
Li Jiu's ears were full of the low roar of the Spirit Devouring Beast.

Fortunately, Ying Ruoxue's ability to clear miscellaneous is very strong, and along with two burning stars that are extremely hot and have a huge attack range, the Spirit Devouring Insects within dozens of zhang around Li Jiu are burned out.

Well done! Wakayuki.

Li Jiu landed safely on the ground like this, and by the way, he glanced at the petrified state on Old Chu's body.

[Petrified Spirit Master]: A human after petrification of the special ability of the head of grievances, with a remaining time of 5S.

It turned out that the thing was called the head of resentment, but fortunately, its petrification time was not very long.

After 5 seconds, Lao Chu woke up from the petrified state, and the unknown objects on his body gradually fell off....

"Li Jiu, why are you here? Leave me alone, it's too dangerous here! Old Chu roared.

"Uncle Chu, now is not the place to speak." After Li Jiu saw him wake up, he quickly summoned Ying Ruoxue.

"Okay, let's go!"

Lao Chu is not the kind of NPC of his mother-in-law, he felt that his swift wing dragon was not killed and immediately summoned his signature spirit pet, the level 48 Thunder War Bear.


After a deafening roar, the surrounding Spirit Devouring Beasts fell into a state of temporary paralysis by the sound attack of the Thunder War Bear.

Fierce rain!

With the help of the control of the Thunder War Bear, Sakura Ruoxue raised her proud head and charged up....

In less than two seconds, the sky above their heads was bursting with red clouds, blazing flames fell from the sky, and the sound of the Spirit Devouring Beasts' bitter wailing could be heard from a long distance.


Old Chu had seen Sakura Ruoxue once in the Neon District, but he didn't expect that in less than two months, this nine-tailed fire fox would become so powerful?

I am afraid that only the large-scale dragon breath attack of his own swift wing dragon can match the destructive power of this move.

Li Jiu, this guy is getting more and more perverted, and it is only a matter of time before he surpasses himself.

Old Chu lay on the back of the war bear and said, "Li Jiu, let's withdraw first, this big guy is awake, just wait for the support of the Spirit Master Association." "


With a large defensive spirit pet opening the way, and the fire support of the feather light in the sky, Li Jiu and Lao Chu easily broke through the encirclement of the spirit devouring beast.

These strange-looking spirit devouring beasts no longer chased humans and spirit pets, huddling densely under the feet of that big guy, not knowing what they were doing.

After Li Jiu broke through the encirclement, he looked up, what is the origin of this guy?

[Heavenly Demon

Beast] Grade: Monarch

Level: Level 50 (Seal Suppression)

Introduction: A mysterious Demon Beast of unknown origin, I don't know by what means it was summoned here, but because the Enchantment Suppression Level of the Two Domains dropped to 50, it has now been completely enraged.


: Unfinished Warcraft: A combination of several strange Warcraft, the grievance head in the hands of the Celestial Demon Beast is the ontology

petrification: release the petrified magic bullet, the hit enemy will be forcibly petrified for 10S, which can be dispersed by the special dispersal skill

and crush the petrification: the grievance head is severely wounded and will petrify all the enemies around it in a large area:

the huge body swings and impacts, knocking all the enemies on the ground away

Blade Dance: A series of slashing

skills Spirit Devouring Body: Can absorb the spiritual power in the body of the Spirit Devouring Beast to strengthen its

own trash fish skills: ...

After Li Jiu read it, his heart was full of shock!

This system introduced that this Heavenly Demon Beast is not a Demon Beast in Li Jiu's domain, it seems to be extraterritorial?

And it seems to have been summoned by what ritual?

That is to say?

Have an inner ghost?

"Li Jiu, don't look at it, we got its information, that head is the body of this monster." Old Chu hurriedly spoke.

He was afraid that Li Jiu's brain was hot and he would fight with the monster.

"Well, this Warcraft doesn't seem to have a high level." Li Jiudao.

The two quickly left the danger zone and came to a square.

"Roar~" Two dragon groans came from overhead.

With the smooth landing of the two swift winged dragons, Lao Zhang quickly jumped down and hugged Lao Chu's body and groped: "Captain, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, saved by this kid."

"Uncle Chu said and smiled, didn't you also save me twice?" Li Jiu rode on the back of the fox and did not mean to come down.

"Lao Zhang, immediately report to the above, and ask the Spirit Master Association to quickly send someone to support."

"Yes, Captain."

Li Jiu looked at Sakura Ruoxue, who benefited the most.

[Chiyan Evil Fox]

Grade: Shinra Level

: Level 39 Sync Value: 76

With a wide range of group damage, she exclusively enjoys countless spirit devouring beast spiritual power, and her level has skyrocketed

to 39!

A bold idea suddenly popped up in Li Jiu's mind!

All of these Spirit Devouring Beasts were flying and flowing oil spiritual power experience bodies, and there were many Spirit Devouring Beasts fused into the body of the Demon Devouring Beast that day.

If only he could take advantage of their siege to kill the Demon Beast of this day... Even if it's just a little rubbing... How long does that spiritual power last hard work?

The Heavenly Demon Beast in front of him had already been destroyed by Lao Chu and them, and they could not summon the Spirit Devouring Beast again, and it was only a matter of time before it was killed by the reinforcements of the Spirit Master Association.

Li Jiuyi was bold and looked at Lao Chu with a righteous face: "Uncle Chu, defending the human territory is the unshirkable responsibility of every spiritual master, and I want to join you temporarily."

"Li Jiu, I heard about you, but this operation is very dangerous, we should huddle and wait for reinforcements from the Spirit Master Association to work together to surround and suppress this huge monster." Old Chu said with a tangled face.

"I only know that these Spirit Devouring Beasts contain a lot of spiritual power in their bodies, which are completely worthy of high-level Demon Beasts."

"Spirit Devouring Beast? Your name is quite in line with their characteristics, I am optimistic about you boy! The mother-in-law's waiting for the order from above, the yellow cauliflower was cold. Old Zhang laughed


a little busy lately, and a little bit of cavin, the update is a little late.

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