... It can't improve any abilities for you, and when you take out the dragon yuan, your strength will plummet.

"That means that your strength will fall when you take out the dragon yuan?" Li Jiudao.

"Hmm." The white portrait chicken nodded like a rice peck.

"You don't care, I have to take the good things first, or I will come for nothing, and I may find a dragon spirit pet in the future." Li Jiu nodded disapprovingly.

He believed very much that the scroll in his body could definitely suppress this half-dead dragon yuan!

"Spirit pet? Isn't it a soul pet? Bai Xiao asked with some curiosity.

"Since you must say that there is an obsidian, it may just be that the names of the two places are a little different."

As a traverser, Li Jiu's ability to accept new things is much stronger than ordinary people.

Even if someone tells him one day that there are actually many planets in this universe... This is also normal, Lao Tzu crossed anyway.

The most unscientific thing has already happened, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

"That's right, Bai Xiao." Li Jiu asked casually.


"Does that obsidian of yours have a five-clawed golden dragon?"

Bai Xiao gasped: "Is it a real dragon?" I have never seen it, there seems to be a record in the ancestral home ..... It is rumored that the true dragon has fallen as early as the beginning of the chaos opening, and the purity of the dragon blood on our bodies is still dwarfed by the real dragon.

"What about Ryu? How much do you know about this thing?"

"Ryu? What is that? Haven't heard of it at all.

Bai Xiao shook his head, the disdain between his eyebrows did not seem to be pretended, he was quite proud of his identity as the Dragon King.

"Well, according to the agreement, you pass me Long Yuan, and I will help you leave this place and never owe each other." Li Jiu nodded.

Bai Xiao's expression was solemn, and he thought for a long time and slowly spoke, "Good." "

Let's get started." Li Jiu sat opposite Bai Xiao with his eyes closed, and Yuguang was behind him to protect the Dharma, not afraid of Bai Xiao's tricks at all.

Bai Xiao also closed his eyes and used his whole body spiritual power.

His body emitted dazzling golden light, and then he spit out the crystal clear dragon yuan from his mouth.

"I've already handed over Long Yuan.... It's up to you next. Bai

Xiao's soul seemed to be somewhat transparent, and he placed Long Yuan in Li Jiu's hands.

Li Jiu took this crystal clear dragon yuan that emitted golden light, and his heart moved, and several white chains came out from his chest.

Under Bai Xiao's ghostly expression, several white chains wrapped Long Yuan and quickly pulled it back into his body.

Suddenly, Li Jiu only felt that a huge ball of energy seemed to enter his soul, and the pure energy almost swallowed up his 'individual spirit'.

Fortunately, several chains continue to pull the power of Long Yuan, gradually absorbing them into the scroll, and this process takes a little time...

"Good! Fooled! Longwei! You give me a SPA! "

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