"Here, master."

Yu Guang took Li Jiu to a small room in the atrium, and the pitch-black iron door was firmly locked, as if he didn't want anyone to enter it!

For some reason, Li Jiu felt that this relatively delicate small house in front of him must be out of place with the entire Wind Demon Hall, and it seemed to be forcibly welded up.

"The other rooms have been searched, and no creatures have left traces of life, except for those Yin Wind Devils born in heaven and earth, there is only us."

After Yan Yu heard Yu Guang's words, he calmed down and walked out of the spirit pet space: "I'm relieved about this!" Hamitsu sister yyds!

"I went around too, I thought there was a female boss." Li Jiu said dejectedly.

Submit to the female boss or something, you can also have it!

"Master Se, it's worthy of you!"

After playing with the spirit pets for a while, Li Jiu found that he didn't seem to be so irritable in this Wind Demon Hall?

Is it all your own delusion?

Maybe you've experienced too much and your spirit is too tight and you're a little anxious, right?

"Yuguang, open the door!" Li Jiudao.


Bang bang!

The feather aurora blade slammed into the door of the mysterious hut, but the dark iron door did not react at all, and it did not move.

Li Jiu didn't think that an iron gate could withstand the attack of a mythical spirit pet: "So hard? I got it! Let's go together!

"Honey, wait!" Ying Ruoxue hurriedly spoke.

"What's wrong?"

Ying Ruoxue, who turned into a human form, pointed to the gap under the iron gate and said, "Under the door......... There seems to be a strong sense of hatred, let's not go in.

Li Jiu frowned and expressed puzzlement: "Hate?

"Yes, a kind of blood regret.... Surely someone once got into it .... Then something happened to me! Ying Ruoxue said worriedly.

The expression on the absolutely beautiful face was not fake, and there was no need for Sakura Ruoxue to lie to herself.

Yuguang did not feel any danger, and she said bluntly: "But I have searched this room except for this room, and there is really nothing worth noting."

The fox ears on Ying Ruoxue's head fell, and she said a little embarrassed: "I... Just a hunch like this .... Dear, I'm sorry. Looking

at the beautiful fox lady with a somewhat lost expression, Li Jiu quickly hugged her delicate body.

For some reason, a desire suddenly rose in Li Jiu's heart, and he gently tasted Ying Ruoxue's silky and sweet earlobe.

The hand also flew towards Miao Manjiao's body, who was only wearing a red robe.

Although Ying Ruoxue liked Li Jiu very much, she still whimpered very shyly: "Woo~~ Don't be here, everyone is watching." The

huge white jade unsealed the seal, and the cute blood fox stood proudly in the slight cold wind, because Sakuraruoxue's shyness was a little up and down like a roller coaster, and it was seen that people's electrocardiograms were rising.

"My dear, it's too dangerous here, let's go back again..." Sakura Ruoxue felt a chill in her body, and her hazy eyes saw that her little fox was exposed, and her virgin nature made her cover her body.

Li Jiu quickly let go of the charming and moving cherry blossom and quickly shook his head.

What's wrong with me?

How could you think about these things in such a dangerous place?

Although Li Jiu is not Liu Xiahui, he is not a person who commits adultery in the day and has the brain of sperm worms.

This strange feeling that makes people lose control inside.... What the hell is going on?

Li Jiu let the spirit pets protect the Dharma by his side, and he quickly sat cross-kneeled, closed his eyes and quietly wanted to enter the cultivation stage of the Desire Cultivation Method.

Originally, it took Li Jiu about 5 minutes to enter a meditative state.... But this time it took him a full 30 minutes to concentrate!

The nameless anger and impatience in the cave, coupled with the sudden burst of desire just now, made Li Jiu a little scared.

It's good that this is not meditation, after communicating spiritual cultivation, Li Jiu found that the various desire values in his heart had exceeded the limit of his usual days!

Very thirsty!

Very hungry!

Would love to vent!

I really want to be colorful!

Would love to hit someone!

Would love to......

. The explosive desire unconsciously filled his heart, and Li Jiu secretly said something bad and hurriedly ran the mantra of the Desire Cultivation Method.

The so-called cutting desire is to use the heart as a sword to cut off desire.

When the sword of heart encounters the inner desire body, Li Jiu's heart will suffer a sweet corrosion.

Lust and intellectual curiosity, the two desires that had already 'cleared', also pounced like hideous demons at this time!

At this time, Li Jiu understood why his emotions were out of control, and the place he was now in was like a huge emotional catalytic field, and the originally seedling-like desires would be infinitely amplified here!

In the cave, Li Jiu will become extremely irritable because of the boring repetition, and just now hugging Sakura Ruoxue affectionately will become... Extremely astringent.

It turns out that they are all strange in the space they are in!

Originally, this dangerous place was quite dangerous for ordinary people.

For example, people who like to eat will be very hungry when they come here and eat whatever they see.

People who like to be lazy may not be able to sleep here, resulting in laziness and gasping for air, resulting in death.

People who like to read will read books here, see madness, etc....

But for Li Jiu, who possessed the Desire Cutting Cultivation Method, this was a good place to cultivate.

With the power of two sins, he is less affected by lust and gluttony, and is still within the control of his emotions.

The heart sword in his mind became more and more pure after continuous smelting, and the white spiritual power around the sword body seemed to evolve into a series of special qi!

Li Jiu abandoned the distractions in his mind and forgot to eat.

This is the joint cultivation of spiritual power and spiritual power!

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

After 5 hours of cultivation, Li Jiu cleaned up the originally swollen desires in his heart.

"Use the heart as a sword and cut off desire!" Li Jiu opened his eyes and shouted.

Host: Li Jiu

Physical Strength: Level 32 (Combat Boost) Spiritual

Power: Level 41

"Finally Breakthrough! Fifth Order Spirit Master, it's done! Li Jiu looked at the spiritual power in his body excitedly, and the pure white mixed with a little blue became more and more pure.

Li Jiu has overdrawn the level 40 Heaven-Gifted Imperial Art [Divine Chess-Soldier] in advance, and he needs to find special Divine Chess for each level of Imperial Skills to unlock in the future.

Fortunately, the level 50 domain technique is no longer worried, and Li Jiu patted his butt with satisfaction and got up.

Li Jiu then found that Sakura Ruoxue turned into the original form to protect him, no wonder he didn't feel cold at all just now.

"Hard work on you, Ruoxue." Li Jiu touched her head dotingly.

"Hmm... Let's go back again... Do.

Yuguang, who was kneeling next to him and praying, also opened his eyes and asked a little reverently: "Master, do we still want to break open this door?"

Li Jiu shook his head: "This is indeed an excellent place to cultivate spiritual power, and it is good to hide here for more than ten years, but we still have something to do." "

Let's go, since you can't open it, forget it."


There was no wind demon in the Wind Demon Hall, and Li Jiu returned to find another way.

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