Zhan Long

Chapter 1234: Refining soul

"That asked the sword, come!" In the position of the tyrants, the pig ran low and shouted: "Set the fire seven-star arrow, try to stun him, vertigo 237 people, should not be too difficult?"

Liu Yingzhong’s key point: “It’s not difficult!”



The arrows with the seven-star light flew out, but the soul of the sword at the foot of the mountain quickly pulled the reins, and the horses walked flat on the rock wall, and the numerous MISS behind them were actually With the position of MISS off the arrow, there are not a few masters in the archers of the tyrants, and naturally there is no mention of what is predicted.

Liu Ying is also a kind, and the sword is flying down. It is a direct blow to the sword, but the other party does not buy it at all. The **** scorpion of the evil "Qian Sword" turns, the mouth is scorned and smiles. The sword suddenly sent out, blocking the first hit on the combo, and borrowed a body shape to come to the right side of Liu Ying, suddenly burst out of even strokes - thunder Liuhe!

The sweeping swept across the swift fire, completed in 1.4 seconds, each hit more than 15W attack output, almost instantly killed Liu Ying, West Chu Bawang in this kind of thing can not be used, Asked the Soul Soul to increase the attack by 100%, and it is superimposed on the original attack power of the sword. There are not a few players who can eat this set of tricks.

"Ask the sword seconds, boss!?"

A few heroes are stunned, the fireballs in the hands of the wizards, and several knights are crazy swords rushing down the rock wall. Everyone knows that the blood of the sword is twice as high as the sword. About 100W, although the defensive power has doubled, the benefits after killing are still there. After all, the sword is killed, although it is a replica.

Faced with the impact of a group of people, this operation of the soul of the sword is really good, a spinning MISS off a knight's hollow spurs, a long sword slammed the fire dragon, directly hit 60W crit damage, spiked, Turning around once again, the black dragon broke, and the two riding warriors were killed together, and they started to attack and launched the eagle-killing skills. Even the people took the horse into the city, and the long sword was printed on the chest of an archer. It is also a spike, just when a large group of players in the tyrants of the Fengyun guild intends to kill him, this "question sword" body sinks, the long sword stabbed into the earth, and the wolves broke through the skills!


A group of flame-stricken wolves raged in the crowd. At the same time, they asked the sword to raise their swords again. It was also a large-scale skill--casting a hundred swords. In a flash, countless swords smashed down, and the players who dominated the storm all cried. Even if the sword is himself, it has never been so fierce. It’s just that a soul has been refining, and it is so powerful that it is so powerful. !

Following the question of the sword, the rear is a Yanzhao unparalleled rushed to the city, once without a double-click to kill a person, the Vulcan blade takes a blow and kills one person, and asks the soul of the sword to rush forward side by side, rear, more and more Many refining souls rushed to the wall, and soon it was going to be out of control. At this moment, the heroic man came and asked the sword to carry a long sword and angered: "Kill the past, clean up the portal!"

Tang Qi smiled in the crowd, the copper money in his hands flipped, Liu Xun swiftly hit, dizzy asked the soul of the sword, sword tears, swords and sighs attacked and killed together, the archers broke the defense, asked the sword himself to advance the horse Thunder Liuhe combo launched together, everyone together, in one fell swoop will ask the soul of the sword to the second!

However, at this time, one person was fired from outside the city wall, holding a proud stick in his hand!


Ask the sword face a cold: "Quick open invincible skills!"

The coming person is the soul of the square song, and the skill is exactly his strongest impact skill - Vulcan roar!

The flame impact formed within 50 yards is swept in an instant, 100% of the square songs are attacked by the spirits, and the players who have not had time to open the invincible are killed by the second. A large number of damages exceeding 50W fly, ask the sword, the sword tears, the sword sigh Tang Qi and others stood there stunned, and no one thought that the attack power of this party's soul would be abnormal to this extent.

"Don't lie, kill him!"

I opened my wings behind me and flew over the edge of the city. It was a sharp-edged air-slapping effect. The "噗噗噗" hit the shield of the soul of the song, but he did not seem to fear my attack. Raise the hand to fly the flame, a spiral ice dance fell, "啪嚓", I saw ice under my feet, was imprisoned there, and then his ice fire storm ice rock almost fell on me!



For a moment, I actually played out my double dragon effect and hurriedly looked at the sword: "Up!"

Asked the sword to directly charge, the long sword with the skill luster continuously strangled on the shield of Fang Geyu, while the sword tears, sword sighs two people are spelled to withstand the impact of a fire shock, even the sword and gas bursting and other skills fall together go with.

