Just after taking a step out of the Wind Demon Hall, the inexplicable sense of depression in the air made Li Jiu a little breathless!

"Master? You? Yu Guang hurriedly threw a holy healer.

Li Jiu smiled: "It's okay, you guys go back, this feeling is here again."

Looking at the messy cave in front of him, Li Jiu walked forward without hesitation.

Facing this endless darkness again, Li Jiu felt that if it weren't for the presence of a feather light around him, he might have suspected that he had dissipated into the sky.

It is as confusing as heaven and earth opening up chaos without self.

That indescribable sense of loss of control hit Li Jiu again, but this time Li Jiu was fully prepared, and he used great perseverance to suppress the anger in his heart and walked along the passage in front of him.

With the breakthrough of the spiritual power level, Li Jiu's control over self-perception rose another level.

For the next week, Li Jiu continued to explore this strange and terrifying cave with his feather light.

Sakura's level has reached level 40.

The spirit core that had recently been collected and collected by the white was also converted into a light attribute spirit core by Li Jiu, and the feather light was also successfully upgraded to level 43.

Every day before going to bed, Li Jiu released the spiritual pets to tell stories together, so as to relieve mental stress.

Fortunately, his system space has long been filled with sufficient food, and he can carry it for 1-2 months.

"Master Se, how long have we been here?" Yan Yu ate the shortbread and lay in Li Jiu's arms and muttered.

Li Jiu glanced at the time in the system space: "If memory serves, it should be more than a week, right?"

"Brother, you have to relax your mind, there is no absolute cage in the world, we must have a way to get out." Xiaoying squatted on the ground to help Li Jiu operate the spiritual induction cooker.

Sakura Ruoxue was tearing her bubble noodle pocket, "Honey, don't worry!"

Yan Wan, who usually talks the most, hugged Li Jiu and hummed softly like a child to sleep: "My head has been hurting a lot recently, and I always feel that something will happen.... Now I understand, it's rage.

A flash of essence flashed in Li Jiu's eyes: "What rage? "

The blue fury of the Seven Sins Devil always looks for the enemy's weakness to invade the mind and lead it into the furious hell, and I had some doubts on the first day I came... After so many days of confirmation, the owner's unprovoked emotional storm should be related to it. "

Huhu~ master, eat noodles." Yuguang quickly handed the cooked instant noodles to Li Jiu and blew on the air.

"Good! Thank you, and after this meal we move on. Li Jiu looked at the spirit pets who were accompanying him and smiled slightly.

Fortunately, they have them to talk to themselves, or they would have been trapped here alone, they might have gone insane long ago, right?

Yan Wan continued: "It is rumored that the creatures infected with the sin of rage will attack everything like madness, and even hurt the closest people around them.

"My headache is getting stronger and stronger, and I have 70% confidence that the real rage lies in this mysterious cave."

Li Jiu sucked on the noodles, "That is, Suo... The source of pressure in the air is anger?

"If I'm guessing right.... Should be. Yan Wan held Li Jiu's face very distressed, "The seven sins of human beings are the most corrupted, hard work for you, master."

Li Jiu listened to the spirit: "That is to say, if you turn over this rage, your strength will increase again?"

Yan Wan smiled gently, "Master don't be too anxious, it's different from me, who contracted with you, the endangered and dying gluttony." Moreover, the power of the seven sins is the corruption caused by seducing the depths of human nature, not the spiritual manipulation, so the firmness attached to Yuguang is useless against the seven sins. "

It's enough for me to spend this life by your side, as for collecting the original power.... Let it be. Yan Wan quickly gave Li Jiu a light peck on the cheek, and then leaned into Li Jiu's arms with an indifferent smile.

The slender waist like a willow, the plump and fat warm fragrant buttocks did not stimulate the desire in Li Jiu's heart, but provided Li Jiu with endless fighting intent.

"I know!"

After Li Jiu finished eating the noodles, he quickly entered a meditative state to calm his slightly anxious heart.


"Go!" After Li Jiu adjusted, he quickly got up, and there was no confusion in his eyes.

"It's just a demon!" Yuguang swung his double blade in his hand towards the air.

After Yan Wan's point, this time you only need to feel the source of malice in the air with your heart, and you should be able to find the hiding place of [Rage] by touching the melon!

Li Jiu closed his eyes slightly and felt the world with his heart, and soon he seemed to see a faint scarlet aura floating in the endless darkness ahead!


It seems to be like the original malicious detection!?

These faint scarlet aura guided Li Jiu through a mysterious fork like a road sign.

With navigation is fast, and as the distance to the fury gets closer, the scarlet aura around it becomes stronger and stronger.

In order to prevent losing control and hurting his precious spirit pet, Li Jiu took back Sakura Ruoxue and the flightless shadow, this relatively small space was not suitable for them to fight.

After kicking over the last weak soil wall, Li Jiu was surprised to find that he had returned to the original point after making a big circle?

It's just that I entered from the → at first, and this time I came out from the ← side.

The eyes of that huge black bull statue seemed to be emitting a faint red light!

"So it's you!" Li Jiu cursed secretly, jumped up and kicked the head of the black bull statue.


The round bull's head suddenly fell to the ground, and inside the headless statue was actually a chaotic darkness?

"This is a secret door?" Yuguang frowned, and then quickly shouted: "Not good, there is an enemy attack!" "

But it was too late, countless blue lights suddenly emitted from inside the Black Bull statue, forcibly pulling Li Jiu and Yuguang into it!

The bull's head that was originally on the ground floated strangely and returned to its body, and calm seemed to return to this strange cave.

The collapsed wall on the left announces that Li Jiu has come.

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