Zhan Long

Chapter 1233: Copy yourself

Sitting on the shackles of the city wall, the morning light reflected on the shoulders of the tyrants, with golden brilliance and looking into the distance. The sky in the direction of the Dragon Slayer circling a blood cloud, which seems to cause an invisible feeling of depression. Have you already planned to build your own immortal empire at the Dragon Slayer? Ye Lai, Yan Zhao Wu Shuang and others can all be hanged there.

It’s a pity that Yan Zhao’s unparalleled hangs, but he has to replace Bai Lining’s appointment as the leader of the Changfeng Army. However, if Yan Zhao’s uncle kills so many monsters, should the merits be enough?

Open the version of the points ranking, and sure enough, Yan Zhao unparalleled this version is really too hard, has entered the ranks of the top ten -

1, Happy (China) version points: [1172050]

2, Fang Ge (China) version points: [1123730]

3, Lin Xiaowu (China) version points: [1026320]

4, Cangyue (China) version points: [997270]

5, Mu Yu (China) version points: [972100]

6, ask the sword (China) version points: [952920]

7, Magic Mountain (Germany) version points: [912380]

8, Cangwu (China) version points: [912270]

9, Yanzhao Wushuang (China) version points: [891730]

10, for the pursuit of love (Portugal) version points: [883730]


It seems that my first throne is relatively stable. Although Fang Song’s points are tight, I don’t want to exceed me. Although his AOE damage is terrible, I lost the efficiency of killing monsters after losing one level. I am even more afraid. Moreover, I can stabilize the party songs, mainly because of the "God" effect of Overlord, and the killing power of the monster is increased by 100%. This BUFF must have made the party song completely speechless.

Lin Xiaowu stayed in third place, and Dongcheng Yue and Mu Yu were the next two top sorcerers, and the German players in Jiuyi City were slashed in the Dragon Slayer Fortress for a short time, so they were beaten. Not too much, Magic Mountain can only be ranked 7th. As for the players of the Western Alliance Covenant, Sky Rose, Qi Yu and others are cutting too late in the Battle of Dragon Sacrifice, and they did not enter the cold dragon city, but decided In the wild, the chances of killing monsters are even less. Even the top ten have not entered. Yanzhao has no choice but to fight. It has been rushing to the forefront, and has entered the top ten with thick and thin hair. Our Matcha has become a Ten, but the player's nationality is still Portugal, can only be by her, after all, Linhai City also needs her identity "town" 7K people to compete with Jiuyi City, decompression for Tianzhu City.

Looking at the time, this battle has lasted for 27 hours, but it is so fierce that many players simply do not have time to go offline to eat, etc. Many of the dragons are only briefly off the line for a few minutes to solve the urgency.


"Is it over?" Looking at the calmness of the distance, the moon asked with a smile.

"I don't know." I shook my head and said, "The system does not prompt the completion of the version task. It is not about the end. I don't know what else Pei will have to entertain us."

“Would you like to come again in person?” asked Li Mu.

I thought about it: "Not very likely."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because when I came last time, I was already hurt by the frost. Although the injury is not heavy, he at least knows that there is a frost in the cold dragon city, which is not easy to deal with."

Li Mu was a little excited: "Yes, the frost is so fierce, it is estimated that it is also a dead end."

I gave him a look: "You are too optimistic?"


"The frost is hurt and seriously injured." I lowered my voice and said, "Just not let the people of the demon territory know it. Otherwise, I have already attacked a lot, and we have no chance at all."

Li Mu couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Fuck... So the current cold dragon city is equal to the empty city?"

"It's almost like this." I sighed and said, "Let's not say it, it's right to stay here. This version of the mission is not that simple. If you lose, you will give up the city. Let's not say the cold dragon." After the fall of the city, the Eight Desert City and the Tianzhu City will be ravaged one after another. It is a fatal blow to the Dragon City. It is already a fatal blow for us. Don’t forget that our Dragon’s Legion System is almost all maintained in the Cold Dragon. Here, once the Dragon City fell, the brothers’ efforts were all in vain."

"Yeah." Li Muzhong focused on the head: "Understood, rest assured, the cold dragon city will not fall, we still have the son Shu Daza."



Time passed by, the cold dragon city was not attacked. Instead, the blade mountain was attacked by a different army. Fortunately, Han Yuan Xiao Li and others resisted. In addition, I arranged on the Blade's Edge Mountain. The 5W Yan Ying riding archer's preparation is almost complete, and it is almost impossible for the different evil army to capture the danger of Blade's Edge Mountain.