I recovered some of the qi and blood and also separated from the imprisonment of the spiral ice dance. The figure was violent, the speed was like the volley of electricity, the maximum strength of the hands was raised, and the swords fell on the shoulders of the soul of the singer. On, this time almost kills him!

But no one thought that the soul of Fang Song’s soul turned, and actually launched an invincible skill!

Proud of the sky, the flames of the flames and flames melted directly to the sword to kill the body, NND, how strong is the spirit of the attack?

I quickly flew back, breaking away from the attack range of the soul of the song, and asked aloud: "Fang Ge, how long will your invincible stunt last?"

Fang Geyu did not hide at this time, said: "18 seconds, you have to be careful, we can't go through time."

Approximately 200 meters apart, Fang Ge is not riding a battle system, naturally not running so fast.

And I hovered in the air, while reading the seconds in my heart, watching the soul of the singer and the singer of the singer in the heroic squatting crowd, killing 70 people in 18 seconds, just invincible At the moment when the stunt disappeared, I walked directly behind him with a displacement of the seven stars. The two swords broke out and took the wind, and the second!


At this time, the city has become a mess, Yanzuo unparalleled, Ye Lai, floating clouds, Mu Yan and other people's refining souls still raging in the city, the top 1000 players in the CBN battle network are at least more than 70% are refining Soul, it is too difficult to face this group of soul refiners who have 100% full attribute enhancement.

What is even more difficult is that this group of people riding the battle system actually formed the charge of the cavalry array. After a round of impact, the melting **** iron ride could not resist, and the mythical **** wind ride could not withstand it. The songs are going to cry.

Among them, the most elite is the soul of Baiyuan riding headed by Tang Gu and others, a total of about 2,000 people, actually formed a cluster charge, Xuerou led the dragon of the melting iron directly riding, Fang Song, paper The position where the painting was located was also quickly chopped, and a group of Baiyuan riding souls rushed back and forth in the city.

But even more dangerous is that the refining souls of this group of players have opened up the situation and began to wreak havoc on the city. The rear is dense, the innumerable magic hall rides, the Baiyuan ride, and there are also four-star and five-star BOSS conductors. Fighting, although this is the last blow of the alien army, it seems to be a blow!

"Can't stop, boss, help..." Xue Rou almost lost his blood, and hurriedly launched the Yuanjian sword stunt, and the players around him were all moisturized, but this is not sustainable.

I turned decisively and shouted loudly: "Chi Yu Han, come up to defend the enemy!"

Chi Yuhan took the 5W Rock Dragon Iron Ride and waited on the mountainside. After hearing my voice, he immediately screamed and led the heavy cavalry of the Book City to the city, rampaging, and the refining soul possessed the 200% attribute of the player's body. These Rock Dragon Iron Riders have 120% of my attributes, which is almost equal to my equipment.

Therefore, the Rock Dragon Iron Rider collided with the soul of the Baiyuan Ride, and the front was raging, while I covered the Lin Xiao Dance and the Dongcheng Moon Remote Output Help. At the same time, Qingluo also led a group of dragon knights to attack and kill more than 50% of the Dragon City. The area has been occupied by the demon, and we must reverse the situation a little bit.

The soul of the battle is also screaming and screaming. Soon, Lan Nasir’s figure walked out of the administrative hall, flew in the sky, opened the longbow, and solved the problem of Tang Qi, the painting on paper and so on. The refining soul has never been so lively on the Dragon City.


It lasted for nearly 2 hours. Finally, Longcheng was forcibly taken back from the hands of the refining army. With the help of many NPCs, millions of refining troops were killed. This wave of them has already gone, and we have gone. Forcibly drove down the city, squeezing millions of people's temple rides and barbarian wolves on the blood, and became the target of the martial arts heavy artillery. One cannonball went down, and the whole bloodline became a purgatory grave. Once again, killing the dead again is what we are doing now.

The refining of the soul retreats, the whole situation is in our own mastery, and I don’t have such a wise decision in the imagination. Under the power of the frosty shock, he did not attack himself again. This time the dragon domain battle version The heaviest winner is now determined to be us, but the cost is too big.

I turned to the south wall and watched the tents of countless Tianzhu City troops on the southern plains, and could hear the tragic sound of the wounded soldiers far away. Even if the victory was a victory, the Tianzhu City army was Many people have been frozen and killed, and many people have been killed by the demon. It is already a great loss of strength. In contrast, the NPC army of the Iron Cranial City and Zeyuan City did not move at all, without a small loss.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the NPC army in Jiuyi City is almost blood-washed. I don't think that the total number of NPC troops in Jiuyi City will not exceed 20W now. The balance between Linhai City and Jiuyi City has begun to deflect toward Linhai City. In the war, Jiuyi City is not a threat to us.

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