Killing the Dead Road Butcher is big news, and the credit that comes to your door should not be wasted.

No matter who killed the Dead Road Butcher, as long as the news of "Cunning Rabbit House killed the Dead Road Butcher" spreads, all clients will know how powerful the Cunning Rabbit House is.

By then, there will be as many commissions as you want.

Thinking of this.

Nicole coughed lightly.

Like the host of a storytelling program on TV, she started to make up a story:

"The Dead Road Hollow was full of dangers at that time. There was the Dead Road Butcher inside who endangered the world, and there were security personnel outside who strictly guarded it. In order to help Miss Nekomata find the lost family relics, I gathered all the employees and vowed to teach the Dead Road Butcher a lesson..."

Billy covered his face and couldn't listen anymore: "..."

Ambi was silent: "..."

Su Li was speechless: "..."

Nicole continued: "We went deep into the hollow, we looked for family relics, and we encountered the Dead Road Butcher..."

Anyway, he has been arrested by the Public Security Bureau.

Nicole had no scruples at all and told everything about accepting the commission and entering the void.

Seven parts true, three parts false.

A large part was true, only the part about chasing the dead butcher was fabricated.

Billy suddenly interrupted Nicole: "Boss Nicole..."

Nicole pushed Billy away: "Don't interrupt me!"

Billy reminded again: "Boss Nicole, there are reporters broadcasting live to you..."

Hearing Billy's reminder.

Nicole hurriedly raised her head and saw a camera filming her, which was a live broadcast from a TV station.

She was so busy making up stories that she didn't even notice when the reporter came.


She had to pay attention to her image and leave a good impression on the audience.

Nicole hurriedly tidied her clothes, posed elegantly, and said in a ladylike tone: "It all started a few hours ago. We encountered the Dead Road Butcher. We chased the Dead Road Butcher and fought him. Ambi used a knife to chop him, Billy used a gun to shoot him, I used a bomb, and Su Li used... Su Li, what weapon did you use?"

Anyway, it was made up on the spot.

Respect Su Li's opinion and make up a weapon that Su Li likes.

Su Li was silent for a moment and said: "I use a spear."

Nicole continued to make up the story: "Yes, I almost forgot that Su Li used a spear. He kept chasing the Dead Road Butcher's butt and poking...Also, I want to solemnly introduce the ace employee of the Cunning Rabbit House - Su Li, who is both civil and martial, wise and brave. It was he who gave the Dead Road Butcher the final blow and killed him..."

Billy covered his face: "..."

Ambi was silent: "..."

Su Li was speechless: "..."

Make up!

Too good at making up!

Seeing that Nicole was making up stories so seriously, he really couldn't bear to expose these stories.

After listening for a while.

Qingyi couldn't listen any more: "Miss Nicole, are you sure you didn't make it up?"

Nicole said calmly: "How could it be made up? If you don't believe me, ask Ambi... No, don't ask Ambi, ask Billy and Su Li, is it our Cunning Rabbit House that killed the Dead Road Butcher?"

Nicole said.

She also desperately winked at Billy and Su Li.

Billy coughed lightly and said: "Ahem, yes, Boss Nicole is right."

Su Li nodded and admitted: "It was indeed us... who killed the Dead Road Butcher."

Qingyi stared at Su Li: "Really?"

Su Li nodded again: "Really, but I want to correct one thing, I never waved a gun at the butt of the Dead Road Butcher."

If it was Nicole who said it.

Qingyi would definitely not believe it.

But once Su Li admitted it, Qingyi no longer questioned it.

At this time.

A noisy reporter squeezed in: "Ms. Nicole, Miss Nicole, let me interview, get out of the way, why are you squeezing, let me interview first."

The person who squeezed in was the furious reporter.

Last time when she was commissioned to rob a safe, she was almost killed by this guy.

Nicole couldn't stand it.

Billy couldn't stand it even more.

When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous, and they don't care about other things, just take revenge first.

"It's him, he almost killed us last time."

"Billy, beat him."

The two of them started punching and kicking, and knocked the furious reporter down, and then they let out their anger.

