Zhan Long

Chapter 1096: The most important thing for girls

Xiaomei naturally does not run, Lin Biaoer rushed forward is a set of skills, Zhang summoned Yinlong Xiaobai, but also thanks to the city owner room is large enough, but Xiaobai can still huddle in a corner, Zhangkou is a dragon breath spit will fire The flag will burn and burnt.



At this time, BOSS only knows that this group of people is not good to deal with, low-sounding call to mount, re-riding on the red fire horse, I directly confronted the state of the thousand-winged wing, and the continuous speed limit smashed 9 swords, among which Two times the attack effect of the butterfly twice, as the output of the dry will be more fierce, the 70% chance of crit when the attack will be attacked, plus my charm value bonus, at least 85% of the crit rate, continuous deadly blows under the BOSS Not a general pain.

At this time, I will also share the attributes of Lin Gan in the team channel. Samsung God will not be able to kill us easily, we must know ourselves and ourselves -

[Fire flag will be dry] (God level BOSS ★ ★ ★)

Rating: 206

Attack: 33000-41000

Defense: 30000

Qi and blood: 2,2000,0000

Skills: [Flame three even] [Fire Devils] [Provocation Flag] [Flame Abyss]

Introduction: The fire flag will be Lin Gan, this is a general who is good at flame attack. The fire flag will be a dry talent of the natural fire. After many years of cultivation in the human world, he will enter the purgatory with the flesh and practice in the abyss of flame. In 10,000 years, the **** scorpion searched for him and defeated him with three strokes. The fire flag will make Lin Gan become one of the squatting generals. At the same time, Lin Gan preserves the mortal body and cultivates the fire element, which leads to the internal fire. Burning, so you must continue to repair the fire on the woman's body, which also makes the fire flag will become the famous demon in the world.


Looking at this introduction, Lin Yier and Dongcheng Yue have been silent, Lin Xiaowu grinned and smiled: "I just don't know how the technology is..."

I have no choice: "Do you want to try a little dance?"

While drowning with blood, he said, "Don't talk anymore, you have to die..."


As I said, while blocking Lin Yuer's several attacks, the weapon of the fire flag is the flame battle flag. The body of this battle flag is a fire spear, and the attack power is very strong.

"When" a Martian splash, the sword will be attacked by fire, and my equipment is good enough. I already have the strength to be hard with Samsung, and Lin Gan seems to be interested in her after Lin Biao’s real body. Especially in the East City, it is no wonder that the body of the nephew is indeed more hot, men...

However, when I was attacked by a continuous attack, Lin Gan was already furious. "啪嚓" inserted a pole to challenge the battle flag, reducing the attack power of the surrounding units by 20%. Fortunately, it is not a reduced defense, otherwise it is difficult. Hit, lowering the attack is the most let us kill a little slower.


Lin Xiaowu stood in the corner of the room and had already opened the Huang Zhong bow stunt. The room was not big enough, and there was almost no chance to escape from the attack. It was only hard to come. I have already covered the entire room with the seven stars, and I can reinforce it at any time. At any point, at the same time, set up a green dragon in each of the other three corners to enhance the output of BOSS, and throw the Xuanwu pool in the room, reduce the moving speed of BOSS, and provide us with greater advantages. .

The space is too small, and BOSS can't open it. After a long battle, I am angry and shouted: "Give me to die!"


A flame entangled me, it was a fire-wrenching skill, and it turned into a demon. It formed a continuous burning damage to me, causing a continuous burning effect of almost 7W per second. I suddenly changed my face and poured a blood bottle. At the same time seeking the treatment of sputum sputum, while the two swords broke out again, riding the wind, riding a thousand, the maximum output, relying on 20% blood to recover from me.

The swill of the scorpion is also spelled out. The well of the recovery is directly thrown on the ground, providing me with a shield that barely supports one second without losing blood.

Fortunately, the fire magic entangled for 12 seconds, I also escaped, but the blood is too little, back to self-mu rain treatment, let Lin Biao alone block BOSS.


In the snoring of BOSS, the spear spurs, while Lin Biaoer is delicately walking. A side shift will print the left hand dagger on the BOSS mount, causing a passive trigger of the soul after a damage, stealing 0.5 seconds, immediately let BOSS lose focus. Lin dry roared and was swept by MISS. The next second, Lin Biaoer appeared again, and even the ring hits the output, the body flashes, and cooperates with the position to avoid the BOSS's judgment attack, and walks out a small angle line in the room. Walking, actually for 7 seconds in a row, let BOSS touch her without touching her!

I am stunned, this operation is too strong, right?

Finally, this close-up experience of the deaf children can win the championship in the All-Star Game, relying on this girl's delicate and her unique game talent.

