Zhan Long

Chapter 1264: War god

The opportunity is coming.


In the backyard, a cloud-like house in the district is as big as a palace. It is impossible to imagine what kind of realm the palace of the gods will be luxurious. It seems that all the gods are full of exploitation, such as the slaves and serfs in the lower bounds. In fact, it is nothing more than providing food and other resources for the Emperor. This is originally a kind of exploitation relationship.

"You said yes, if your kid gets the appreciation of Yunxiao adults, don't forget the brothers!" The guards on the side are still mourning, and he doesn't know how enthusiastic he is about power.

I nodded, passed through a garden promenade, went straight to the backyard of the mansion, secretly observed the surroundings, no guards, most of them were maids, and the guards were only about seven or eight people, all of which belonged to the level that I could kill with a set of strokes. No threat is caused, the biggest threat is the **** of the cloud, it should not be difficult to kill.



The heavy iron gate suddenly opened, and the clouded temple was as luxurious as the four guards inside. The guards who sent me did not come in, just raised their hands and said, "Good luck!"

I walked in and walked in, and there was a slamming sound behind me. The door was closed by the guards. In front of me, a warrior wearing a blue robes sat on the throne, holding a long sword in his hand. It was my sword, he I looked up at me and smiled slightly: "You are the brother of Lancome? What is your name?"

"Lan Ling..." I just gave a name.

Yunxiao laughed and said, "Lanling? It is a peculiar name. The deity asks you, where did you get this sword? It doesn't seem to belong to the realm of God."


"Oh? You actually went to the real world? Hehe..." Yunxiao smiled and put the sword aside and said, "You don't have to be cautious. From now on, we are also a family. Lancome became my acolyte." After that, you can serve as my bodyguard. The deity will not treat you badly, and the beauty of Lancome, I will certainly be pampered. It’s really rare. You can have such a younger sister.

I frowned. "Adult, you really wouldn't let Lancôme?"


Yunxiao suddenly stood up and shouted: "Boy, what do you mean?"

I have one hand, the power of the Royal Heaven is launched, and the corner of the mouth raises a smile: "What do you mean? You force Lang Lan to want her to be your acolyte, what kind of use is this scum that you still have to die, Laozi today Come here, just for funeral!"


After the sword was summoned by me, I immediately flew back and returned to the original owner. Seven or eight guards behind him pulled out the sword and sipped: "Hurry up and kill this kid! Come and go to the front hall to summon the people!"

How can I let them summon too many people, directly rushing forward with a blade, grabbing a long guard of a guard, and he still wants to struggle, but I am flying with my feet, and the scorpion is directly Inside the door of the door, the whole force is pulled, suddenly twisted and twisted, and the door is buckled to death. The strength of these guards is far less than me, so that even if people come outside for a while, they will not be able to enter.


As soon as he turned around, Yunxiao had already arrived, and his hands were swaying with a illusion of the gods, roaring down.

In the face of a god, there is no need to fear, the shield of the stars is blocked, the butterfly sword attacks, and a set of tricks will shake the clouds away. At the same time, the overlord suit on my body will be added one by one. I recognized me and whispered: "Good boy, it turned out to be you, trying to challenge the emperor, killing Yunfan's mixed things, today you don't want to go again!"

I also sneered: "If you don't take your next god, how can I be willing to leave?"

The sword and the storm smashed through the thunder and thundered together, and easily smashed the cloud scorpion again. The shield of the stars dissipated, and the two swords attacked together. After several times, the squad was picked up by a set of winds, followed by a set of flat cuts. The glory of this god-respecting power has no power to fight, and the guards around the group of flying clouds are also stunned and actually stand there and do not move.

I don't need to drink, they also know that obedience does not have to die, this plane NPC is simply too smart, and I don't know how to write loyalty!

In less than 30 minutes, Yunxiao’s body was covered with sword wounds, and the surrounding guards did not have a hands-on. They thought that this was a battle between God and God. They could not intervene, and Yunxiao was completely desperate. The attack was unrecognized and eventually fell to the ground under my set of tricks.


A subordinate **** is landing, this is the godhead of the cloud, a rare godhead.


Stretching his hand and grabbing the gods into his arms, I slammed straight, and the double-sword spiral slammed. "嘭" broke a big hole in the door. The mission of Yunxiao was completed, and then it was my journey. Go to the front hall first, and save Lancome and Lance Grandpa together, and then lead the gods to chase them out, and then look for opportunities to kill him.


