Li Jiu's adventure story on the Holy Spirit Star has just begun.

The reality is harsh, and this happy ending will take a long time to try.

Li Jiu looked at the characters around him hugging each other on the sofa, watching the funny movie happily, and he remembered when the Yan Wan sisters first came.

At that time, Yan Yu was still very arrogant, Yan Wan once wore a tree apron to test herself, and now Yuguang and Yan Wan are still jealous of the fight between the open and the dark, but their relationship has become much closer.

Li Jiu looked at the alchemy manual, the level of pills he needed was too high, and there was no way to obtain them at present.

Unable to move the spirit core of the 6th-order Warcraft and the animal skin of the 5th-order Warcraft, Li Jiu is not short of money to spend in his hands for the time being.

Li Jiu was also bored when he was idle at home, and he slapped his thigh, "By the way, I don't know what Wang Chen's kid is like, improve and improve the proficiency of alchemy." Li

Jiu picked up the wristband that he hadn't worn for a long time, and it was troublesome since he needed to untie it every time he took a bath.

"Wang Chen? It's me.

Wang Chen held the phone and talked: "Brother Li! You are now the idol of Spiritual Heart Academy, you know?

"Calm, I have something I want to ask you."

"Brother Li, please speak!"

Li Jiu scratched his head: "Then the kind of elixir commonly used by the spirit masters now is more valuable?" I want to earn some money to play.

"Brother Li? Do you know how to refine pills?

"How? Will I tell you as if I were in the palm of God?

"It's okay, I'm just so shocked!" Wang Chen's voice carried endless joy, "If you return to Brother Li, the one with a large sales volume and a high profit on the market now is the Hui Spirit Pill, a third-order elixir, which can quickly restore a little of its spiritual power after use."

"There is also the Sense Spirit Pill, a fourth-order elixir, which greatly cultivates the effect of meditation spiritual power after use."

"Because this elixir has no resistance, take it casually, although the elixir that raises the level of spiritual power is extremely precious, ordinary people can't afford to eat it at all."

"Hui Ling Pill is about 25W a piece, and Feeling Spirit Pill is about 50W a piece, their price is half cheaper than normal pills of the same order, and they are loved by ordinary spirit masters."

Li Jiu put down the phone and looked it up.

Hui Ling Pill: The material is a 3rd-order spirit core, a rejuvenation grass, a bottle of high-quality spirit spring water sense elixir: the material is a 4th-order spirit core, a fossil, a bottle of high-quality spirit spring

water 3rd order spirit core is 1-2W, plus rejuvenation grass

, the cost of spirit spring water is 6W, but the price is actually 25W!

Not to mention, the spirit core is 5-10W, counting the material is about 15-20W, it can be sold for 50W!

The money grab of the red fruit!

But this is no way, not everyone can control the alien fire with spiritual power.

Moreover, ordinary alchemists have limited spiritual power, and they can produce no more than 10 pills per day, and they will become less according to the level of pills.

High-level alchemists can't see this little profit, and novice alchemists can only rub back blood medicine.

Therefore, the demand for these medium-grade elixirs is particularly large, and the profits are also high.

"What do you say? Brother Li? Do you want to make money refining?

"That's not it, I'm not short of money, I have nothing to do at home today to rub some pills to play." Li Jiu answered truthfully.

After Wang Chen listened, he couldn't help but secretly squeeze himself: I heard right? Rubbing pills to play?

Brother Li's alchemist level was already able to refine the Sense Spirit Pill casually?

Too strong!

Fortunately, I hugged my thighs early!

Wang Chen slapped his thigh and said, "Brother Li, you say an address, I will immediately help you buy a little material, just as a meeting gift for the younger brother, I will not accept the profit at all."

"It's quite good, my address is Shenlong City XXXXX..."

It's not that Li Jiu deliberately pits other people's materials, what is the younger brother for?

Isn't it convenient for yourself?

Li Jiu really didn't see the value of this elixir, so he just practiced casually to improve his proficiency in alchemy.

A lot of money is execution.

Not long after, before Li Jiu finished watching the movie with the spirit pets, a bell rang outside the door.

A very pleasant female voice sounded outside the door: "Mr. Shuaibi, the materials you ordered have been delivered, if you are satisfied, please give a five-star praise."

"Okay, I'll get it, you go."

Li Jiu was a little speechless, it turned out that Wang Chen wrote the consignee as 'handsome'.

"Sir, we need to check it personally."


Li Jiu opened the door and looked at it, and found that the courier at the door turned out to be Liu Mengyao?

Today, she is dressed plainly, only wearing light makeup, and she is full of feminine charm.

"Huh? How are you?

"Hee-hee, good morning little master." Liu Mengyao, who was wearing a courier's uniform, greeted Li Jiu, "Don't you invite me in and sit?"

"Aren't you a female president? Why do you still do the express industry? Li Jiu quickly found a pajamas to put on, he was shirtless at home.

"There are actually a lot of industries under people's hands.... Doesn't the little master like rich women?

"Like, who doesn't want the money given for nothing?" Li Jiu immediately opened the door and let her in.

The spirit pets who were originally sitting on the sofa and watching TV together looked at Liu Mengyao in unison like military training.

"I'm here to visit the door, you guys go on."

The spirit pets didn't pay much attention to her after thinking about it, anyway, as long as it wasn't an ordinary human.... Just give Li Jiu a woman who drags her feet.

Liu Mengyao sat in the living room and asked tentatively, "Little master, you want so many alchemy materials..... Could it be? "

Well, alchemy plays."

Li Jiu naturally took the space ring in her hand and began to refine the pill, without the slightest intention of concealing it.

Liu Mengyao rubbed her somewhat sore neck and took out a small bottle from her carry-on backpack.

"Do you still need to take medicine?" Li Jiu spoke while examining these elixirs.

Liu Mengyao finished drinking the medicine and said, "It's okay, because my current body is no different from ordinary people." "

Well, Jade, can you help her hang a resuscitation wind?" Li Jiu thought about it.

Yan Yu ate potato chips and said, "Well, this big sister also looks quite kind."

A comfortable light surrounded Liu Mengyao's body, her eyes were full of shock, and then her eyes looked at Yan Yu lying in Yan Wan's arms with a very complicated look, "Thank you." "

You're welcome~" Yan Yu waved at her and continued to play with her phone.

"How's it going?" Li Jiu had already checked the elixir materials, and Wang Chen ordered these materials to refine about 100 copies of the Hui Ling Pill.

This kid is interesting enough!

"To be honest, it's very powerful, much stronger than my so-called special drug."

"Liu Mengyao, something is wrong with you today? Did something happen?

"It's okay, people are just a little surprised that you can refine pills." Liu Mengyao had a very patterned smile on her face.

It's just that the strong charm before has disappeared.

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