Zhan Long

Chapter 1051: Second round of national war

In the afternoon, several medical workers sewed the head of the cloud with the body, and then transported it to the Imperial Forest and buried it with Luoxi. One death, this time Luo Shaolin did not have the woman's benevolence, the hatred has been filled. The soul of the cloud can not be resolved, leaving this woman can only harm the future of the entire city.

Until 7 o'clock in the evening, the meeting was held again in the main hall, and the commanders of the legions and the outstanding ministers who participated in the battle of the ancient city were rewarded.

Ye Lai, Wen Jian, Fang Ge Yu, Jian Feng Han and so on have also come.


On the side of the sand table, Luo Shulin took the sword of the king, and stood there with a mighty presence. His face said indifferently: "There will be a great rebellion, but all the senior generals who are more than ten thousand years old will rise to the rank of one, and the town will rise to the town." The generals of the country, the defenders and the singers, the generals of the defending countries, the generals of Ye Laisheng, the generals of the town, the generals of the Liangyin dynasty, the generals of the Beichen, and the generals of the country, the generals of the Scorpio army personally led the men to capture the bonfire and the clouds Gone with the wind, outstanding achievements, and ascended to the generals. In addition, Li Shiyun strategized and led the overall situation. The name of the great squad was also surrendered to the generals. The other ranks were soared, and the other ministries soared. The Ministry of Military Affairs issued tokens one by one."

For a time, many people have been officially reinstated, and one is secretly self-satisfied.

However, one of the three generals from Jiuli City, the fire plowing army commander Shaoyang Yang looked disheartened, said: "Your Majesty, the Fire Plow Army, the Earth and the Navy are also willing to go to the fire for the empire, but Li Shuai will us Dispatched on the side of the sea, so that we lost the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, but also hope that it will be cut off!"

Luo Shulin smiled slightly: "The generals of the Shaoshi do not have to be impatient. If you want to make meritorious deeds, there is a chance. The empire of the moon and the empire of the Zeyuan are in sight. The riders have already paid back. They are recruiting troops, and they will launch an expedition to Tianzhu City in a few days. Well, the war is coming soon. As long as the generals will die for the sake of the city, the empire will never forget you!"


The meeting quickly dissipated, so that Ye Lai, Fang Gejun, Jian Fenghan and others were disappointed that the position of the commander has not come back yet, but the player has a natural advantage, we will not die, and will not be completely "deleted". Therefore, it is only necessary to continue to be in the position of the deputy commander. When the orthodox leader hangs, it is his turn to turn right.


At night, it has been less than 72 hours since the start of the national war. The system has confirmed that the second round of national war will be open on time at 12 noon three days later. This time our advantage is still not obvious, and even can be said that there is no advantage, although In the NPC army, I have already won the Linhai City. However, the players are not in the same position. Although I am a big gang, I can only command the NPC. Most of the players who join the Tianfu government will be dispatched by the rumors. This is also China. The biggest variable in the national war in the theater, God knows what rumors will do.

Three days is also a torment.

On the first day, the elite players with the dragons brushed up an SSS-level map, and added a 1-star-2 star artifact to each of the three people, including Tang Xin and Xingchen Blade. At the same time, they also recruited players to join the dragon. The alliance, the strength of the outstanding will be reviewed and joined the main alliance.

On the second day, Li Mu went into the deep rock formations of the Vulcan Mountain to explore the leveling adventure. He discovered that there is a new type of mount in the underground cave. It is a 164-class Xianlin BOSS-class mount, which devours the flame attribute weeds deep in the ground. The black flames are called "Red Fire Horse". The appearance of the Red Fire Horse has greatly complemented the vacancies of our medium mounts. Within 24 hours, Xiaolong used more than 3W people to enter the underground rock formation search, and the ground of the Vulcan Mountain was almost hollowed out. Finally, I got a 1.7W red fire horse to replace the original original iron blade ride, set up a 1.7W red fire iron ride, greatly improving the overall power of the dragon dragon riding team!

At the same time, there was news from Wangyuecheng that an NPC army in Wangyue City had changed. The monarch sent a smile to lead the main force to suppress it. As a result, the deputy commander led the 2W people to go northward and went to Lannathir. went.

Iron Cranial City, Sky Rose at the expense of a slashing order, captured a territory of the third guild of the Iron Cranial City "Lingyang", and won the gambling with the third guild Lingyang ally Xia Guo, which also means The Sky Rose united the major guilds of the entire American theater with power and became the ruler of the Iron Crest City.

Linhai City, Qingyi Tuo Mo, Feng Lin drunk almost all the strength of recruiting NPC people, and went to Linhai City, the monarch to ask for more casting dragon crystal cannon, fire rock cannon, but unfortunately Linhai City war-torn, treasury emptiness, The Ministry of Housing can not get extra gold coins, and the military system is very lacking. The main force is Liu Jun’s 3W zero-time patchwork army, which is unable to support more dragon crystal cannons and military regiments. Basically, the NPC combat power has been undoubtedly won by us.

