The gentle night breeze contains a hint of spring passing past the grower, and the black tassels flutter down.

The fruit farmer quickly wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, scanning the perfect white jade in the sky with appreciative eyes.

"What a nice day today."

The beauty of the snowy scenery like pearl jade is thrilling, and the air is filled with a soft fragrance.

This time the fruit is ripe.

Anyone who sees this superb treasure will be amazed.


The protein content in peaches was twice as high as that of apples and grapes, and Li Jiu suddenly felt a little thirsty.

This fairy peach is suitable for raw food, the mouth is smooth without leaving dregs, the freshly ripe peach is hard and sweet, and the ripe peach is soft and juicy, and its taste can probably be compared with the peach of the queen mother.

Li Jiu thought so.

As the ice and snow mountains gradually melt, there is a cheerful sound of tinkling and clanging in the valley stream.

The waves crashed on the shore, and the thunder struck.

The newly recovered fish also swam happily along the dangerous secret passage towards the end.

Fish: The tide will take me where I want to go.


Lijiu looked at the "composition" he wrote, and it seemed to be quite 6.

"Master, I didn't expect you to be quite powerful."

"Fortunately, I used to score quite high in Chinese composition."

"Who asked you to compose? Hum! Yan Wan closed her eyes tightly, her expression was indifferent, and her red lips began to subconsciously open and close slightly.

"I'm sorry, I'll help you rub, last time you didn't say you wanted to buy a 'car'."

With such a beautiful succubus pet..... Li Jiu looked at the slight swinging snow wave and smiled heartily.

This is indeed a very fulfilling thing.

"Hurry up, my ankles are uncomfortable." Yan Wan noticed Li Jiu's thoughts and lay down.

A crystal clear jade foot came up, and under Li Jiu's somewhat skillful massage techniques, a faint imperceptible moan overflowed from her mouth.

"I've spared you in recent days!" Yan Wanmei enjoyed.


Li Jiu looked at the red marks on his body, and he was about to trouble Yuguang to perform the holy healing.


the next day, Li Jiu opened his eyes blankly, and he had that familiar dream again, waking up at the same time every time.

The dream kept prompting him, as if it was foreshadowing something.

Li Jiu pulled away the big red tail with some itching on his face and patted the two women beside him, which was the peak moment of Grandpa Li's life every day.

"Get up, little lazy cats."

Since the last time Yu Wanxiu was arrived by Yan Wanxiu, Yuguang got up early and began to prepare breakfast for Li Jiu's family.

Today is a big rice porridge, sauerkraut-stuffed buns, delicious tea eggs.

On the left came Sakura Ruoxue's murmuring dream, "Honey, don't mess around~ touch people's tails." After

Hakoto got up, the fox spirit immediately stepped forward and clamped Li Jiu's left arm, this guy was a little too clingy, and the lazy Sakura Ruoxue didn't want to get up at all.

Li Jiu looked down and quickly threw off those astringent thoughts, good morning medicine is better to play less!

Yan Wan on the side lowered her head and said, "Little master~ I haven't seen you for a long time, let's play games together?"

"Sister, don't!" Yan Yu's voice came from his mind.

Every morning was like this, Li Jiu was used to it, he quietly slipped out of Yan Wan's arms and looked at the calendar on the wall.

"It's almost the New Year."

Looking through the shadows of human history in the living room, he looked up and asked, "New Year?" What is that? Xiaoying

was afraid of Yan Wan's murderous weapon and was unwilling to huddle together to sleep, so Li Jiu specially bought her a middle-grade spirit tree, which was suitable for bird spirit pets to rest.

In his spare time, Xiaoying likes to read human biographies and stories, and wants to understand the world faster.

"A festive day."

Li Jiu recalled that last year he was still alone in the company to nibble on instant noodles overtime, and this year he has unconsciously reached the peak of his life.

Groups of wives and concubines..... Oh no, it's a horde of amazing spiritual pets that can be entrusted with their lives. (Dog's head saves life)

"A festive day? Could it be my brother's birthday? A strange excitement flashed in Xiaoying's eyes.

"Sort of."

Yuguang, dressed in casual clothes at home, poked his head out from the kitchen: "Master? Do you need me to give you noodles? "

It's all right, it's better to add..." Li Jiu smiled.

Yuguang quickly retracted her head, and her extremely coquettish and touching voice sounded in her mind: "Master: You are good and bad. After

Li Jiu ran to the kitchen every day to tease the little angel, he took the spirit pets and began to enjoy breakfast.

Yan Yu, who likes to nibble on bread, pouted: "Today's festival, let's not go to fight monsters, I want to put rotten at home."

Li Jiu frowned: "Rotten? What do you mean?

"Master Se, look at your mobile phone more and learn Internet language."

Yan Wan hurriedly reprimanded Yan Yu, who was gradually presumptuous: "Yu'er, you don't have big or small."

"Hehe, the owner spoils me very much, it's okay, he's not angry." Yan Yu's small feet deftly stepped on Li Jiu's thighs.

It's a pity that the heart is a little clear.

Yu Guang said, "I want it too!"

"Honey, is my tail warm?"

"Yu'er actually sneaked away?"

"Brother, they all put their legs up, and it seems that something is wrong if I don't put them up, so..." Li

Jiu nodded habitually.

"Rest at home today, don't go out anywhere. Xiaoying likes to go out and see, no one dares to stop you anyway! "

The cyan war eagle has become Li Jiu's second status symbol, and it is still very easy for Xiaoying to wander around Shenlong City.

"Everyone is resting at home, I don't go out to cause trouble, and the brother of the province disciplines me." Xiaoying smiled and took a sip of the good milk.

"Sister Wan'er, why did you let me drink this? It's so hard to drink.....,"

Yan Wan looked at the slightly barren land of Xiaoying with some distress, "Obedient, you will understand my painstaking heart in the future!"

Li Jiu looked at Yuguang, who had been picking tea eggs for himself beside him.

He really wanted all this good times to last forever.

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