The body passed by in the air. When I flew to the front hall, I heard the cry of Lancome. I saw that the old Lance had fallen to the ground, and the wound pierced by a spear on the chest, and there was a half cut off. Spear, on the side, a guard with a short spear sneered and said: "Old things, actually do not know how to lift, die to live!"

I angered and attacked, and rushed down. From the sky, it was a sword, and when the wind broke out, the servant was directly turned into a pile of minced meat, and then looked at Lancome, saying: "Lan Lan, Grandpa has gone, fast. Run away with me."

Lancome looked at me with anger: "If you didn't let me and my grandfather come here, how could Grandpa die, it's all you!"

Aside, many guards also pulled out their swords and shouted: "Take this kid a corpse, and dare to kill us here!"

I lifted it with one hand and held a lower **** in my palm. I broke it off: "Even the clouds have been killed by me. His godhead is here. Which one of you is not afraid of death?"

This drink directly stunned the surrounding guards, no one dared to do it again, and Lancome looked at the godhead in my hand and said, "Sister of the mountain pig, you...you killed the cloud? I don't have to Marrying to the clouds?"

"Unless you are willing to marry a pile of dust, or who can't force you, Lancome, let's go, here and pass it out, the gods will soon catch up."


Lancome grabbed my arm and I took her and flew away from the air palace.

Although in the air, Lancome's tears still can't stop flowing, she and her grandfather are living together, but today I saw my grandfather being killed, this sadness can be imagined.

As I flew, I said, "I will kill the clouds and avenge your grandfather."

"But..." She bit her red lips and cried, "But the gods are so terrible, the mountain pig brothers will be killed together."

I smiled a little: "Then you will get stronger soon, help me, I will not be killed by the Emperor."

"How can I become stronger?" She looked blank and tears continued to flow. She said, "I am just a little hunter. My strength is like an ant for the Emperor, the King, and the God. In general, what else can I do?"

I spread her hand and stuffed it in and said, "Would you be weak if this is for you?"

Lancome looked down at the things in the palm of his hand, and it was the lower **** of the sky. In a moment, Lancome was shocked: "Sister of the mountain pig, this godhead, you want..."

"Yes, I want you to refine it. I want you to be a god, so that you can help me."

"it is good……"

I continued: "When I kill the Emperor, I will take you out of heaven and go to the human world, where God is respectful, but you should not be too afraid of them if you cultivate into the power of God."

"But... Lancome wants to go with the mountain pig brother, I don't want to stay in the realm of God."

"Do you want to go to the realm?"

"Yeah." Lancome nodded hard and said: "The gods are so tired of me, I want to go to the world, will the mountain pig brother take me there?"

I thought for a moment: "Well, if you can, I will take you there."

"Okay." The face of her heart was finally revealed with a smile, then she cried again.

"Lan Lan, what kind of mountain is nearby, the higher one?"

"Fei Yunfeng, the entire flying cloud and even the highest peak of the gods, is right in front."

"it is good!"

My intention is very obvious. I decided to fight against the Emperor on the Feiyun Peak, so that it will not be affected by insignificant people.


The clouds spread out to the sides, and soon, there was a green peak in front of it, which was indeed very high, almost at the same height as the floating temple where the Emperor lived.


The boots are on the gravel, I have already descended on the Feiyun Peak. This peak is slightly flat. It is covered with snow. It is a very good place to go. Look at the distance, there is a very secret cave, so Lan Lan I sent it over and patrolled. There were no other species in the cave. So I said to Lancome: "There is a refinement of the cloud here. I want you to fly to God. I will not come out until I come to you." Otherwise, the cloud will definitely kill you."

"Well, the mountain pig brother is careful, in case you... you can't come back, what should Lancôme do?"

"Reassured." I patted her shoulder and smiled: "I will definitely come!"

"A word is fixed!"



Leaving the cave, Lancome went to practice, and I stood on the snow peak and looked at the east, so I waited for the arrival of the Emperor.

Yunxiao was killed by me. This news should be transmitted to Yunxiao very quickly. He dares to come. This Feiyunfeng is his burial place, and most of them dare to come. After all, I was with the cloud last time. There is not much effort to fight back. This time, he will be the enemy and will definitely kill me again.

Behind him, there was a faint energy fluctuation in the cave, and Lancome was refining the lower gods. In any case, I should fight for her time.


In less than ten minutes, there was a long shout in the distance.


A figure flashed to the front of me, it was the light of the flame energy knife. This upper **** god finally came to the door!

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