"Master, what do we do now?"

"Find a way to land safely first, and then escape from here." There was no hesitation in Li Jiu's eyes.

If Li Jiu is a peerless powerhouse who can easily destroy these monsters in front of him while talking and laughing, then he doesn't mind being a savior and being admired by thousands of people.

However, Li Jiu does not have such ability now, there are wolves before and tigers after, at this time, if you have to become a Virgin Mary Pudu being, it is something that only people with brain problems can do.

In other words, now is a great opportunity for Li Jiu to shake off Liu Zhenhan.

As for Yun Fan's dog, its passivity clearly states that it will not die, there should be no accident, and it is possible that it has left here a long time ago.

A cyan figure streaked through the spirit pet space, and Xiaoying flapped its wings and quickly fell, knocking away several demon beasts that did not know whether they were dead or alive, looking for a safe landing place for Li Jiu.


"Aaaaah! Help me! "

Where are the people from the Spirit Master Association?"

"Is this the end of the world?"

There were screams of people everywhere.

Yuguang quickly landed on a shopping street with Li Jiu, and Li Jiu only saw a few corpses with a rather miserable state of death, and did not see the true appearance of those mysterious monsters.

In front of him are 2 human corpses and 1 unknown spirit pet corpse, because the body of the spirit pet has no bones left, and it is impossible to judge what kind of spirit pet it is based on the remains of severed limbs alone.

The blurred minced meat confirmed that the mysterious monster's teeth were quite sharp, and it was basically declared dead after a bite by it.

And the corpse of this ordinary human is still relatively intact, with its head tilted to the side, and a panicked expression on its face.

The other body was gnawed beyond recognition, and her mother couldn't recognize who he was.

Obviously, these guys should not have much interest in ordinary humans, and their purpose should be to devour the spirit core in the body of the spirit master and spirit pet.

Li Jiu quickly determined their purpose: these monsters were to devour spiritual power and carry out this Warcraft siege!

"Hiss~" There are strange sounds from the depths of the surrounding various shops.

Li Jiu's heart was suddenly shocked, these mysterious monsters had already discovered themselves!

Two black figures flew out, opening their blood basins and biting towards Li Jiu's neck, their sharp teeth reflecting a cold light.

Li Jiu reacted quite quickly, he quickly retreated to open the distance, this time he finally saw the true appearance of these mysterious monsters.

This is a 'big-headed doll' about 1 meter tall, like a huge head like a human baby, secreting foul-smelling green unknown mucus in its mouth, red and green intertwined...

Their bodies are rather thin and short, with bones and skin, but their nails are quite sharp, and they seem to have a black tail....

Li Jiu was taken aback in his heart: What kind of Warcraft is this?

There seems to be no record of this humanoid Warcraft in the book, and this strange feeling of splicing and fusion... Are they the product of new souls?

[Spirit Devouring Beast]

Grade: Elite

Level: Level 40

Introduction: A fusion type spirit beast of unknown origin, with a little human intelligence and the madness of a demon beast.

Skills: Sharp Poison Claw, Devouring, Fusion, Gnawing, Spiritual Power Extraction....

The green light flashed, and the two spirit devouring beasts missed the blow, but two deep scratches immediately appeared on the attacked wall!

Its attack power can be seen to be quite strong, just now these unlucky eggs should have been poisoned by these two spirit devouring beasts!

Yu Guang looked solemn, and flew in front of Li Jiu with a knife in both hands.

"Hiss~" The Spirit Devouring Beast obviously did not evolve to spit out human words.

They joined forces again to attack!

Bang bang!

Two brilliant red lotus flowers suddenly exploded in front of the chest of the Spirit Devouring Beast, and one of the more unlucky Spirit Devouring Beasts was too close to the fire lotus attack range, and was burned to ashes on the spot, and did not even scream!

"Sasasa~" The other half-dead Spirit Devouring Beast howled in pain.

The feather light only left an afterimage, and quickly rushed to its body, and the sword in its hand fell to solve this dying spirit devouring beast, and the aurora blade in his hand was not even stained with a trace of dirty green blood!

Unlike the usual demon beasts dying, these spirit devouring beasts gradually turned into blue light and flew into the body of the feather light after death, leaving only an attributeless spirit core to prove that it existed just now.

Yu Guang's expression was a little moved, "Master, the spiritual power obtained by killing these monsters is much higher than that obtained by killing ordinary monsters..." Li

Jiu nodded in surprise, the upgrading of spiritual pets in this world requires continuous accumulation of combat experience, or absorbing high-level spiritual cores, killing Warcraft will only absorb a small part of the spiritual power of death Warcraft before death.

And the concentration of spiritual power produced by these spirit devouring beasts after death is quite high, and even the blue light that can be seen with the naked eye!

Dressed in a red robe, the steaming Sakura Ruoxue came behind Li Jiu. "Honey, what should we do?"

Li Jiu thought for a few seconds, and immediately came to a conclusion: "What a lot of walking experience value... Doesn't this him a vote or a person? However, we still moved towards the outside of the city wall first, just in case. "Good


The huge Ultraman-sized monster above his head was far away from Li Jiu, so he couldn't see its attributes clearly.

As the source of calamity, Li Jiu still decided to stay away from it, simply kill some spirit devouring beasts, and run away after touching the benefits.

Li Jiu did not summon Xiaoying, because there were almost no living creatures in the air, and if Xiaoying was in the sky, it would easily become a target for huge monsters.

The combat effectiveness of the Xiaoying on the ground is average, or it is more realistic to preserve physical strength and prepare to take Li Jiu out of danger.

Sakura Ruoxue transformed into a handsome and proud nine-tailed fox lying on the ground, "Honey, come up and ride me, with Ruoxue here, it will definitely protect your life." "

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