
11 To Reac

Aloe squinted through her glasses. "Doesn't that kinda look like a doge?" she asked Yami, who glided beside her.

Yami focused his vision onto the island, before slightly recoiling his head at the sentiment. "Yea, it actually kinda does."

As Vanguard steadily approached, they marvelled at Ryan's canine-esque abode, comprised of two very large white, extremely modern looking (even by Zephyrian standards) buildings adjacent to each other. The large one on the left was rectangular and much larger, serving as Ryan's main laboratory and the body of the doge. The smaller one on the right was Ryan's "Palace", a modern, blocky mansion, now acting as Vanguard's home, forever resembling the head of the doge. Much wow. Such amaze.

The facility was surrounded by a ring of forest which encircled almost the entire island, only disturbed by the science facility's landing strip, the mansion's front garden and a waterfall on the opposite end of the island, where the river within the forest concluded. As with the Zephyrian Boulders, no one truly knows the where this water goes. But since the space below wasn't of concern to the Zephyrian population, no (arguably silly) debates were to be made.

Gale was the first to arrive onto the landing zone, flipping forward in the air as her wings folded back into her cape, before touching down. She was shortly followed by Yami and Aloe, the former deactivating his gauntlets and grounding in a powerful and epic fashion whilst the latter remained afloat on her box. Tedi's passengers weren't far behind, and as they landed all but Elektra dismounted Tedi, who stayed aboard the bear. Her eyes were large with curiosity and wonder.

"It didn't make a sound! So cool!" she said squishing the flufferino. "What's it's name?"

Ryan crossed his arms proudly, noting "It's a her, and her name is Tedi xD"

"Tedi..." Elektra replied, stroking her chin signifying her deep-in-thought-edness. Her face became absolutely serious, as her boots illuminated and her sOr charged up. Everyone watched with concern, doubt and bewilderment as an incredible amount of purple electricity eminated from her legs, and she crouched down to what looked to be a position to attack. "I..

"love it!!!!! \u003c3" she exclaimed, as she zoomed around the bearino several hundreds of times around before hugging it tight. Ryan, who immediately and totally bought into the hype, embraced the bear also.

He was the only one lol.

Yami and Aloe stood (or in Aloe's case, sat) unimpressed. ._.

Amber remained perplexed. This day was getting weirder and weirder. :/

Xero smouldered in the corner, to noones attention. ;)

Hikari was stanced up with his hammer, much to Gale's amusement. "Hehehehe you thought she would do something reckless" she laughed.

"Well yea, her stance was threatening. She took off at a speed even I had trouble keeping track of, and I thought I had to neutralise her."

"Don't worry, she won't heartlessly attack you or anyone else. She's the frikkin Chief of Police, for good reason."

"But I've heard of the violence..."

"We all have," Gale said, now taking him more seriously. She put her hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "But you can trust her with your life. I know I do."

Hikari understood when Gale meant what she said, and so relaxed his grip, to which she chuckled again.

"Besides," she said, leaning in to whisper, "she's faster than you anyway." ;)

Hikari stood blank faced. He really didn't care, which slightly frustrated her.

"Anyway," he said, as he pulled the prince off of Tedi and helping him to his feet. "Prince Ryan will give us a tour around the facility and then we'll get settled into the mansion."

"Indeed! I've got new toys for you!"

"Toys?" said Aloe, waking up slightly at the thought.

"Yes! Please, come this way" Ryan said, as he skipped towards the facility.

Amber was even more confused at his exuberance and apparant enthusiasm. "Just how old is he?", she asked Yami.

Yami recalled his prior (unknowing) experience with the prince. "He seems like 10 year old, but he had once access to my gym so he must be at least 16."

"He's 28." Hikari said plainly.


They walked through to Laboratory A, an immensely large hall packed with prototype aircraft, bikes, firearms and blades. sOr galOre. There were multiple workstations littered around, each fitted with Super ProcessOrs and too many peripherals for any sane person.

"This is Laboratory A, the creation lab" Ryan proclaimed as he threw his arms out, triggering the voices of the holy choir. Epicness, he thought.

All but Elektra were visibly unimpressed, but this did not discourage him.

"Ah okay, not your style. I get it, I get it. Tedi, shuffle Hip-Hop Playlist."

They all expressed slightly more interest at the sound of the new music, which quickly simmered down but persisted quietly in the background. Ryan then walked to an empty platform and activated his sOr harness, spawning fibres which started to weave together.

"It's been far too long since I made weapons for each and every one of you, weapons powerful enough to effectively utilise your powerful sOr."

His fibres formed a solid rod, to which he inserted into a hole at the corner of the platform.

"You're all due for an upgrade, so I made some new toys c:"

As he twisted the rod, seven partitions on the platform's surface opened up to reveal stands holding up the most blindingly magnificent, overwhelmingly powerful, phenomenally innovative set of sOr arsenal that anyone had ever witnessed, so much that not a single face failed to light up at the sight of it all.

Ryan gestured to the podiums proudly, delighted at the newly found enthusiasm from his teammates and proud of his own creations. "The Royal Vanguard Armory. Definitively the most advanced sOr technology in the world."

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