Zhan Long

Chapter 1050: growing up

The blood stained the maple leaf forest, making the original red maple leaf redder.

The hooves rushed, and a group of people in the jungle like a wounded deer rushed away. The cavalry of the cavalry was almost completely damaged. Many people even lost an arm or had an arrow in their body. Ya, blood splattered on the horse, terrible, the flags in their hands have disappeared, and the only remaining thing is to escape.

"Enclose them!"

Han Yuan ordered that the Yulin army gathered around. Soon, the 3,000-strong defeated army was all surrounded by the shield. The repeated conflicts could not be rushed out, and they gave up the resistance. Look, in the crowd, a person with a steel knife has anger in his eyes, saying: "If you want to kill, kill, give a good time!"

Lin Biao took the sword and went forward, asking: "Who are you, just looking for death!"

On the shoulders of the defeated generals, they also wore the emblem of Wan Wanchang’s military rank. There were several sword wounds on his face, but he still had a sly color. He said: "I am the scorpion dragon army chief Liu Jun, kill it and kill it! ”

"Liu Jun?"

I am ashamed, stepped forward and looked at him faintly: "Liu Jun, do you still know me?"

Liu Jun fixed his eyes and suddenly looked amazed: "Li...General Li General..."

Lin Biao laughed and said: "Now it is not just the general, but the Imperial Marshal!"

Liu Jun quickly fell to the ground and asked for mercy: "Marshal... I saw that I was once a member of the Imperial Army, and I was forgiven, I am also involuntarily!"

Han Yuan angered: "You betrayed the generals, and cited the thousands of troops of Luo Yi to attack the Yulin army. Is it also involuntarily?"

Xia Ye pulled out the long sword with blood: "There is nothing to say to this traitor villain, let the end of a sword result him!"

I shook my head: "Stop, don't kill him!"

Xia Ye stunned: "General, why?"

I squinted and smiled: "I have my own conclusion."

Saying, looking at Liu Jun and a group of defeated troops behind him, I said: "Liu Jun, you have a hard battle, it is a rare glimpse of the talents, and you are the first to be a soldier, not afraid of death, watching you once also against the empire On the part of loyalty, I will let you go this time, and, in your face, the rest of the defeat will not kill, you take them back to Haicheng!"

Liu Jun repeatedly slammed his head: "Thank you for Li Shuai, thank you Li Shuai..."

I took another look at the 澹台羽 and said: "General General Fujian and Taiwan, gather the defeated forces together, let Liu Jun lead them back to Haicheng, we have enough people to kill, don't kill more."

澹台羽抱拳: "Yes, Li Shuai!"


In less than 10 minutes, a total of 7,000 Linhai City defeated troops were gathered together and given horses. This group of people led by Liu Jun to retreat from the road we released to the direction of the Three-Edge Mountain.

Li Mu's face is puzzled: "Happy, why should you put this Liu Jun? You are not kicked by your head, how can such a villain be released?"

I smiled and said: "This kind of person can turn waste into treasure! You also saw that Liu Jun’s rank is Wanfu, and the 7,000 defeated soldiers we just released have the highest rank and two Wan Wanchang has been chopped by Han Yuan, so this group of people returned to Linhai City is the main force, according to the rules of the system, this Liu Jun is about to become the first master of Linhai City, so timid as The mouse, the unscrupulous guy, is the Linhaicheng coach, can you count on the NPC army?

Li Mu haha ​​smiled, compared to the middle finger: "This trick is too embarrassing, on the line, I am not as good as you..."


However, there was an unfortunate news from afar. Liu Jun led a group of defeated troops on the way to the retreat. The sword was slashed and killed in half, but Liu Jun still managed to escape with the rest of the people. The sword almost broke my "big thing."

The next step is that the whole army retreats. The NPC army of Tianzhu City retreats quickly. The player camp is about 200W and the NPC army is covered by the war. In the distance, the players of Jiuyi City who have already captured the ancient city are not idle. The mountains, the purple bagpipes, the 7K team and others all led the people to watch the war between China and India.

Until the withdrawal of the Wushen River, it was finally safe. The two troops of the Yulin Army and the Tianzhu Army set up dragon crystal cannons, fire and rock cannons and brakes to build defensive positions. The players in the Indian theater also naturally stopped the impact. They did not Stupid, will not come to death in vain.

And this battle is indeed a big win, and we gathered together the NPC army of Linhai City near 50W, and its loss is less than 10W, even 10% of the battle damage is not, and more importantly, after Linhai City There will be no version to refresh the city's strength within 3 days. Even if it is clearing the ink, the maple forest is drunk and recruiting, it is impossible to recruit more troops. The 10W people will be in the sky, and this NPC force is nothing to us. Threatened, without the NPC army, there would be no heavy artillery such as the Dragon Crystal Cannon. The next round of national war clearing and extruding the ink would have no weapon to defend the city and attack the strong. It is difficult to become a big event by relying solely on the flesh and blood of the player!


After arranging the support of many NPC troops, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I returned to Tianzhu City. On the street, two prison cars slowly walked on the city road under the canvassing of the soldiers. Carrying the clouds fluttering and bonfire, the clouds fluttering in the armor are all peeled off, leaving only the close-fitting clothing, it looks like a "stormy night and a hundred flowers and flowers" feeling, the bonfire is no longer arrogant, hair is scattered The face and body were full of scars. Even the back was poked with half arrows. No one gave him any medical treatment. I originally wanted to stop the car and find someone to heal him. But think about it, he will die sooner or later. Poor.

