
10 To Soar

"Ryan's a prince?!" Gale, Elektra, Aloe, and Xero exclaimed.

"Ryan's a dude?!" Amber remarked.

"Ryan's alive?" Yami said with mild shock.

All seven had prior encounters with Ryan, having created all of their sOr weaponry.

Gale, Elektra, Aloe and Xero were also good friends with Ryan, as he regularly supplied their respective divisions with sOr technology. To them, he was their "Science Guy".

Amber had commissioned him to create a new hand cannon for her during her time as a vigilante, however they only communicated via private sOr connections, so she had never met him. She thought he was a girl judging by the way he texted lolol.

Yami had met him once at Force Force, when Ryan activated a trial session one day. When attempting to bench the 50kg Dumbbells for his first set, Ryan lost consciousness and Yami immediately called for an ambulance. Having not heard from him since, Yami assumed the worst. It wasn't like that at all though, Ryan was just too embarassed to come back.

"Indeed he is." Hikari replied, addressing all the confusion.

"But why keep it a secret?!" said Gale, upset that this was kept from her despite her rank.

"Hm." said Ryan, before taking a few seconds to think. "No reason ^.^"

"Don't be so vague!" the Empress shouted, smacking him in the head. Xero rubbed his own head. Amber had performed the same playful act of violence on him too many times for him not to feel the impact of watching another.

"You're the one to talk." Hikari said under his breath. The Empress glared at him before sighing.

"The truth is," she said, now addressing those in front of her, "as you are all aware, the Royal Family's heads are constantly targeted. We could not let Ryan hold that burden. For his entire life, his mind and consequently his technology were too crucial for the Kingdom's prosperity to risk his life being in danger. So we kept it a secret for his own protection."

"What about Light Boy over there?" Gale said as she pointed saltily at Hikari. "Why does he know?"

"Hikari is the Head of the Royal Guard and closest to myself. It was essential for him to know, and now, so do all of you. As fellow members of Vanguard, it is only fair for you all to be given the truth."

Gale eased up. She, along with her fellow knights, understood what had to be done and were ready for what's to come.

"Fair." she said before turning to Ryan. "So you'll be part of Vanguard too?"

"Indeed." he replied. "My facility will act as both our training grounds and base of operations. I'll take us there now!"

Ryan kissed his sister on the cheek and rose from his throne. Suddenly the glass behind them had opened up, and Ryan jumped out, much to the others' confusion.

"What the fu-"

Before Xero (who had lost his cool) could finish his reactive profanity, Elektra's sOr had activated, slowing her perception of time. As she dashed out of the window and down the side of the main tower, she saw that Ryan had mounted what looked like a large floating bear, and she quickly jumped aboard, with many many questions in her head.

As Tedi rose, Ryan smiled at her, and shivered in glee. His daydreams of being with the team (and specifically on the bearino) had finally manifested. He then turning to the rest within the throne room.

"Jump on!"

Hikari acknowledged the Empress by raising her hand to his forhead, then leaped out to join them aboard Tedi. He noticed she was larger than the night before.

Xero, who had instantly gained composure, acknowledged the Empress in similar fashion and jumped on Tedi.

Amber, still quite confused by the past 10 minutes, followed suit, joining her team on the bear, which then headed west for Ryan's lab.

"What about them?" she asked. In her mind they had just abandoned their comrades in a fashion she couldn't ever have imagined.

Hikari's eyes remained forward. "Don't worry" he said confidently. "They're coming."

Back at the throne room The Empress gestured at the three remaining knights, who readied their arsenal. "No need for formalities. You may go c:"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gale said, spawning her wings and blasting out towards the rest of the group.

"Box" Aloe commanded, before jumping on her now activated case and floating outside. She paused and turned towards Yami.

"Need a ride? c:" she said in a purposefully cute tone.

Yami grinned and winked at her.

"Thanks but I'm okay :3." He finally leaped out of the throne room and his gauntlets' repulsors activated, allowing him to levitate.

As they flew towards the rest, Hikari looked back towards them and then to his Tedi passengers. Each one of them eagerly looked back, reassuring him. They were ready.

He then fixed his eyes forwards, above the Zephyrian City and towards the horizons. This image of them flying high in the sky represented who they were. Throughout their lives they defied gravity, soaring far above the rest and now they were the chosen ones to lead the Kingdom further.

They were Vanguard. Finally assembled, plus a bearino. Exciting :)

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