After the end of this war, about frost will also pay attention to Blade's Edge Mountain. Blade Mountain and Dragon City and Dragon Field form a corner, which is a very good defense. The frost is focused on cultivation, but strategically. Not as good as me, after this time, most of the time I will send troops to defend the Blade's Edge Mountains.

At this time, a scream in the air, Qingluo led a group of dragon knights to return to the Dragon City, at the same time, some dragons also dragged a body with a dragon corpse and a dragon knight, who was killed in the city.

"How is the situation?" I asked.

Qingluo's face was pale and said: "The Thousand Hands and Snow Giants are so fierce. We have once again damaged 7 companions. Since the beginning of the war, the Dragon Riders of the Cold Dragon City have lost 37 people..."

The dragon knight signed a life contract with the dragon. The dragon knight died and the dragon was hard to live. Therefore, the death of 37 people means that there are 37 dragons waiting for the death of the life contract.

Looking at the heartache of Qingluo, I patted her on the shoulder and said: "Their sacrifices have brought the dignity and survival of the Dragon City. They will see that we are alive under Jiuquan and will certainly be pleased."

Qingluo nodded and suddenly asked: "Adult, you are a big man in Tianzhu City, and you are the one who has repeatedly experienced **** battles in the army. You...when you see the companion’s death, don’t you feel painful? ?"

I can't help but stunned. In my impression, Qingluo has always been a lively and powerful dragon knight. Today, he asked such a deep question, so he thought about it and said: "The human heart is meat. Long, who will not feel sad? But everyone needs to be strong, beat the opponent, end the war, and can end these pains."

Qingluo seems to understand something, and his face smiles again: "Well, Qingluo will work with the adults in this direction to end the war!"

I smiled and nodded, but my heart was empty, and it was easy to end the war. The powerful opponents such as 沧澜, Xifu and Qinge did not say that the opponents of our players were already tricky enough, the sky rose, the devil The mountain is not the master of the slaughter, and the next round of national war will be a **** battle!

Peer has also changed and become an enemy. How should this road go?

If Pei will never come back, then I must go on and prove to her that the little rookie has grown into the strongest person in the entire empire, and will fulfill her wish. .

The long road is long and the heart is unchanged.


After waiting for nearly three hours, finally, the drums of the demon territory came, and a large group of troops came from the direction of the blood, so many!

"Hey?" Asking the sword is a bit strange: "The road to the squadron is not unparalleled by Yan and Zhao, is the leaf coming to them to break it? How come so many different magic forces, from the assault canyon, Shurajie is not so fast. Isn't the skill CD so short, so fast and can summon the crack in the purgatory?"

Jianfeng Han held a long sword and said: "It may not be like this, wait and see."

Soon after, the overwhelming magical forces are about to come down the city. At this time, we also saw the appearance of this group of "monsters". I couldn’t help but be shocked. The person in front of me was carrying a long sword and riding. The warrior’s sword is exactly the same as the sword in front of us. It’s just that the “Qianjian”, which belongs to the devil’s territory, is blood-red and covered with darkness. Sure enough, we were killed in the Shura world last time. Nearly a million players, the player's soul has been recast.

On the paper, I painted a small mouth and pointed at the distance. I said, "Look, you see, you are there..."

Fangge suddenly looked at the city: "Would you like to fight yourself?"

Moreover, in addition to the millions of elite Chinese players in the city, more are the coordinated attack of the magical hall ride and the barbarian wolf ride. This time it is not so simple to deal with the past. After all, the skills of the players are very diverse, and the group is The sorcerer's sorcerer's game is obviously greatly improved in terms of attributes!

The other side is getting closer and closer, and soon we can see the attributes of the sword in the forefront -

[Question Sword? Soul] (Special)

Rating: 227 (10)

Special effects: Re-smelting the soul and the body through 沧澜, the full attribute is increased by 100%, and the skills, special effects, etc. are completely retained.


It is a 237-level monster, which is 10 levels higher than the body, and the full attribute is increased by 100%, which is more ecstasy.

There is a chill in my heart. This group of monsters is absolutely not so easy to kill. I hurriedly raised my arm and said loudly: "Jingyin, inform the Guardian of the Blade Mountain, the artillery cover, continuous shelling, no need to save the shells! Dragon The heavy artillery in the city can also be launched, don't let this group of people approach the city!"

Jingyin has a big pair of eyes, I don’t know why I am so nervous, but I absolutely obey: "Yes, adults!"

The flag was displayed, Longcheng and Blade's Edge Mountain fired together, the earth trembled, and a dragon crystal cannon burst into flames in the crowd. After the shelling, the "player" team under the city quickly dispersed, orderly from the rock wall. I started to climb the wall quickly and finally came, this time I was fighting with myself stronger than myself!

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