"It's not good, Xiaoqi is petrified."

"I'm going to save him!" Some team members shouted frantically.

Lao Chu looked down at the dense group of Spirit Devouring Beasts below, and shook his head solemnly: "No.... You can't land without permission. "

This is the foot position of the huge demon beast, and the black pressure below is conservatively estimated to have at least one or two hundred spirit devouring beasts, if you fall in, don't think of it!"

"But: "

This is an order! Find a way to destroy that head, otherwise not only will we all be finished, but none of the surrounding cities of Kanglong City will be able to run! "Good


Lao Chu took the swift pterosaur to the front of the formation: "Everyone pay attention to those unknown spheres ejected from its mouth, and it will be declared dead when it is hit." "

The overall psychological quality of the dragon hunting team members is still very high, they immediately came out of the pain of the death of their teammates, one by one urged the swift pterosaurs under their feet to rotate and soar in the air, and the dragon breath spray easily crushed one spirit devouring beast after another.

"Report Captain, these strange monsters seem to be extremely fragile and completely vulnerable!" Old Zhang said with red eyes.

"Could it be that they are of a lower rank than our Vecanophyllum?"

"Kanglong City Guardian Spirit Masters also have an average of the middle and upper level of the 5th order, so it is impossible to fall so easily?"

"Strange again!"

Old Chu dodged the attack of a spirit devouring beast, and a spiritual power spear in his hand was thrown towards the huge head not far away.

The head seemed to have some warning, and quickly closed its eyes, and its thick eyelids blocked the attack of this spiritual spear.

A green blood faintly flowed from the eyelids.

Old Chu hurriedly transmitted a voice towards his teammate's spiritual power: "Its level definitely does not exceed level 55, and my astral radiance is effective against it."

"Captain, why doesn't it move so many arms?"

"Quick, don't think so much!"

"Ranged attack, aim at its eyes!"

After receiving Lao Chu's permission to attack, the dragon hunting squad summoned their spirit pets that could attack from a distance.

"Gryphon squad, come to support!"

"Flying Wing Squad, come to support!"



"Don't be tm, quickly burst the eyes of this monster, where should be its weakness!" Old Chu couldn't hold back.

"Yes, sir."

The flying spirit pet troops in the cities near Kanglong City have quickly supported and entered the battlefield.

For a time, the sky of Kanglong City was as dazzling as fireworks on the holiday, and the colorful spiritual power blasted towards the eyes of the ugly head!




The emperor did not pay off, under the premise of damaging the lives of a large number of city guards, one of the eyes on that skull was completely pierced by many spiritual power attacks, and its scarlet right eye turned into a gray stone, gradually falling out of the eye socket...

"Great, it can't continue to summon those hateful monsters now!"

The joy on everyone's faces had not yet dissipated, and the gray stone burst out a gray light before shattering, petrifying the 7 Cheng Spirit Masters and their spiritual pets in the sky on the spot.

"Groove.... How can its eyes still petrify others? And still large-scale petrification before crushing? "


The remaining spirit masters in the air wanted to quickly land and catch the bodies of their companions, because the petrified people or spirit pets fell into the mouths of the densely packed spirit devouring beasts below, and there were definitely no bones left.

"Roar!!!! Boom!

At this moment, green blood flowed from the right eye socket of the ugly head, and it spoke.

"Activate..." All

the Spirit Devouring Beasts seemed to have received an order at the same time, whether it was at the feet of the huge Demon Beast, or those who attacked humans, or those who gnawed the corpse of the Spirit Devouring Master's Spirit Pet...

They jumped together at the same time, and then ran towards the center of Kanglong, the foot of the giant monster.

A cloud of black spiritual power continued to fuse into the body of the huge monster, and the huge monster that originally did not move much seemed to be rushed by electricity, 7-8 arms were constantly waving, and the sharp machete cut the spirit masters who did not react in the air into N segments!

"Oops, how can this big guy suddenly move?"

"Haven't we already destroyed one of his eyeballs?"


"And Captain?" The captain fell! "

At this time, Lao Chu and the swift pterosaur under his feet had turned into a stone sculpture, lost its center of gravity and fell straight towards the beasts below.... There was also a swift-pterosaur that descended towards the group of beasts below regardless of its own safety.

The red-eyed old Zhang roared, "I'm going to save him!"

"Lao Zhang! Don't go! "

Roll NM! Don't stop Lao Tzu! "

The flying spirit pet troops in the sky had no way to rescue their petrified companions in time because of the complete awakening of the huge monster.

It's not that they can't save them from death, because they already belong to the muddy bodhisattvas crossing the river - they can't protect themselves.

Su woke up and the huge monster held several machetes, and his hand rose and fell, shooting the 'flies' in front of him to death one by one.


"Master, why are we going back?" It's too dangerous! Sakura Ruoxue said very reluctantly.

But under Li Jiu's order, she had to return to the battlefield with Li Jiu.

"What do we care about those people? Dead is dead?

Li Jiu touched her fox ears with pity: "Ruoxue, I can ignore the others..... But Lao Chu, he helped me defuse the pursuit and killing of Chen Bo's Chen family, and he also stood in front of me regardless of his own comfort... Facing the unfathomable Broken Army Star Monarch. "

Sakura Ruoxue:" .... Well, I'll listen to you.

"He saved me twice, and I had stood by and watched him fall into crisis... Is that still human?

Li Jiu looked up at the swift wing dragon that fell straight down in the sky not far away, "Although I Li Jiu is not a good person, I understand the truth that the grace of dripping water should be rewarded by a spring."

"Save Lao Chu and leave, never love war."


"Xiaoying, it's your turn! Yu'er, you go back first. "Li Jiu deploys the battle plan.

"Master Se, remember to look at your spiritual power, don't be impulsive!" Yan Yu returned to the Spirit Pet Space.

Li Jiuruo, who had not yet broken through level 50, leaked the fact that he was fighting 4 spirit pets at the same time.... What usher in is the scourge of killing.

Xiaoying: It's finally time for me to appear!

The prototype Xiaoying quickly took off and grabbed Li Jiu and flew high into the air, while Yuguang protected Sakura Ruoxue and simply punched a gap in the group of spirit devouring beasts below to prevent accidents.

Xiaoying's speed was so fast, in just tens of seconds, he took Li Jiu close to the petrified old Chu.

Li Jiu looked at the swift wing dragon with a complicated expression, this guy is too big, and he can't take away other people's spiritual pets.

The real body has come!

Li Jiu quickly entered the real body mode, he took out a hook-lock gun prepared in advance from the space ring and shot it towards the back of the Swift Pterodactyl, and then swung to the back of the Swift Wing Dragon in the borrowing force of Newton's exclamation 'WNM', holding the petrified old Chu waist and jumping down.

"Boy, thanks!" A middle-aged man's voice came from behind him.

Li Jiu looked up and saw that a swift pterosaur of similar size lifted the petrified swift wing dragon, but its body still hit the city wall next to it violently due to imbalance, setting off a burst of sky-like smoke.

There is no harm in smoking.

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