At this critical juncture, Bai Xiao roared, and the spiritual power vibration attached to the dragon chant almost scattered Li Jiu's soul!

Dragon power, a skill that can only be possessed by high-level dragons, causes full attribute weakening for creatures with a level or grade lower than themselves, and the difference in spiritual power level between the two causes a forced stun of at least 2S!

"Ding~ Firmness has taken effect."

Of course, Li Jiu has already seen this skill, and with firmness, he does not have any spiritual strong control at all.

Everything is under control.

Li Jiu quickly regained his senses, and then grinned: "Originally, I wanted to find you a hostess, mutual benefit and win-win between the two sides..... Now it seems that it is not necessary! Because today is the day you are completely gone!

"Impossible! No one can resist this trick! Bai Xiao's face was full of shock, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

His level and strength had been zeroed, and the side effects of Long Yuan's departure were negligible for Bai Xiao.

Bai Xiao wanted to wait for Li Jiu to absorb the gap of the dragon source, kill Li Jiu and occupy his body, and leave here completely.

But the plan did not change quickly, and Bai Xiao did not expect Li Jiu to get out of Longwei's dizzy time so quickly.

Who is this black-haired young man in front of you?

The core skill of the dragon clan to dominate all things and become a strong person will actually be immune to people?

Is there still a royal law for this?

Yuguang Eye, who was protecting the Dharma beside Li Jiu, was quick and slashed down with a force, directly cutting Bai Xiao's soul in two.

Bai Xiao's freed left hand and left foot were scattered like this, and gradually disappeared.

"No, you can't kill me!" Bai Xiao's soul was torn apart, and he knelt on the ground in pain.

Bai Xiao was still making the last resistance, "If you kill me, the energy core of this tower will be exhausted, and the Four Heavenly Extinction Array will also start self-destruction!"

A cruel smile crossed Li Jiu's face: "Oh? Is it? Death is not terrible, sometimes living is more painful than dying.

"I wasn't going to kill you on the spot, now you just wait here to die.... Dry like a dry battery that has been squeezed out, don't blame me for being ruthless? This is what you asked for.

"Ruoxue, put Bai Gongzi on fire."

"Yes, honey."

Sakura Ruoxue jumped down from Li Jiu's shoulder, and a red-haired fox girl appeared in this small space.

Immediately, with a wave of her jade hand, several special void flames shot out from the nine tails behind her, and they were nailed to Bai Xiao's broken body.

These special balls of Void Flame were highly condensed by Ying Ruoxue's spiritual power, which could slowly devour Bai Xiao's soul while reaching the point of torturing him without immediately killing him.

"In three days, his soul will be completely crushed into powder by double suppression." Sakura smiled.

"You liar! I curse you! I curse you not to die well! Bai Xiao roared hysterically, this time he was really going to be wiped out.

Without Long Yuan, he was no different from ordinary dragons, and it was only a matter of time before he died in this formation that constantly absorbed spiritual power without the means to recover.

"You talk a lot."

Li Jiu used his spiritual power to see that the dragon yuan in his body had been dragged into the picture scroll by those chains, and he felt that the speed at which he absorbed the spiritual power between heaven and earth had increased a lot, at least doubled!

This thing is like a guaranteed cultivation accelerator, and it's not bad.

As Bai Xiao said, Li Jiu's level did not increase at all.

Because the scroll can only preserve this dragon source, it cannot completely absorb and use its power.

Li Jiu stood up and waved his hand, "Why do you say you are suffering here?" If the sneak attack does not succeed, it will be gone, goodbye, and slowly taste the fear of death. Yu

Guangxin comprehended and restored the iron gate under his feet to its original position, and by the way, strengthened a layer of ordinary spiritual power seals.

"I curse you..." came Bai Xiao's mental breakdown behind him.

Yan Yu tugged on Li Jiu's sleeve and said, "Master Se, you are so powerful!" How did you know he was going to sneak up on us?

Li Jiu smiled slightly: "He can even kill his own father, what can't he do?" According to his own oral account, he was first destroyed in prison, and his soul was sealed here.

"Besides, the skeleton dragon girl outside has already hinted that Bai Xiao is a big liar, and only by believing him can there be a ghost!" If it weren't for the dragon yuan in Bai Xiao's mouth, I wouldn't have paid attention to him.

The big fox squeezed Yan Yu away and hugged Li Jiu's arm with a grin, "Honey, then you just kill it and snatch Long Yuan, isn't it over?" "

Yan Yu: Ծ‸Ծ

" This dragon yuan and the power of the soul can be fused, it is estimated that forcibly killing Bai Xiao will only make the dragon yuan soul fly away, which should be the reason why the prison left him, right? This thing must be very important, what a pity to waste it.

"My dear, that dead dragon seems to know the origin of the weapon in your hand... Aren't you ready to ask more? Li Jiu's right arm fell into the soft and deep academy, unable to extricate himself.

Li Jiu looked at the snow blade in his left hand and shook his head, "There's nothing to ask, I have a hunch that I want to say goodbye to them." "

Women: ???

"Since this is not the Divine Dragon Trial..... Wouldn't I be at a loss? Let's go, we don't have much time left!

Li Jiu immediately returned along the same road, and when he came to the entrance of the ancient tower, he found that there was indeed an invisible barrier blocking his steps.

Sakura Ruoxue volunteered: "Honey, let me break this seal, right?" "

Don't don't, in case this tower extracts Bai Xiao's power to repair the enchantment, I'm afraid that if we haven't gone out, this tower will self-destruct first, and we don't know the role of this tower yet, don't mess with it."

"In case the Divine Dragon Trial is gone..... We can't eat and go around.

"What should I do then?" Xiaoying is rare to sell cute.

Li Jiu said to himself, "Since you can bring me in, then you must be able to take me out, right?" He

inserted the Snow Moon Double Blade in his hand into that invisible barrier, and suddenly a gap like Tai Chi appeared on it, and a blue and a black gradually formed a gate composed of spiritual power to replace the original door.

"Let's go!" Li Jiu hurriedly ran out along the gate with the spirit pets.


The door behind him slowly closed, locking this iron tower firmly, and it seemed that it could no longer be opened....

Then two weapons popped out of it.

[Lost Soul Double Blade]: Middle-grade Lingwu, the special spiritual power in it has been completely exhausted, and two spiritual powers can be re-entered.

Li Jiu looked at the weapon on the ground a little puzzled, the Snow Moon Double Blade was the first trophy obtained in the Tulis Pyramid, and he accompanied him for a long time.

Weapons that lose their souls are equal to death, and do they also say goodbye to themselves?

"Master, your weapon...," Hako asked with some concern, she knew that Li Jiu was a nostalgic person.

Li Jiu smiled with relief: "It's broken if it's broken, it's better than being trapped inside, according to the words of the grandmother-in-law, maybe I and them are all here."

"Goodbye, old fellow." Li Jiu, like the two iron gates, waved his hand and left the tower, rushing to the original starting point.

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