Li Jiu is rampaging through this strange cave!

Bang bang!

After not knowing how many weak soil walls were shattered, the scene in Li Jiu's eyes finally changed!

What catches your eye is a huge palace, and the original luxurious decoration has become dilapidated after thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

What was once golden and imposing has been transformed into black stone rubble, and the coli rubble that collapsed in front of the door tells that this is a place off the beaten track.

Unfortunately, the original appearance of the statue can no longer be seen, and a black mysterious door is firmly closed...

"The host! Here..." Yuguang quickly took Li Jiu's hand.

Li Jiu did not speak, and walked up to the gate of the palace with Yuguang, and the plaque on the door was stained with dust, and there were a few words engraved on it [Wind Demon Hall].

"Wind Demon Temple? How does it sound familiar? Li Jiu scratched his head.

Ying Ruoxue, who was dressed in a red robe, walked out of the spirit pet space, and she hugged Li Jiu's head tightly and came with a facial cleanser.

"Honey, you'll be more comfortable this way, won't you?" Ying Ruoxue's eyes were full of love and care, "Wind Demon, a legendary monster that has reached the mythical level thousands of years ago, is said to be a banshee that is spiritualized by pure wind energy, and disappeared after the battle of Hulei.

"This demon is extremely evil, likes to eat people, has destroyed several human cities, everyone is cursed, and is a representative of the compulsory course of the first year of high school."

"So it is." Li Jiu didn't struggle much, "It seems that this is the end of the Endless Cave, let's go and meet this so-called banshee for a while!" After

enjoying the facial cleanser for a while, Li Jiu pushed open the simple and dilapidated door, and the stench came to his face.

Sakura Ruoxue frowned: "Uh... This smells so bad! "

There are monsters!" Yuguang was the first to pull out the aurora blade and rushed ahead.

Li Jiu covered his mouth and nose and looked at the enemy, this was a formless, god-like elemental spirit composed of green energy cores!

They floated freely at the entrance of the main hall like a faint cloud.

[Yin Wind Demon]

Grade: Elite

Level: Level 43

Introduction: A special monster formed by the condensation of natural wind elements, which becomes violent and bloodthirsty due to the corruption of the wind witch banshee, killing all outsiders.

Skills: Shadow Wind Split ...

The corruption of the Wind Banshee?

"Woo hoo~"

Li Jiu did not have time to analyze the detected information, these Yin Wind Devils sensed the wind from the outside world to break into it, and they looked back in unison, it was terrifying!


The Yin Wind Devils suddenly let out a special cry that made chills down their backs, and one split into three.... About 10 Yin Wind Devils instantly appeared in the hall!

The wind blade accompanied by faint black qi cut the air and slashed towards Li Jiu!

"Come on, let's all die!"

Sakura Wakayuki, who received the order, turned into a prototype, and Hamitsu and Riku protected the evil nine-tailed fox at the same time.

It's a pity that these murderous and menacing wind system wind demons in front of them face the Shinra-level Sakura Ruoxue... That's what sends experience!

No matter how many ants there are, don't want to bite the lion king to death!

What's more, there are Yuguang Lijiu and the two close protectors?

With a large-scale holy light slash and a burst of light feather arrows, the weaker Yin Wind Devils had already been turned over by the shocked people.

Thunderous explosions sounded in the empty hall, and the appearance of the Flame of Nothingness caused the temperature in the hall to skyrocket, and the hot gas like hot magma rushed towards the Yin Wind Demons.

Unsurprisingly, the Yin Wind Devils let out a miserable howl the moment they touched the Burning Star and the Fierce Rain!




The sound of the spirit core falling on the ground is particularly crisp, crackling like fried beans!

"Ruoxue is so strong." Ha Guang put away his weapon a little speechlessly.

This opportunity for large-scale vegetable abuse is completely tailored for Sakura Ruoxue.

But the battle was far from over, the whimpering roar of the black wind came again, and several Yin Wind demons floated from the depths of the hall, Li Jiu glanced at the number of enemies, this time there were actually more than 20!

"It's my turn!" Yan Yu jumped out of the spirit pet space happily, and the light of the revival wind wielding her jade hand constantly flickered on the bodies of Ying Ruoxue and Yuguang.

Ying Ruoxue, who had opened unlimited firepower, no longer cared about the crazy output of spiritual power towards the Yin Wind Demons, and they were greeted by a sea of fire in the sky, and the dark hall was reflected extremely red!

The effect of divine anger is triggered again!

Yin Wind Demon: AWSL!


The entire Wind Demon Hall trembled three times, the monstrous fire wave swallowed everything in front of him, and Ying Ruoxue's body once again bloomed with an upgraded light!

Li Jiu looked at the brilliant fireworks in front of him and nodded secretly: Cool!


with the end of the flame frenzy, all that remained was emptiness, and not even a Warcraft crystal nucleus remained.

This may be the inflammation of nothingness, the meaning of nothingness.

Sakura Ruoxue shook her head helplessly: "I'm sorry dear, the effect of divine anger is relatively random, and I can't completely control this power."

"It's okay, let's move on!" Li Jiu gently caressed the soft fur of the big fox's whole body.

It's cool.

The originally quite tricky guard mob was easily suppressed by Sakura Ruoxue.

The interior of this Wind Demon Hall was extremely huge, and the paths and halls that were originally filled with Warcraft became extremely empty at this time.

"Color master... There seems to be someone in this? Yan Yu held Li Jiu's arm and did not dare to let go, the little girl was still afraid of ghosts.

Ying Ruoxue lay on Li Jiu's shoulder in dissatisfaction and shook her head: "Don't talk nonsense!" There will be no one inside, and there will be some kind of banshee!

"If you're afraid, go back."

"People... I'm not afraid of ghosts!

So Li Jiu took the feather light and searched the inside of the Wind Demon Hall carefully.

It is not difficult to see that this was once a luxurious and extravagant palace, and the legendary wind witch banshee is the female stone hammer!

Among them, the front yard, the living room, the atrium and other facilities are quite complete, and unlike the dilapidated gate, the inside is well preserved and does not seem to have suffered the corrosion of time!

After making three circles in the Wind Demon Hall, Li Jiu and his group did not find any living creatures!

"Yuguang, have you made any strange discoveries? In other words, the decoration of this wind demon hall is really good, and I will have the opportunity to get such a magnificent dormitory in the future, right?

Yu Guang shook his head a little discouraged, "Sorry master, only one house can't be opened, and the others are nothing strange." "She didn't sense the presence of any spiritual power.

Since Yuguang came to this mysterious place, the function of spiritual power perception seems to have been sealed by something.

"Could it be that the banshee is dead?" Li Jiu touched his chin, "Go, go and see." "

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