Wait until the two of them finished fighting.

Qingyi came up to stop them and put silver bracelets on Nicole and Billy: "You are under arrest for beating people in public."

Nicole was very angry: "You——"

Billy was very regretful: "I was so busy with revenge that I almost forgot that there were security guards all around. Anbi, Suli, why didn't you stop me?"

Anbi was silent: "..."

Suli was speechless: "..."

These two are funny.It's fine to talk about the experience of stealing holes in public, but he dared to hit the reporter in public. No wonder there are so many negative reviews on the empty forum. It seems that there is a reason.

At this time.

Another reporter asked: "That... Miss Nicole, it is said that your Rabbit House saved the people of Canvas Lane. Can you roughly describe the process?"

Hearing this question.

Nicole ignored the silver bracelet on her wrist and began to talk about how she came to Canvas Lane, how she saved the residents of Canvas Lane, and the process of fighting wits and courage with Vision Company...

And she also beautified the Rabbit House.

"That's it. The employees of the Rabbit House risked their lives to defeat the Dead Road Butcher and Vision Company, and rescued hundreds of innocent people from Canvas Lane..."

"However, we have done so many good things, and the Public Security Bureau wants to arrest us. Mr. Reporter, do you think this is reasonable? I ask for amnesty, pardon for the little mistakes made by the Rabbit House..."

Nicole stood in front of the camera.

Loudly called for amnesty for the Rabbit House.

Even the reporter was moved by Nicole: "Love Rabbit House, conscientious agent, in front of the huge merits, the mistakes made by Rabbit House are not worth mentioning at all."

Nicole said loudly: "Yes, not worth mentioning."

Billy said: "Not worth mentioning."


When Billy and Nicole were interviewed and called for amnesty for Rabbit House.

At this moment.

At the back of the crowd.

Through the gap in the crowd, Maoyou saw Nicole and Billy dancing and heard their passionate speeches.

This scene made Maoyou very relieved.


The people in Rabbit House are safe, and the people in Canvas Lane are also safe.

In this case, she, a kitten, is no longer needed here.

Maoyou gently waved and said goodbye to Su Li, Nicole, Amby, and Billy who was shouting loudly.

This farewell.

I don’t know when I will see you again.

"Goodbye, everyone——"

Maomata took a last look at the crowd, and then quietly disappeared into the shadows.


No one would notice that a dispensable stray cat had left.


Maomata had just disappeared into the darkness, and before he had taken a few steps, he suddenly bumped into someone.

It was Ambi.

Maomata saw that the situation was not good, so he turned around and ran.

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into Su Li again.

Maomata bumped into him twice in a row, and his head hurt: "Meow, Su Li, Ambi, what do you two want to do? There are security personnel all around, don't mess around."

Su Li said slowly: "Client, you seem to have forgotten something."

Maomata said hurriedly: "What? Are you talking about the commission fee? I will work hard to earn the commission fee and return it to you."

Think about it carefully.

In order to entrust the Cunning Rabbit House to enter the cave, Maomata drew one pie after another.

All the pie together, if not 500,000, there are at least 400,000 Dini.


Maoyou guessed wrong again this time.

Su Li did not come to ask for Dingni, but stretched out his hand and showed the medal in his palm: "Maomata, your things fell."

This small medal is exactly the family relic that Maoyou mentioned.

On it is a photo of Maoyou and Bai Lao.

He took the medal in his hand.

Mao recalled everything that happened today and couldn't bear it anymore. He burst into tears:

"I'm sorry, Su Li, An Bi, I lied to you. I deliberately led you to the Dead Road Butcher. I thought you were all bad people..."

"Woo woo, but you are different from what I thought. You are not bad people..."

"In order to save a child, you would rather break into the territory of the Dead Road Butcher... When the Dead Road Butcher attacked me, it was Su Li who risked his life to help me block that attack... And in the carriage, and in Canvas Lane, and just now blocked the bullet, again and again..."

"Su Li, An Bi, I'm sorry for you. You can beat me and scold me however you want..."


(I received a lot of gifts yesterday. Thank you very much. I will continue to add more today——)

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