Zhan Long

Chapter 1263: Don't forget, don't forget!

The flames that continually jumped ran a pretty face of Lancome red. She added firewood to the small piece, and looked at the boiling shape of the pot with hope. Half of the deer legs had been cut into pieces and cooked in the pot. After the wild vegetables as a seasoning, the aroma is overflowing, and this girl is already ready to move.


"Young man."

Aside, the old man is grinding a hunter's short knife and said: "We will not hand in tribute prey in the future. Is this really okay? I always feel that... it is not so easy to let us go, Lancome’s parents are dead. Only she and I are dependent on this old bone, even if today, Shaoxia is the master of us, but... Once the young man leaves, I and Lancome still face unpredictable dangers, the servants of the gods are ferocious Incomparably, they will not let go of our 'rebels'. In the days to come, I really don’t know what will happen."

Said, the old man sighed, his face was full of wrinkles, but looking at Lancome's eyes is full of love, I understand this feeling, Lancome is already the old man's everything.

I thought about it and said, "Then eradicate this thing. Are you afraid of the person named Yunxiao?"

"Ah? Clouds adults?"

The old man’s face passed a trace of horror and said: "Young man, how do you know the name?"

I said, "Listen to what is being mentioned in the sky, who is Yunxiao? Is it one of the guards under the shrine of the Emperor?"

"That is a servant!" The old man looked amazed and said: "Young man, the name of the Emperor can not be mentioned at will. In this whole land, no one will call the name of the Emperor, this is a death sin. !"

I nodded. "I know, Yunxiao was only one of the servants of God. I still remember that when I came last time, I killed a servant, Yunfan."

"What?" The old man widened his eyes: "Is it a man who kills Yunfan adults? Impossible, this is impossible..."

He shook his head and said: "The people in the upper bound once said that the assassin who killed Yunfan has been killed by the Emperor, how can you still be alive?"

I smiled and said: "Because I don't belong to this plane, there are some special things. I don't want you to say that this time I came to heaven to challenge the Emperor."


This time, I was surprised not only by the old man, but also by Lan Lan, who was not afraid of it. I was so shocked that I had a big mouth: "Sister of the mountain pig, do you want to challenge the gods? No, you will be killed, don't!"

"No, I am sure to win him." My mouth is rising, my confidence is beyond words.

The old man looked sad and desperate. In his eyes, I seemed to have become a dead person. Instead, Lancome took my hand and said, "Well, Lancome believes that the mountain pig brother can challenge success! If successful, the mountain pig brother is God, you can protect Lancome from bullying, and the bad guys will never dare to move me!"

The old man said quietly: "I have to eat early, go to bed early."

He must have something in mind, but this is not important. Anyway, I am a challenger, and the map I am on is the map of the Emperor's cloud. This is a matter of course. As long as I fly all the way up, I will definitely find it. The shallow nest of the clouds, take a break tonight, and try again tomorrow.

Soon after, the venison soup was cooked. Lancome gave me and my grandfather a full bowl. Then I ate venison and ate the soup. I was a player and didn’t need to eat, so I only ate very little. One point, the venison is given to them, both grandson and grandson. Although it is only game data, I am still touched by their dependence.


After eating, Lancome returned to his simple "mortuary" to sleep, and the old man, like me, relied on the big tree on the side to spend a long night.

The water in the stove on the campfire was opened, and the smog splashed on the fire. Lancome still slept very well. I was silent, and the old man blinked. I didn't know if I slept or didn't sleep.

At dawn, the bonfire has been extinguished and turned into a smoky smog.

At this time, there was a hoof in the village.

"somebody is coming!"

The old man suddenly sat up and said, "Is the cavalry, how can there be cavalry to come to the village? When the monthly supply was collected in the past year, it was only the carriage. Why did there be cavalry this time?"

The small village suddenly made a mess. Far away, about 20 cavalry rushed over. There were many people with scattered strength, but they were all servants of the emperor. The cavalry swarmed through the village and went to the village. At the end of the time, I stopped and stopped in front of Lancome’s house. I suddenly felt awkward and confused.

No, if you are really whispering, the gods should come in person, instead of sending these small fish and shrimps. If the opponent is a god, these people will only die.


The first cavalry turned over and held the hilt, smiling slightly: "Lance old man, there is a good thing to come to the door, I really want to congratulate you, haha!"

The old man glanced: "Adult, what?"

The comers unfolded a scroll and read: "The upper bound Yunxiao adults learned that your granddaughter Lancome is beautiful and intelligent, and she is wise, so she decided to marry her as an acolyte. From now on, you will be able to live a good life. Don't hurry to pick up the gift of the adult?"

