Maoyou felt guilty and blamed herself.

She lowered her head in guilt, tears dripping onto the ground, holding the medal tightly in her hand, not daring to look Su Li and Ambi in the eye.

She was ready.

No matter how Su Li and Ambi beat her or scolded her, she would not fight back or run away.

In a hazy vision.

Maoyou saw Su Li raised a hand, just like he did to the armed men before, and stretched it towards Maoyou.


Maoyou tensed her body and prepared to be beaten.

But the next second.

She felt a warm big hand on her head.

Maoyou raised her head crying, followed Su Li's hand, and happened to see Su Li with a calm face.

"You, you won't beat me? You can scold me a few words..."

Beat a homeless stray cat?

Su Li couldn't do it.

Su Li said in a calm tone: "You violated the contract and wanted to harm the Cunning Rabbit House. Considering that you corrected your mistakes and saved the people, I will double your commission fee. Are you willing?"

Mao You hurriedly wiped away her tears: "I am willing..."

According to previous estimates, the commission fee this time is as high as 500,000 dinars.

If it is doubled, it will be one million dinars.

For a stray kitten, one million dinars is simply an astronomical figure. Even if the cat is sold, it can't be paid back.

But this time.

Mao You will not escape again.

Even if she goes to a coffee shop to work as a cat, or goes to a construction site to work as a brick-moving cat, she must make money to pay off this debt.

Mao You wiped away her tears.

Watching Su Li walk away step by step, she suddenly had an idea in her mind, if she could follow Su Li.

But in the end, she didn't say it out loud.

Stray cats like her are destined to wander for life.

Just as Maoyou lowered his head and left in despair.


He bumped into another person.

It was Ambi who had been silent beside him.

Maoyou was a little panicked: "Ambi, you, why are you still here, Su Li is gone."

Ambi said seriously: "I'm waiting for you..."

Maoyou said in despair: "I know you must be very angry, I deceived you, Su Li has punished me, now it's your turn."

Hearing this.

Ambi shook his head and said: "I'm not here to punish you. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have discovered the people in Canvas Lane, nor the conspiracy of Vision Company. Just like Su Li said, after the merits and demerits are offset, you have been punished."

Maoyou raised his head: "Then why are you waiting for me?"

Ambi said seriously: "Wait for you to join the Cunning Rabbit House."

Maoyou looked confused: "Join the Cunning Rabbit House????"

Seeing Maoyou so surprised.

Ambi counted on his fingers and calculated for Maoyou: "You owe Rabbit House one million dime. You will never be able to pay it back at your current rate of earning. Rabbit House has generous benefits, the wise leadership of Nicole, and a bright future. If you are willing to join Rabbit House, you will definitely be able to speed up the repayment of the debt."

After listening to Ambi's words.

Maoyou was tangled in his heart and didn't know what to do for a while.

Seeing this!

Ambi continued: "It was Su Li who asked me to invite you."

Hearing Su Li's name.

Maoyou immediately raised his head with tears in his eyes: "If it was Su Li who invited me, then I have to think about it carefully!"


An hour later.

New Elido Police Station, Janus District Police Station.

Nicole and Billy tried every means to use the power of the media to put pressure on the police station, so that the chief of the police station personally issued an order to pardon the crime of Rabbit House entering the void this time.

But in the end.

Nicole and Billy were still arrested.

Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi took them to the police station on charges of public assault.

What surprised Nicole was that Qing Yi only registered their information, went through the process, and released them that night.

Billy said in surprise: "Is it that simple?"

Qing Yi smiled and said: "What else? You don't want to stay in the police station for dinner, do you? The police station has no more food. Go quickly, your companions are waiting outside."

It seems that they are afraid that Qing Yi will regret it.

Nicole and Billy didn't want to stay for a moment, and turned around and ran out of the Janus Branch, running faster than rabbits.

As soon as they ran to the door.

They saw Su Li and An Bi, and Mao You who had just joined the Cunning Rabbit House.

Especially when they saw Mao You.

Nicole was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth: "One million Dingni, Mao You, work hard, sooner or later you will haveOne day it will be paid off."

Seeing Nicole's triumphant expression.

Mao suddenly felt cheated.

She was a little skeptical. Did the Rabbit House really offer generous benefits?

No matter how you look at it, Nicole doesn't look like a conscientious boss, but rather a black-hearted capitalist.

Seeing everyone gathered.

Nicole smiled and said, "Okay, after a busy day, everyone should be hungry. I'll take you to have a good meal tonight."

Su Li nodded, "It should be so."

Billy danced with joy, "Boss Nicole is wise."

Amby said slowly, "Let's go to the newly opened restaurant on the north side of Guangying Plaza. The one with unlimited mackerel. Nicole has already booked a seat for me in advance. "

I heard that there is no limit on the amount of mackerel.

The cat was overjoyed and couldn't wait to say: "One mackerel, two mackerels, I want to eat three mackerels, meow——"

At the same time.

The cat felt guilty.

Just now, I was still complaining about Nicole in my heart, saying that Nicole didn't look like a conscientious boss, but a black-hearted capitalist.

Now it seems.

I really blamed Nicole wrongly.

Just as the cat was jumping and fantasizing about eating a lot of mackerel.

Nicole, who was walking in the front, suddenly said: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that this dinner is AA system, and the cost will be deducted from your usual pocket money."

Hearing this.

Su Li didn't care at all, nodded slowly and said: "That's great."

Billy covered his face and said: "It's true, I thought Nicole forgot..."

Anbi was very calm: "It was the same last time."

The cat was numb again: "Meow, can it be like this? "

Pocket money that has not yet been received.

Half of it has been deducted by the black-hearted Nicole.

Just now I was praising Nicole for having a conscience, but now Neko finally sees through her. Nicole is just a black-hearted capitalist.

Where the conscience should have grown, a bank account has grown.

To be precise.

It is two bank accounts that look plump but are actually empty.

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