This voice is somewhat familiar....

Li Jiu looked back, and sure enough, it was the black-haired demon Ji-Liu Mengyao.

Today, she is wearing a black professional suit skirt, long hair like a waterfall, wearing a pair of intellectual gold wire glasses, and a ripple in her eyes.

Under the black suit, only a snowy jade neck is exposed, but it is still full of sexiness.

Probably because she was off work, her chest was very open, towering up two round and plump soft mountains with an alluring abyss.

Sometimes the beauty does not show too much, and the touch that is exposed is more astringent!

——Li Jiu

Li reluctantly took his gaze back, presumably only the legendary eunuch or gay could not be attracted to it, right?

"Liu Mengyao.... What are you? Why is there no sound when walking? "

Little master~ We really have a relationship!" Liu Mengyao covered her mouth and chuckled, and did not directly answer Li Jiu's question.

Li Jiu faced this woman, and didn't know what to say, "Are you going to think about me because of this box of ice cream?" "

You say she's a good person, right? A lot of things didn't tell me.

You call her a bad person, right? He also gave me Shenqi.

This woman is so difficult to deal with!

"People are just the future pets of the little master... How dare you calculate with the little master?

Li Jiu handed her a small half box of ice cream: "Well, it's all a family, and this box of ice cream will give you a third."

Liu Mengyao looked at the ice cream in her hand and said very jealously: "Little master, you don't care about people at all, just give me such a little... They turned out to be... It should all be mine.

Li Jiu waved his hand very innocently, and asked very ghostly: "Liu Mengyao, do you like what these children like to eat?" In other words, you are not a spiritual pet..... Aren't you afraid of getting fat after eating so much ice cream?

"Hmph! I just like to eat, what's wrong? Isn't it more comfortable for you to pinch if I am fat? Liu Mengyao rolled her eyes and shot back fiercely.

"Ahem.... When I didn't ask.

"Master? What's going on? The black-haired 'Yan Yu' said.

It's now a number change!

Yan Wan slept a little dead that day, and she didn't know about the little ambiguities that happened between Liu Mengyao and Li Jiu.

Liu Mengyao glanced at Yan Wan: "This little sister, are you okay?"

"Whose sister do you call?" You're small!

Yan Wan straightened her chest and looked at the proud capital on Liu Mengyao's chest.

She shook her head helplessly, it's a pity that her sister's body is not strong!

As a result, only the world of Xiaoying's injury was completed.

Xiaoying: ( ́⊙ω⊙')


After a brief understanding of the situation, Yan Wan didn't care much about Liu Mengyao, anyway, she couldn't threaten her status.

I'm afraid it will be a long time before the pieces are assembled, maybe by then the master has already changed into my shape...

Half-baked is the most embarrassing, Li Jiu can't pull out his legs because of his feelings.

Liu Mengyao has also helped herself, if Li Jiu grabbed the ice cream and ran away... It's also too shameful!

Several people sat in the corner of the dessert shop, and Yuguang sat together holding Xiaoying, which was very beautiful.

Yan Yu had eaten and drunk enough to let himself go, lying on Li Jiu's lap and starting to tinker with his mobile phone, anyway, this place has been chartered by Li Jiu.

Li Jiu held the big fox with a cute look and looked at Liu Mengyao who looked like she was enjoying in front of her, "I didn't expect you to have such a girlish heart."

Liu Mengyao licked the ice cream on her lips endlessly, "Isn't it a girl?" In your eyes... What kind of woman am I?

Li Jiu looked at the stunning female president in front of him and thought seriously: "You are a very beautiful and somewhat mysterious woman.

"The little master is really frank, I like to hear others praise me for being beautiful." Liu Mengyao held her chin and stirred the rest of the ice cream with her right hand.

"Then you... Hate me?

"It's not annoying, you helped me with reason, and I touched you.... It just feels like it's all a little abrupt. Li Jiu thought about it.

Liu Mengyao smiled a little self-deprecatingly: "Is it abrupt?" But..... Something simply won't give you time to react.

Li Jiu handed the uneaten ice cream in his hand to her, "You are also right, I still want to thank you." You eat... I don't really like this kind of cool stuff.

Yan Yu turned over with some dissatisfaction and snorted coldly: "Bad master!" If you don't eat and keep your sister, you know to rob me.

Li Jiu gently patted Yan Yu's buttocks as a warning: "What are you talking about?" I just want to tell you that something that someone grabs from you is delicious. "

Omitted." Yan Yu continued to play with his mobile phone and ignored Li Jiu.

Seeing this, Liu Mengyao's eyes were extremely complicated, and she seemed to be thinking about something, and then immediately recovered as before.

After eating the ice cream.

"Thank you little master for your hospitality, I still have some things to do, so I will leave first." If there is a whereabouts of Shenqi, I will notify you as soon as possible. "

Well, that's bothering you."

Li Jiu looked at Liu Mengyao's hurriedly departing figure and suddenly said loudly, "By the way, thank you for your spirit core and teleportation stone!"

"Hmph! Count you as having a conscience. Liu Mengyao stomped her foot and quickly left after hearing this.

"Babies, we should also go home and prepare to rest, I just thought about it, how about letting Ruoxue carry us back to Anlong City leisurely?" Just like a road trip. "


After that, Li Jiu took the spirit pets to visit Shenlong, the most prosperous amusement park, the most expensive jewelry store, the most advanced 37D theater, and watched a "Pan Tonglian Evil Fight South Gate Tragedy" and "The Story Wu Xiaolang and Wen Song Had to Tell", which made the spirit pets laugh.

Recently, the shadow of continuous battles has recovered.

It was already dark, and Li Jiu returned to the hotel he came to on the first day with the spirit pets.

With Lingyunzong no longer providing accommodation, the traffic in Shenlong City has been too crowded recently, and the fixed armored airships are overcrowded every day.

The hotels in Shenlong City have all made money, and Ling Wantian has lost money to go to the bus.

Fortunately, Li Jiu still had his room because of the Supreme VIP.

Li Jiu hugged Yan Yu, and the two played mobile games together.

"Left, left, point B!"

"Right.... There is an old six! Oops, stolen again.

"Hey, Master Xuan, you are so weak, why are you dead again?" Yan Yu angrily struck two powder punches to Li Jiu's chest.

Li Jiu helplessly spread out his hands: "I'm going to cultivate spiritual power, as a master, I can't fish and play games every day like you, what's wrong with playing game dishes?"

Yan Yu curled his face: "Don't you do this every time, okay?" Isn't it fragrant to play games together?

"Jade, people always have to grow up, and I used to like playing games." Li Jiu began to reason with her.

"Besides, if I don't practice, how can I protect you and my sister?"

"I'm sorry, Master Se, I got carried away today."

Yan Yu suddenly remembered the cruelty of this reality, and the happiness in the game was all virtual.

"Master Se, come on! So I just lay flat and played the game, hehe. Yan

Yu got up and sat on Li Jiu's body and hugged him, and a tender and sweet delicious jelly reached into Li Jiu's mouth and stirred it.

"The synchronization value of Ding~ and the Holy Flower Fairy has increased by 1 point, and the current synchronization value is 83."

Yan Wan's voice sounded in his ears: "Master..... Are you... I haven't done my homework in a long time? "

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