In the palace, Luo Shulin had already opened a temporary meeting after receiving the news.

Han Yuan and Long Hao both personally escorted the clouds and the bonfire, and walked with me to the main hall. The Wenwu group of judges were on both sides. I stood in the forefront, standing next to Lin Biaoer, she is Huoyunjun. Lord, in charge of a main city, the real power should be second only to me in the Scorpio empire, and it should have this position.

Luo Shaolin looked happy and said: "There was a good news on the battlefield. Shallow Lin thanked Li Shi and removed a big heart for my Tianzhu City. Hey, the fire lions, the navy, the dragons and the dragons finally lost their lives!"

I said: "The clouds are fluttering, the bonfire has been escorted back, and your majesty will fall down!"

Luo Shaolin nodded, looked at the campfire, and said: "The bonfire, the lonely king once wrote a letter to you, ordered you to lead the fire lion mercenary to the empire to bow down to the empire, the last time you rose to the empire command, compiled fire Lions, but you are actually envious of the enemy, stealing according to Linhai City, and supporting the soldiers, you know the crime?"

The bonfire looked up at Luoshenlin and couldn’t help but smile: "Jokes, defeated the king, and said that there are so many words that mean it. If you want to kill, you will kill it. I am a hero, not afraid of death."

"it is good."

Luo Shulin sneered: "Give you a death!"

As he said, he actually jumped from the throne when he stepped on it. "铿" slammed out the sword of the king, and the power of the gods emerged around the blade. The white light flashed, and the bonfire of this god-level BOSS actually became a different place. At this moment, Luo Shaolin has already demonstrated the power of the sub-god, and this kid is really fast in practice!

Among the generals, the people of Fujian and Taiwan, Qi, and Ou Yizhen are all looking at each other. Their strengths are all under the second god. They are all surprised that the emperor’s martial arts is so high! And a group of generals, only Lin Biao's look is the most calm, he is a two-star god-level BOSS, the strength is two levels higher than the second god, naturally will not fear the strength of Luo Shulin, this is also my dispatch Lin Biao in three The reason why the Blade Mountain intercepted the bonfire was that the bonfire was the second **** BOSS, and the only one of the Imperial Army generals had the advantage of crushing him.


Looking at the bonfire's broken neck and squirting blood, I was helpless. I reached out and said, "Come, pull the bonfire's body down."

Zhu Haidao: "Is it easy to bypass him?"

I smiled and asked: "What does Haigong want?"

Zhu Haidao: "Come on, drag the body of the bonfire down to feed the dog, **** his head on the spear, erect on the wall of the city of Scorpio, and see which thief daring to commit. Chaos!"

I frowned and didn't speak.

Luo Shulin sees people and asks: "Li Shi, you disagree with Haigong's practice, right?"

Me: "Although the bonfire is very sinful, but one of the people died, all good and evil have been written off before the birth, and it is better to reward him with a whole corpse in my opinion!"

Zhu Hai sneer: "Li Shi is a big gang, and is also the commander of the Yulin army. Is there such a woman?"

I also sneered a sneer: "I started the war in order to pursue the world, not to kill it. The city of Tianzhu must unite the world, and we must serve people by virtue, not rely on such a cruel style."

I wish the sea to say something more, but Luo Shaolin has already ordered: "The body of the bonfire was dragged down and buried."

"Yes!" Two warriors dragged the body, and a warrior held his head down.

Next, it’s the turn of the clouds.

She looked at Luo Shaolin with a pair of bright eyes, and her eyes were like a water. It was indeed a rare beauty.

Luo Shulin looked at the clouds and said: "Cloud sister, have you ever regretted it?"

The clouds fluttered and looked at the bloodstains of the bonfire, and there was a trace of sorrow in the eyes. "I regret it? What are the regrets? Everything is my own choice. When you die, I have lost the most." A man who loves, I want revenge, I want to kill the man who has been entrenched in the sky above Tianzhu City!"

She looked at me with hate, with anger in her eyes: "Li Xiaoyao, I will not let you go to ghosts!"

I looked at her silently and said, "I am not afraid of you when you are a man. How can you take me if you are a ghost?"

Lin Biao and Han Yuan laughed together almost.

Luo Shulin swayed his hand and turned his back. The figure looked very bleak and faint. "Turn down, ask 斩, the corpse is allowed to be buried in the imperial tomb, and it will be buried next to the aunt's mausoleum..."

Zhu Hai said: "The cloud is full of people, it is a full-fledged monk, how can you bury it in the Imperial Tomb?"

I frowned: "I wish the sea, your majesty is a man, how do you force him to do what he does not want to do? Scorpio City, are you an emperor, or is he an emperor?"

I was amazed at the sea and hurried to the ground: "Your Majesty, the minister has no heart!"

Luo Shulin smiled slightly and turned to see me with gratitude. He said, "Okay, let's scatter it... Come and reward those who have merits!"


The fluttering of the clouds was dragged down and asked, and I was not interested in seeing the beheading scene. In particular, the beggars were a beautiful woman. Even though the clouds were no longer, the scene was not good.

Next, I am waiting for the national war.

Luo Shaolin is also growing step by step, more and more like a king, he killed the last loved one, this is the testimony of his growth, for the world, for the throne.

The emperor is destined to be alone!

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