Like the little demon, the goddess of the sky is not famous for its beauty. Although there is no shortage of this ingredient, the strength is there.


When I rushed to the BOSS, a set of skills attracted back to hatred. This Lin dry roar was a blow. As a result, my sword suddenly broke into MISS, and suddenly Lin was completely angry and angry, and was repeatedly shown by the player several times. Operation, this kind of humiliation is what his god-level power can endure?

It is a pity that the game process is now, my brother and I are both artifacts, and the gap with the god-level powerhouse is far from being as big as it was, it is hard to kill!

The fire flag cut off Lin’s bloodstain, and the poor Samsung God, the owner of this temporary castle, was sent away to all the subordinates in order to “enjoy” the beautiful meal of Dongcheng, and the result is now so bleak. There isn't even a helper. This is really alive, and it is verifying the truth of a knife on the head of the color.

I am constantly intertwined with Lin Biao, and there is basically no danger. If I kill it, I may be beaten to the blood. At this time, I will rely on my child to open the soul to resist the BOSS, and she did not let me down. At the peak level of attack and walking, almost every BOS counterattack is lost by the soul's faint 0.5 second invisible MISS, and there is no danger at all.

What we have to wait for is that the blood of the BOSS is reduced to a certain level to open the last skill!


Did not let us down, the last blow of the flame abyss in the BOSS and 10% of the blood when the fire, the flame shock will overturn the roof of the entire room, but unfortunately still did not kill us, and finally can only fall on our sword Next, when the blood of BOSS is less than 1%, I immediately stopped and said, "Let the scorpion kill, only the scorpion kills the BOSS disguised as his appearance to take us safely to leave here, otherwise The thousands of troops outside will certainly not let us go."


A few MM have stopped, sputum sputum treatment, I once bound the beast lock successfully bound BOSS, removed a few green dragons, and looked at Lin Biao's dagger to cut off BOSS!


In the tragic sound of Lin Gan, I rose to 194.


Lin Gan died, there is still no other magic to kill in, we will be relieved, finally successfully solved this evil demon, and Dongcheng month has not lost, this is simply a victory.

Lin Biaoer is making a picture of the fire flag will be dry, I will start to see the equipment that Lin Yu gave us, a total of three, a silver-colored short stick, a ring of flames, and a glowing Flame-glossed leather corset, first look at the short stick, the property is actually pretty good, and it is the JP staff of the treatment department, earned -

[Night Wish] (Artifact ★ ★)

Spiritual Attack: 11000-14500

Spiritual Skills: 470

Physical strength: 465

Strength: 440

Agile: 435

Additional: increase the user's healing effect by 145%

Additional: Increases the user's 20% shield ability and 40% spell recovery

Additional: Increase the user's 20000 point blood limit

Special effects: Pray, 7500 points of healing effect per treatment

Need charm: 400

Requires level: 190


I directly threw the night wish to the water, and smiled: "How is this stick compared to your original?"

Surabaya stunned and held the night wishing stick and said: "No need, my original staff treatment is 115% improvement, and no increase in blood, night is willing to directly improve my treatment amount of about 1W or more... ..."

"Wow, haha, it’s good..."


Continue, look at the second equipment, actually a ring of Xianlin, but with 9% blood-sucking effect, can also sell a few hundred dollars, directly into the package, continue to see the third equipment, it is a A delicate leather corset, holding a warmth in his hand, when I unfold the attributes, the little dance immediately smiled -

[Fire Goddess Corset] (Artifact ★★★)

Type: Leather

Defense: 3700

Agile: 510

Power: 500

Physical strength: 496

Spiritual Skills: 480

Additional: Increases user's 70% defense and spiritual resistance

Additional: Increase user's 120% remote physical attack power

Additional: Increase the user's 40000 health limit

Special effects: Flame shield, provides a flame shield protection when the blood is below 30%

Special effects: impeccable, with a 30% chance to immune damage

Requires level: 190

Requires charm value: 700


The attributes of the Samsung artifact are really unusual. A breastplate actually provides 120% of the attack power. Who would believe this is true?

When Lin Xiaowu took the bra from my hand, she smiled and couldn't close her mouth.

When she put on this breastplate, Lin Biaoer also completed the disguise and became the same image as the fire flag Lin Yan. She looked at us with a smile and said with a handsome male voice: "Quickly say, I am not super handsome?"

I nod. "Okay, no chest..."

The beautiful lady looked down at her chest and snorted: "I will change back when I leave the city!"

It seems that girls are very concerned about the size of their chests. They don't care. They are basically too small and too peaceful to return to heaven and give up treatment.

In fact, the size of the chest is not important. For a girl, the most important thing is not this, but... rich!

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