Qin Wujue felt that she was always prone to nameless fire recently, and she didn't come to her aunt when she checked it?

Doing things badly is a spray.

The cook's cooking is not delicious, and it is another spray.

Today, the dwarves asked the Qin family for daily necessities, and she almost spewed them out.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Is this different from me?

Qin Wujie, who had been straightened, no longer wanted to play with the beautiful maid, and after bathing, she picked up a jade flute and sat by the window and watched the bright moon faintly play a song.

Was it because of his disappearance?

Or is it because Kanglong City was destroyed, and I feel sad as a human being?

Or is there a physical condition? Unstable aunt coming?

Qin Wujue finished blowing a song every day, walked back to his boudoir, and opened the tablet.

Gray messages bounced outward.

[Condolences! Kanglong City was destroyed by unknown powerful monsters! 【

Condolences! Tens of thousands of compatriots were buried in the mouth of a strangely shaped monster. 】

【The second spirit pet of Wang Lao of the warhead died in battle, and he himself was besieged by a mysterious organization and dying. [

According to the surviving sources, the people of the mysterious organization can be beasted wantonly, and it is suspected that several high-level magical beasts have been transformed, and the main city of human beings is no longer safe. An evil organization called the 'Fuluzong' has surfaced. 】

【The Liu family, Dingtian Palace, and Ruoshui Holy Land all paid a lot of price in this battle, but fortunately, everyone worked together to completely kill the mysterious monster. The Spirit Master Association calls on everyone to carefully search the main city for suspicious monsters. 【The

whereabouts of several Tianjiao in Kanglong City are unknown......】It

has been three days since the incident.

Qin Wujue shook his head a little upset after reading these news, and an indescribable sense of loss and anxiety welled up in his heart.

Li Jiu, where are you?

You just broke into my world so unexpectedly..... And then mysteriously disappeared just like that?

Qin Wujue was holding the huge teddy bear beside him, and he was destined to sleep tonight.


Anlong City, Office of the President of Spiritual Heart College.

Lu Biehe anxiously used a special mobile phone to dial a series of numbers that he rarely called.

No one answered the phone.

"Toot toot ~ The phone you called is turned off."

Lu Biehe had been playing all night, and he had been on the phone since he saw the news of the destruction of Kanglong City on TV, and he had not closed his eyes for three days and nights.

Li Jiu's wristband had already been exploded by him, and the same stone sank into the sea without reply.

Lu Biehe's eyes were in a daze, and he lay on the sofa in the office with his head up: "Ruoxi, you must not have an accident!" "

Toot ~ Hello? Do you still know how to call a dead head? Why didn't you die in your broken school? Your daughter's life is not as important as your broken mission? A string of women's angry scolding came from the phone.

Lu Biehe's eyes regained his senses, and he quickly picked up his mobile phone and said, "Ruoxi, is she okay?"

"I'm okay..." Shui Ruoxi's voice came out of the phone.

Lu Biehe giggled like a child: "It's okay, it's okay if it's okay." "

I've met that Li Jiu you said, he..... Caught in the storm of that unknown beast... I am afraid that there are no bones left. Shui Ruoxi said with some sadness.

Lu Biehe listened to the mobile phone and fell to the ground.

Finished.... It's all over.... That was a disaster that even Elder Wang couldn't bear.

Li Jiu didn't even comprehend a field technique, and the end can be imagined.


Northwest Willow's house, inside a bedroom that looks quite luxurious.

A beautiful woman with a delicate face and a plump body lay in the arms of a strong man with bronze skin and said, "That dead old man is too old, and he is full of yin qi!" "

It turned out to be the concubine of Na Liu Zhenhan Xinna who cheated with the slave.

Since Liu Zhenhan's spiritual achievements, he has been with corpses all day long... Nature and people are not very good anymore.

That is to say, if his son dies, it is one less, which is why he hates Li Jiu to the bone.

The strong man smiled and hugged the 'big' lady who was thinking about it: "We Zhuang Ding make cattle and horses for his Liu family every day... Horse... Right, ma'am?

"By the way, what happened to the old man's spirit lamp?"

"Extinguished!" 1111 smiled narrowly, "Kanglong City fell, and the dead old man was estimated to have been gnawed into bone slag by the monster.

"Hmph, that's wonderful! At that time, we can....."The beautiful woman has already figured out how to distribute the property and how many handsome guys to keep!"

Just when the two were planning to have a late-night pure exchange.

A ghostly figure flashed into the room.

The two in the secret affair found that the visitor was covered in blood like a dead ghost, and they were so frightened that the three souls were lost.


Liu Zhenhan, who was covered in blood, looked at the two people in front of him but did not get angry, he had already walked away from the ghost gate.

"Adulterers and adulteresses, death is cheap for you." Liu Zhenhan looked at the beautiful woman, and a fine light flashed in his eyes: "This time is my old life, the necrocy technique takes effect, three corpses are missing one, I just need this big supplement."

1111 naturally knew what kind of devil Liu Zhenhan was, and he quickly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Sir, the slave was seduced by the lady and did not control the lower body for a while, please give the master a pain!"

"Love to play, huh? So many yin corpses lack yang I still worry, you can be a sperm supply machine! Liu Zhenhan smiled and slapped his palm on the 1111 Heavenly Spirit Cover.

"As for you..... Humph! "

Sir... I was wrong, please..... Yes!!!!!

"Huh!!! No!


An extremely miserable cry spread throughout the courtyard of the Liu family, and the slaves quickly turned over and snorted, which unlucky ghost provoked Old Master Liu to be trained into a corpse puppet, right?

Liu Zhenhan smiled with a lewd glare: "This Li Jiu that kid should be completely dead, but it's a pity that the Supreme Xuan Spirit Art is missing.... But the Liu family has one less henchman! "

I'm going to step up my cultivation to restore my strength..... The gang outside the region is already restless, and the treaty of many years ago has long lost its countervailing power. "

Three corpses missing one, it's not good."

Liu Zhenhan looked at the beautiful corpse beside him, and then looked at the flesh and blood in his hand.

He had a way to evolve the female corpse named Lan Ling, but in that case, the Yin Qi in Liu Zhenhan's body would be heavier.

The harmony of yin and yang will unconsciously inhale the yin qi, and excessive accumulation of yin qi will block the spiritual vein, and the light will be short-lived, and the heavy will be violently killed on the spot!

Liu Zhenhan shook his head... He can't do this anymore, but if he doesn't quickly improve the ability of the corpse pet in his hand, there will be big trouble!

Then that's it!

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