Zhan Long

Chapter 1095: Don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t get a tiger


The beautiful lady of the lead Huafu Yu and the jade Tiancheng has instantly become a "worry" blood wolf flagguard. It has already been disguised, and even the name has become a blood wolf flagguard. This is really enough. Thoroughly, the name has become red. Lin Biaoer holds the battle flag and smiles and says: "How?"

MD, the sound lines have changed, I feel no more love!

Dongcheng month eats and laughs: "What about next?"

I said: "Let's change the equipment into the spare equipment position. Remember to set up a one-button change. If you can fight it, you can put on the equipment in an instant, take off the equipment, and start the basic clothes given by the system. It doesn't make any difference with the craftsmen. Hurry up, don't waste time, the transformation of the nephew can only last for 60 minutes."


I took off all the equipment on my body for the first time and replaced it with the image of the cloth in the novice village. Although the level and skills are still there, it seems that it is almost the same as the rookie. It really means that the clothes are not equipped. It seems to be a silly boy in a novice village.

Dongchengyue was also busy taking off his robes and other equipment, and looked at me with a sigh of relief: "What are you looking at?"

I am expressionless: "Hurry up and start the system to spare clothes. Do you want to go into the city like this bikini?"


She looked down and found that after taking off the equipment, the system defaulted to a simple bra inside. I have to say that Dongcheng’s figure is quite good. The 34C looks very suitable for the Chinese people’s aesthetic size. The look of the grip, the streamline is very beautiful, the sleek buttocks are quite incomparable, and the style of the oriental little beauty is graceful.

When Dongcheng Yue put on the system clothes, I also took back my eyes. Lin Xiaowu and Lishuiyi have already changed their clothes. The three MMs look like they are in the show. It is no longer like the appearance of the equipment. But this way... it doesn't have a flavor, but it is not aesthetically pleasing to become a blood wolf's scorpion. It is a smile with a thick voice, "Go, you lazy idiots!"

I laughed and walked out of the jungle with my bare hands and Lin Biaoer.

A group of people slowly followed Lin Biaoer to the city.

Actually, along the way, it was really unimpeded. It seems that Lin’s centurion’s official position is still quite high. He is a middle- and junior-level officer, but ordinary soldiers do not dare to stop. Senior officers do not know her, too lazy to take care of them.

I lowered my head and prayed uneasy. I don't have any one of the different demons here to recognize my temporary vanguard. Fortunately, there is really no such demon to pay attention to my "craftsman."

"Hey! General Fu Lei, how come you come back?" A magician swordsman in the defending city laughed and said to Lin Biaoer.

When Lin Biaoer was clever and clever, he immediately replied: "Hey, these four craftsmen actually tried to escape. When I went out to scout, I got it back. This is not, I will take them to the city to report back and see how to deal with them."

Guarding a glimpse: "Is this still used? I bite their necks, eat their thighs, and then throw the bones into the big pot and cook the soup for the brothers to stay up all night! Oh, there are women, send them to the camp. Let the brothers finish off and eat again!"

Lin Biaoer suddenly thought about it and said, "One of them is a foreman. I have a big body and I need to pay back."

"Okay, let's go into the city!"


Lin and I both breathed a sigh of relief, almost disappeared at the gate of the city, NND!

When entering the city in sequence, several of the demon soldiers in the city watched a few MMs with sinful eyes, and even one of them took a hand on the hips of Dongcheng, whistling and laughing: "Hey, this little girl's body is really good. If you don't kill her, remember to inform me, don't waste too much..."

Dongcheng was about to run away in the moon, and even started the prelude to change equipment. I hurried forward and grasped her hand and said, "Don't be impulsive!"

"Hey..." Dongcheng Yue gnashed his teeth and shyly said: "The bastard, the old lady has not let the man touch it here, these few souls are light, I have the chance to kill them and kill them!"

I laughed happily: "There is a monster in the game, calm down a bit, you are still three and nine fierce..."

Dongcheng Moon gave me a look: "Would you like me?"

"No, how come?"

After I finished feeling it was a bit wrong, the blood wolf guard who was walking in front of me would have to go back and use the flag to kill me. I hurriedly changed my mouth and said, "Hah, I am not your boyfriend, how can you dislike you?"

Dongcheng Yue continued to gnash his teeth, and I sighed that I was too wit, otherwise I would not be able to escape. Dongcheng and Yier are the daughters of the famous family. Although there is no arrogance and temper with me, but Missy’s temper is still Yes, as long as they are provoked, they can do whatever tasks are not tasked, and then finish!


Entering the inner city, all the sides of the city are all different devils. Only a few humans are cooking, and the craftsmen are not strangers. They all need to eat. These meals are prepared for the craftsmen who are building defense towers outside the city.

