After experiencing that familiar dream, in the abyss of silence, Li Jiu opened his eyes again.

Each of the four women has a delicate and dream-like face that comes into view.

"Master? Are you finally awake? I'm so scared..." Yuguang's expression was slightly excited, and he threw himself into Li Jiu's arms.

"My dear, the injury on your head has been healed by Yuguang, you should be fine, right?" Ying Ruoxue quickly ripped off Li Jiu's dark and thick hair to see if there was any harm.

Li Jiu shook his head, he felt that he was fine and there was no big problem.

Quickly calming the spirit pets around him, Li Jiu carefully observed the environment he was in.

Darkness, endless darkness.

If it weren't for the holy light on Yuguang's body, normal people would definitely go crazy and even go crazy in this darkness for an hour!

With the help of the holy light emitted by the feather, Li Jiu found that he should now be in a mysterious cave.

There is a bottomless passage on his left and right sides, and a huge black bull statue beside him!

A faint incense breeze wafted out of the passage in the darkness.

"Master, for the safety of your life, we have not explored this place yet." Yuguang said softly.

"Let's go, find a way to get out of here." Li Jiu got up and patted the gray-brown dust on his body.

Yan Yu pointed to the entrance of the passage and asked, "Master Se, which way are we going?"

"You come back first, you who have poor self-preservation ability are not suitable for exploring such a dangerous place." Li Jiu took Ying Ruoxue and Yan Yu back.

"Hmph! You're looking down on me! Yan Yu stomped his foot angrily and could only do it.

After all, Li Jiu himself also needs Yan Wan's power.

"Yan Wan, are you there? Why haven't you spoken lately? "

Huh!? I'm in, don't know why .... I always feel like something here..... Familiar? Yan Wan's voice came out in her mind, and Li Jiu was already able to make up for her doubtful appearance.

"I thought you were hungry again, listless." Li Jiu pulled out his double blades and prepared for a fighting stance.

"Master, I can't sense a monster here..." Yuguang shook his head blankly, his expression showing great guilt.

Li Jiu touched her silky blonde hair with his hand: "It's okay.

Li Jiu set off with the feather light in this dark and windy hole, and after walking a few steps, he found that something was wrong.

Every 100 steps or so, the passage in front of him will be divided into two almost identical Yin Wind Caves, even if Li Jiu, who has been choosing the right to walk at least 10 times, the scene in front of him remains unchanged.

It's like I've been hit by a ghost....

Li Jiu was in a bad mood: "TMD, these people are sick, who is designed to disgust this anti-human cave?"

"Existence makes sense, make this kind of maze, how do you send me a few mobs?"

"The host... Are you okay? Yuguang asked with some distress.

"I'm okay!" Li Jiu said a little angrily.

"The host... Are you some... Too violent temper?

"Where did I have a temper?"

As soon as Li Jiu finished speaking, he found that he actually exported a chapter?

Generally speaking, when he is with his spiritual pet, he rarely curses.

"Isn't that right?" Li Jiu shook his head: "It should be that I didn't rest well, sorry, Yuguang."

Yuguang shook his head with a worried face: "It doesn't matter if the master beats me and scolds me.... As long as you're happy.

"I'm not a pervert!"

Li Jiu quickly covered his mouth and suppressed the inexplicable sense of anxiety in his heart.

Am I a little anxious by this darkness and labyrinth?


"Hmm." Hakoko nodded and followed.

For her, Li Jiu is her everything.


The dark cave continues to devour Li Jiu's SAN value.

I don't know how long I have been going around here, but fortunately, I have prepared a lot of dry food in the space of Lijiu's system, and I will not die of hunger for a while.

In order not to be angry with other spirit pets, Li Jiu only let Yuguang accompany him, and halfway Li Jiu wanted her to go back and explore the maze of this pit daddy alone, but Yuguang was unwilling to leave Li Jiu's side.

".....," Li Jiu clenched his fists fiercely, and everything in front of him was already tired of seeing.

Every time he passed a fork, he would leave a knife mark on the cave, which was the Nth fork, and there was not even a knife mark.

This shows that he is not trapped in one place by some force, but walks alone among thousands of branches...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Lao Tzu can't stand it! Li Jiu's pupils were stained with a little bloodshot.


Li Jiu chose violent demolition to leave here.

In the first step in True Body mode, Li Jiu ordered Yuguang to break through these cave walls laterally with himself.

He wanted to see how many channels there were?

"Holy Light Split!"

"Lightwing instantaneous!"

Bang bang bang!

The slash with the intention of rage slashed fiercely on the nearby soil wall, but these soil walls were unexpectedly weak, and two X's went down, and the soil wall on Li Jiu's left revealed a big hole... The scene in the space on the left is exactly the same as here.

"The host... This? Hamitsu was also dumbfounded.

Exactly the same left and right?


Li Jiu didn't want to repeat the same picture again, he didn't find that his heart was gradually corrupted by some strange force.

This is not some kind of mind control, but an evil that mobilizes the deepest essence of the heart of every intelligent being.

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