"Ladies and gentlemen, this flight is about to land, please fasten your seat belts in advance..." came a mechanical female voice on the radio.

"Our airship is almost over Kanglong City, and there are about fifteen minutes to go."

A child jumped up happily: "Is it so fast?" It was my first time riding a spiritual airship.

"That's not it, the spiritual airship is the most powerful design in the past thousand years, allowing ordinary people to travel the sky without the help of spiritual pets, and the monsters below the ruling level can't even catch up with the speed of the airship!"


Li Jiu had been thinking, but he hadn't thought of a good way to break the game.

The haunting Liu Zhenhan will definitely wait until the moment when Li Jiu leaves the human home field alone.

It is impossible for Li Jiu to shrink in the main city for a lifetime, and he can get rid of Liu Zhenhan's pursuit by using that random teleportation stone, but as a good thing to save his life, Li Jiu is still a little reluctant to use it.

Forget it, take a step at a time, try your luck first and see if you can find Yun Fan!

Li Jiu looked at the blue sky along the transparent glass, cloudless.

At this moment, a black shadow flew by, fleetingly.

Li Jiu thought that he had seen it wrong, and quickly wiped his eyes, but he could no longer see the black shadows around the airship.

The routes here are regularly inspected by powerful spirit masters, how can there be a black shadow?

Could it be a Warcraft?

Bang bang!

A series of violent impacts came, and the airship seemed to collide with something huge and heavy, and the disobedient bear children in the aisle directly fell and gnawed.

Fortunately, Li Jiu's physical fitness was very good, and Li Jiu grabbed the nearby seat to stabilize his figure.

"Ahhh!! My teeth! "

Yay!!" The woman's high-pitched scream.

"Woooooo Hurt! "

The otherwise quiet airship was filled with the sounds of people panicking and complaining.

"What's going on? Doesn't it say zero bad reviews for safe flight services?"

"Lao Tzu caught up with the crash boat on the airship for the first time?"

Li Jiu looked at the noisy crowd around him and said, "Could it be related to the unknown black shadow just now?"

"Dear passengers, now that the spiritual airship has been attacked by unknown creatures, please immediately wear a parachute and prepare to jump the boat."

The three women in front of Ruoshui opened their eyes, and they couldn't accept this strange reality for a while.

"Don't do one or two, take advantage of now!" Shui Qingxin showed a fierce look on his face.

"Forget it, senior sister, the rescue of the Spirit Master Association will come back soon, and this is the sky over Kanglong City."

"I have a flying spirit pet, Ruoxi don't worry." Shui Qingyu looked at Shui Ruoxi with a worried face.

"These .... Everyman.

"Life and death are fateful, wealth is in the sky, Ruoxi, we can't save so many people."


A huge gray machete directly cut off the entire wings of the spiritual airship, and the airship lost its balance and began to spiral down...

Some unlucky people were cut in half on the spot by machetes that appeared out of nowhere, and before his family could cry, the entire spiritual airship was cut in half by the machete, and the whirring air flow rolled the people who were not cultivated into the air and turned them into black dots that disappeared one by one.

Li Jiu naturally did not have the leisure to pity these ordinary people with miserable fates, and he quickly took Yuguang's hand and jumped down.

Where did the people from the Spirit Master Guild go?

How could the route be attacked by unknown monsters?

And it is already about to enter the sky above Kanglong City, what about the enchantment of the city?

Not all spirit masters have flying spirit pets, Liu Zhenhan gritted his teeth and watched Li Jiu disappear from his eyes but helplessly, the attack of these mysterious monsters caused him to be completely empty.

However, Liu Zhenhan now has no time to chase and kill Li Jiu, because he is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and cannot protect himself.

Just now, two mysterious machetes cut through the sides of the airship, almost killing his dog on the spot.

"Is this ....?" Liu Zhenhan's eyes were extremely vicious, and he seemed to recognize what this thing was.


above the 10,000-meter height of Kanglong City, Li Jiu's ears were howling with a fierce wind, and his eyelids were a little unable to open.

The feather light fanned the angel wings and swooped down at high speed holding Li Jiu.

Li Jiu hurriedly used his spiritual power to protect the seven tips, and when he opened his eyes to see everything in his eyes, he was dumbfounded and unable to speak.

The purple spiritual power enchantment visible to the naked eye above Kanglong City was like a broken eggshell, revealing a huge hole.

On the other hand, the city below is full of life, blood is flowing like rivers, collapsed buildings, mutilated corpses....... And ineffable red, white, yellow...

Li Jiu is not a peerless Virgin who cannot see the dead, and on the first day he came to this world, he killed Liu Hu on a killing spree.

During the neon trip, he had seen countless neon people turn into monsters and be burned to ashes by the flame of Ying Ruoxue's nothingness.

Even Li Jiu, who thinks he is decisive in killing... He has never seen such a miserable .... Killing.

The people in Kanglong City were violently killed by strange, nameless creatures, old and weak women and children were treated equally, and Warcraft would not reason with the food on the plate.

Strangely, some 'spirit pets' who did not have a master around them fought fiercely with these mysterious monsters in the city.

And the culprit of all this, the guy who broke through the enchantment of the city is a Warcraft about the size of Ultraman.

It resembles a human and a beast like a worm, and at first glance there are countless gray arms, each arm holding a sharp huge firewood knife, which is the murderer who destroyed the spiritual airship.

Several corpse-colored arms hugged a strange head, and I saw that every time a red light flashed in the eyes of that skull, countless mysterious monsters parachuted into Kanglong City from space along these red lights.

The view of hell is no more than that.

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