In the direction of Jiuyi City, the ancient city was captured by the purple whistle of the fourth guild, and the magic mountain refused to accept it. At 4 o'clock in the morning, it led 2,000 people to the ancient city to challenge. As a result, this straight man entered the winter. After about two hours, the city pool came out, with his 2,000 people retreating, and never submitting the ancient city.

On the third day, in order to prepare for the national war, I slept early with Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue. At noon, Lin Tiannan hosted a banquet at home and invited several of us to go to dinner. It is impossible to have a terrible battle at the beginning of the national war. Moreover, the purpose of Lin Tiannan's banquet was to cheer for our second round of national war, so I went there, satisfied with the meal after a meal, going online, preparing for the national war!



Appeared in the city of Tianzhu, I saw that the national war interface has been opened.

The players around are busy, flying and staggering, some are going to participate in the national war to kill people to win points, while others are to take up the stalls to go to the warehouse inventory, fearing that the baby will be blasted after being accidentally injured in the national war.

Lin Yier and I went to Huoyuncheng to take the overall situation. Huoyuncheng has at least 1000W Chinese players, and the NPC strength is more than 50W. It is a force we can't ignore, and Lin Biaoer is the owner of the city. Naturally, I also need to do my best. Going to management, don't think about it, now Huoyuncheng must send countless war hawks to explore the military. If Lin Biao is not there, these military sentiments should be reported to whom, and she is not there, no one can issue a commander and dispatch the army. Enemy.


A message comes from Li Mu: "Happy, what do we do? There is movement in Tiancai!"

In my heart: "What is the movement of Tianceu?"

Li Mu: "The rumors suggest that 30% of the number of people will stay in Tianzhu City. The rest of the main force will go to Linhai City, and there will be no chance of heavy artillery in Linhai City. The Linhai City will be regained for the first time. This proposal has won the wind. More than half of the support of the festivals, such as Cangcheng, Yili, and Jianxiu, passed, and Fang Geyu’s persuasion was useless. When asked by the sword, he did not participate in the action of Tiancai, leading the heroes. People go to the Wushen River."

I can't help but smile: "When the sword is asked to be transparent, hehe... After all, the power is not in our own hands. I originally planned to let Jiuyi City attack the Linhai City first, and consume the player strength of Linhai City. We will start again. Actually so eager to make meritorious deeds, this is rushing to be cannon fodder..."

Li Mu: "What about our dragons?"

Me: "Gather our ally's allies, the more the better, let's not move. The players in the three main cities of the West should be on the way if they are not unexpected."


Li Mudao: "Except for the guilds of the four major guilds such as the trial, the soldiers under the city, the appearance association, the blood color contract, I also contacted the ally of the Sixth Palace Fans and other ally, the lord of the Liugong Fanyu 'the milk of the violently' is very good, and recently got another Two pieces of one-star artifact, the overall combat power is very impressive, you know."

"Well, OK!"

Unfortunately, in a few minutes, Li Mu helplessly sent a message: "Mom egg, the milk that ran away did not give me face, said that she took her to hunt, let us play dragons and have fun."



The sword jumped up to the city pool, put away the ice wing, looked in the direction of the west, could not help but sigh at the bottom of the heart, there are too many masters, sky rose, smile, Waterloo's hand, brown scorpion, this one by one resounding Celebrity ID will soon become our enemy, and our main force will be in the southeast of Linhai City to fight with Qingyi.

After thinking about it and thinking about it, I sent a message to Fang Gewei: "Fang Ge, do you really have to go all out to attack Linhai City?"

Fang Ge: "Well."



"Laughter, let's make a difference!" I opened the communicator.

The voice of Fang Gejun came: "I gave the 5W main force of myth to Ajing. In fact, I only took the subordinates of the 3W alliance and went with Tiancai. In addition, Prague, Fengman, etc. Xiang and other guilds have already hidden at least 80% of the main force in Tianzhu City. The total number of people who will attack Linhai City this time will not exceed 1500W, rest assured!"

I smiled a little: "You are so arrogant and arrogant, really good?"

Fang Geyu also smiled: "I don't want to be such a person, but if I don't, I might bury the situation in the entire Chinese theater. You can rest assured that we are essentially a slap in the face and will not go all out. Then, look at the magic mountain of Jiuyi City, what is the trend of 7K."

I can't help but say: "What plans do you have?"

Fang Gewei: "Tune the tiger away from the mountain. We will change the fierce battlefield with the 1500W Chinese player's level 1. The magic mountain and 7K of Jiuyi City must think that we are seriously injured here. At that time, they will naturally come out and go. Attack Tianzhu City, or go to attack the Eight Desert City, and at that time, we can instantly zero, and gather more than 2000W troops to directly attack Jiuyi City!"

I suddenly said: "You... do you want to take the Nine Miles?"

Fang Ge: "Well."

I am a little hesitant: "Even if you are lucky enough to win the Jiuyi City, who will defend the Jiuyi City in the third round of national war? So, Magic Mountain and Qingyi Tuo Mo will definitely join hands, how do we fight in the third round of national war? ?"

Fang Ge’s chest has a well-thought-out smile: “Do not worry, I will lead the war to the west.”



Without persuasion, I know that persuasion is useless, and Fang Ge’s idea has been fixed.

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