I didn't plan to bring a few MMs to the city's main government. It is kingly to get out of here as soon as possible, and I have discussed it with my nephew. The reason for going out from the north gate is that the city is mainly killing these people, let him pull it out and solve it. The generals of the defending city are also centurions, and there are several lives in the district. It should not be difficult for Lin Biaoer’s blood wolf to defend. After all, the blood wolf flag guard is a **** pro-guard, even the same level, those 7 The devil's demon riding, the barbarian wolf riding the centurion does not dare to be a **** wolf.

However, I thought of the beginning of the story, but did not think of the end of the story.

Just as we rushed through Chengguo Avenue, a large group of different demon cavalry suddenly came from afar. The foremost person’s arm was flooded with the city’s emblem, holding a flame-stirring battle flag, wearing a blood-red armor, and even a skeleton. The next horse is also a fire-fighting fire horse. Soon, his name has already appeared - the fire flag will be dry, Samsung will!

In my heart, I said in the team channel: "I am going, not good!"

Lin Yier turned and said: "Well, it is directed at us."

Lin Xiaowu said: "What if we are in trouble?"

"Do it with them!" Dongcheng Yuexiao laughed.

I have some helplessness, doing them with them in the city, I am afraid there is only one dead road? This fire flag will have too many different devils around Lin, and there are no shortage of 8 levels. If we really fight here with him for 300 rounds, the odds are not big, and the spears of the spears and warriors are almost the same. We are eager to die.



The fire flag will take Lin Fu’s flag and walk over the flames. He smiled and said: “General Fu Lei, where are you going?”

Lin Biaoer did not panic and said: "General, I found these few craftsmen trying to escape when I was patrolling. I was planning to drag them to the north of the city to kill the soup and let the brothers have enough!"

The fire flag will be the dry red eyes of the forest, but it has been swept away between the chest and the hips of Dongchengyue. The corner of the mouth is raised and smiles: "I think it is a pity that such a beautiful person killed the meat. It is a pity! Bring the woman in light yellow clothes to my room!"

Lin Biao was anxious: "But, general..."

The fire flag will make Lin Gan seem to be wrong. He smiled and said: "General Fu Lei also wants to... Well, come, take General Fu Lei to take me to rest in the room, cut a roast leg of lamb, and pour several times delicious. The wine was sent to General Fu Lei and left. Don’t say more, or I will be unhappy."

The two spear warriors stepped forward and twisted the two arms of Dongcheng. When our little beauty mage was about to break out, I hurriedly said in the team channel: "Dongcheng, don't resist too fierce, go with them, The nephew also took us with us. Since this Samsung God wants BOSS to 'enjoy' you in his room, then we secretly follow the past and solve him in his room, saving trouble!"

Dongcheng was panicked: "Big stupid, then my chastity!"

I almost couldn't help but smile and whispered, "Don't worry about Dongcheng. If you lose your virginity in the game, I will be responsible..."

Dongcheng Yue is speechless: "This is what you said!"


Of course, she won’t let her go wrong. We are all close together.

Entering the city's main government, Dongchengyue was taken to the Lingan room, and we were arranged next to it. Lin Biaoer was hospitalized, and we were accompanied as prisoners. There were only two guards in front of Lin’s room, all of which were purgatory spears. Warriors, I can solve it in less than 30 seconds, and in the team, I have been asking: "How about Dongcheng?"

Dongcheng Yue: "He wants to take off my clothes!"

"What do you do then?"

"I put Elsa's scepter on his head! Oh..."

"what happened?"

"My Thunder refers to electricity below him..."

"I rub...do it!"

When the time is up, we will dress up immediately. Under the leadership of Lin Biaoer, I will go straight to the room next door. Lin Yusheng is afraid of being disturbed, so she has removed almost all the guards. This is our perfect opportunity.


Three or two to kill the goalkeeper's spear warrior, I opened the door of the door, I saw a sea of ​​fire in the room, Dongcheng month has opened the space to jump to put the kites of BOSS, but the little beauty mage obviously can not with the BOSS single Pick, I flew over and rushed over, and the two swords came out of the sheath, and they rushed out directly.

The fire flag will hurt Lin Yan, but he looked at Lin Biaoer behind me and shouted: "General Fu Lei, I am going to call my escort. These people are not craftsmen at all. They are good-natured Scorpio empire. !"

Lin Biaoer immediately dismissed the disguise state, and suddenly the beautiful lady of the genius and lead Huafu Yu appeared immediately in front of the BOSS. The fire flag Lin Yan is indeed a BOSS thinking on the lower body. The saliva is falling down: "The original you It’s not Fu Lei, that’s great, I’m going to fix you, Xiaomei, you don’t want to go!”

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