Travel in unknown space.

Li Jiu was quite, very, very depressed.

He just wants to become stronger and accompany the spiritual pets and the master of his heart.

To save the world, the righteous partner has nothing to do with the more selfish Li Jiu.

Obviously, he participated in the Divine Dragon Ranking Battle just to find a life-sustaining elixir for the master.

Entering the Divine Dragon Trial Secret Realm is only to make himself stronger.

Looking for Hua Tianding is only to make Xin Yu's body better...

Why is it suddenly related to Warcraft siege, Star Wars, and saving the world?

The Holy Spirit Star won't turn around without me, will it? (In a sense, leaving the protagonist really won't turn.) Although

Li Jiu is a selfish person, he is not a cold-blooded and ruthless demon who makes the Holy Spirit Star miserable.

Ten thousand steps back, in case the two planets really fight, the Tianji Peak where Chu Xinyu is located may not be absolutely safe.

The more you know, the more you feel that the world is more dangerous.

[Why are you only willing to promise now?] When you wanted to contract the succubus, you didn't even want your life. A long-lost female voice sounded in my mind.

"System!? How are you? "Li Jiu, who was in the turbulence of space, 'sat up in a dying illness'.

[What do you call me?] Ben Jr.: The system has never been good.

Li Jiu lay down again: "Where have you been?" Days without you are somewhat boring. In other words, I haven't reached level 50, why did you come out? "

[Your jockey ancestor is cool, this system is not to wipe your ass? The voice of the system has changed a little, [I see you want to draw a prize or almost! ]

"I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

[Big pig's trotters! ] Sure

enough, the humanized system is more cute.

The system is a little fragmented: [What are you thinking?] I just... It's not cute... I'm a noble system! Do you understand? In other stories, swish and I will erase your consciousness!

"Ah, yes, yes, it's terrifying, the auxiliary system." Li Jiu began to tease the system as usual.

This system only has a little auxiliary ability, there is no one-click 999, and the dragon slayer knife can be sent with a click.

It can't give me a full level with one click, why scare me?

[Abominable... Stinky man! For

some reason, this time the system seemed to have found something, and it didn't move.

Once it was even almost crying by Li Jiu.

Li Jiu: ???

[Long story short, this time because you are not afraid of being seen by certain beings in the turbulence of space, I dare to come out.

Li Jiu smiled and said, "Is it that mysterious?" "

He Cheng wants to get the system serious: [I'm not kidding you, you overdrew some things that shouldn't be used, the operation of this world is a little weird, I just came up with this strategy for your safety.] [

You have more skills than I thought, maybe you will really be better than me in the future.] When

Li Jiu heard that this tone was not quite right, he hurriedly said: "System, don't go first!" I need to save the master, can you help me?" "

[Ripening this life flower?] You haven't used today's lottery, have you? The system said a little anxiously.

"Not yet, I draw the lottery before going to bed at night, and you don't know it."

[Then hurry, you will be almost at the station.]

Li Jiu skillfully clicked the shipment button.

"Do you run a daily draw?"


"Congratulations on getting a disposable item - dog detector."

[Dog Detector]: Can help you find a dog you have seen, the duration is 7 days.

[Come on and get stronger! ] The system stopped talking after speaking.

Li Jiu looked at the detector in the system space and fell into deep thought: the system on his body is really different from those novels!

What is the power of God in yourself? Why did it never take effect except for that rescue of the master?

It won't be the divine power that can only ooxx, that's too rubbish!

What kind of existence does the system really have?

What level was the woman in white just now?

Will there be any chance to go to Black Flare Star in the future?

Just when Li Jiu was thinking a lot in his heart, Yuguang's voice came to his mind: "Master, it seems that it is coming to an end!"

Li Jiu looked up at everything in front of him, he now seemed to be in the vast universe.

The galaxy in his eyes and the galaxy in his dream cannot be said to be completely consistent, they are basically extremely similar, and a planet full of golden light is close at hand.

Holy Spirit Star... Is it because of the golden planet?

The name is really arbitrary!

It seems that everything taught in the Holy Spirit Star textbook is false.

With a tremor in the surrounding space, Li Jiu felt as if he had landed!

I don't know how long it took....


Li Jiu only felt that his head seemed to be hit by a huge impact, as if he had hit something... As soon as his eyes were black, he fainted on the spot!

TMD, the transmission can not be normal?

Must the head hit the ground?

Who designed this? Be sure to kill this B!

This was Li Jiu's last thought.



"Color master!"


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