"This..." The old man looked blank: "Isn't the Yunxiao adult already had 12 aides? Why? Why do you want my family's Lancome? Adults, Lancome is just 17 years old, please let the adults let her go. Let's go!"

"Get out!"

When the people came to open the old man, they said, "Toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine, this Lancome, we adults must set it up. Please wash it with us and let them go. Tonight, let them give the good things!"

When the old man still resisted, I stopped him and told him not to use any unnecessary rebellion. Instead, he said to the people: "Adult, I am Lancome’s brother. I traveled in my early years, but I did nothing in my martial arts. Now, I am desperate to return to my hometown. Since Yunxiao adults want to marry Lancome, then... my brother should go together and prepare a dowry for Lancome."

The cavalry leader couldn’t help but smile: "Hey? Lancome actually has such a brother, it’s rare, but your kid is sensible. After Lancome marries me, you can also eat and drink spicy. Let's say, do you have any good gifts to be Lancome's dowry?"

I raised my hand and pulled out the sword. I put my hands on it and smiled and said, "This is it."

The leader looked at the sword and suddenly passed a trace of surprise. He quickly placed the sword in the box and hung it on the side of the war horse. He said, "That's ready to go!"



A group of upper cavalry waited outside, and Lancome looked at me with grievances: "How can you marry me to Yunxiao at random, I heard that it is a full-fledged heart, I don't want to marry that kind of person. !"

I reached out and stroked her shoulder: "Lan Lan is at ease, I will let Yunxiao go to **** before I marry you."

"Well, I believe the mountain pig brother!"

Lancome believed me, but her grandfather didn't believe so much. There was no way to wait until I was looking for a chance to kill the cloud. This time I was also enough to fight, and even the sword was given as a dowry!


Lancome's dressing is very simple, just replace the hunter's animal skin robe, and put on the upper bound clothes brought by the people, the whole person suddenly became slim, although with a trace of wildness, but it is indeed a beautiful woman.

I also summoned the sacred dragon horse. As a group of cavalry went straight to the north and the earth was empty, I was wondering how they would step on the upper bound. At this moment, the cavalry running in the forefront suddenly took out the scroll and sprinkled it. In the air, suddenly an invisible light blue staircase appeared, like a foot ladder, let a row of cavalry go empty and go straight to the upper bound.

After ten minutes, return to the place!

In order to avoid being recognized, I put the armor and the butterfly sword into the parcel, dressed in a cloth and followed them into the palace where the cloud was inhabited. At the same time, I was very hot with a servant on the side. Knowing everything is indispensable, said: "The Yunxiao adults are the most proud disciples of the emperor. They have been cultivated into the goddess of God. In a few years, they may be able to fly into the king of God, so the clouds are grown in the clouds. The world is most heavily valued by Emperor Zun, this time the emperor, perhaps the emperor will come to congratulate!"

I said, "Flying clouds, what is that?"

"Oh, one of the seven realms, you don't even understand this? Heaven is divided into seven realms, of which the strongest strength of the Feiyun world is also dominated by the most powerful emperor of the seven emperors. If you ask about it, you will know that Yunshen Shendi is deeply acquainted with the four rules. It is the strongest of the seven emperors. Hey, in short, your sister is married to Yunxiao adults. Yunxiao adults are the pride of the emperor. You can also step by step, step by step!"

I smiled and said: "Then I will not forget your brother's support!"

"Well, don't forget the brothers!"

"A word is fixed!"

Mixed, I am more and more arrogant...


When we arrived between the two clouds, the team of the welcoming family came. Yunxiao was wearing a fine armor and holding a long knife. It was just a red ribbon on his arm, not quite like a bridegroom. It is more like a military commander ready to fight, but his good days are finally over.

When Lancome's face appeared in front of Yunxiao, he immediately became enamored. He applauded: "The woman in the lower bound is a beautiful country. Come and come, good life, and good things tonight."

"Yes!" A group of guards spoke loudly.

And I followed along, Lancome was nervously surrounded by a group of people, and her grandfather was in the crowd, I was simpler, mixed into the cloud of the guards, ready to approach him, so that Looking for opportunities, and can't wait until the dark wedding is done, you must kill the clouds before the Emperor's cloud is shallow. This cloud is a god, the other **** in addition to the emperor in the flying cloud, first make him And then single-handedly the Emperor, this is my script.



The guards who are familiar with me smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go to the backyard. Yunxiao adults heard that you tribute to a peerless soldier, so I invite you to meet in the backyard and thank you in person."

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