With his current cultivation, as long as he doesn't show up, they really can't find it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

"No, the Book Collection Pavilion is the most important place in Wudang, and there is no room for loss. This old man also needs to set up a Qimen Bagua formation around the Book Collection Pavilion."

"In this way, no matter how high his martial arts skills are, he will not be able to enter without knowing it."

Huang Yaoshi said he would do it, and immediately put away the chessboard and set up the formation.

Guo Xiang jumped to Zhang Sanfeng's side and took his hand.

"Let's go, I'll take you to visit the Book Collection Pavilion. You are so comfortable, you're a shopkeeper. I thought you didn't care about Wudang."

At the moment, Guo Xiang took Zhang Sanfeng into the library.

The library on the third floor, the first floor is Taoist classics, which collects countless Taoist classics.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled.

He didn't just say it casually, but he really liked it.


However, I have been busy with trivial matters all the time, but I haven't read the Taoist classics carefully.

Although he is cultivating the way of nature, he still needs to read Taoist classics and study hard.

This is also of great help to his martial arts cultivation.

Buddhist martial arts, once practiced to a high level, need to be supplemented by Buddhism.

If you don’t understand the Buddhadharma, but practice the divine arts, sooner or later, you will fall into the devil’s way, and you will never be able to recover.

The way of Tai Chi practiced by Zhang Sanfeng also requires mastery of the essentials of Taoist practitioners.

Martial arts, martial arts, martial arts are just techniques, Tao is the foundation.

The classics here are all collected by Feng Qingyang and others.

"These Taoist classics are extensive and profound, and reading them is intoxicating, like a soul wandering for nine days."

Guo Xiang's expression was full of joy.

After all, she was the one who created the Emei School, and her aptitude and comprehension were of the highest order.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded lightly.

"As the head of Wudang, I should be familiar with the classics of the family. Otherwise, wouldn't I make the world's cultivators laugh at me?"

"Since I am here today, I will read these Taoist books carefully."

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng picked up a book and read it.

He read very fast, one book, but after a while, he was finished, and then he went on to read the second book.

The third, the fourth...

Volumes of Taoist classics were gently turned over in Zhang Sanfeng's hands.

On his body, a layer of Dao rhyme gradually emerged, sitting there, elegantly out of the dust, really like a fairy.

Outside, the situation is rising again, erratic and changing.

Wan Dao Xiaguang, from above the sky, came out through the clouds.

The crane hummed softly, with a sound like the sound of heaven.five.

Chapter 162

Outside, Feng Qingyang felt the fluctuations from the Sutra Collection Pavilion.

"Is this enlightenment? Zhang Zhenzhen is really talented, and in the blink of an eye, he has reached such a state."

He was filled with emotion.

When Feng Qingyang met Zhang Sanfeng for the first time, although Zhang Sanfeng was more powerful than Feng Qingyang, he was not as terrifying as this.

Today's Zhang Sanfeng...

Feng Qingyang shook his head with a wry smile.

He was a disciple of the sword demon Dugu seeking defeat in vain, and he once boasted that his talent was extraordinary.

Now I know that compared to Zhang Sanfeng, his aptitude is simply too scum.

"I'm afraid the sword demon Dugu seeks defeat. When he was young, he didn't have such a cultivation base."

Feng Qingyang has never seen Dugu Qiufeng, but by chance, he got the Dugu Nine Swords created by Dugu Qiubai when he was young.

Since then, he has regarded himself as a disciple of Dugu seeking defeat.

Sword Demon is Feng Qingyang's most admired person.

Today, on [-], there is another Zhang Sanfeng.

Since entering Wudang, his cultivation has also become increasingly refined.

Zhang Sanfeng returned to the mountain to preach, which made Feng Qingyang break through again and made great progress in martial arts.

Today, Zhang Sanfeng's enlightenment is also a rare opportunity.

Feng Qingyang immediately sat cross-legged and felt the changes in the qi of heaven and earth pulled by Zhang Sanfeng.

Outside, Huang Yaoshi, who was arranging Qimen gossip, stopped, looked at the unpredictable sky, sighed softly, and crossed his knees.

Xiao Feng was teaching [-] newly recruited Wudang disciples when he noticed the change of Qi in the vicinity of Wudang Mountain.

"You all sit quietly and feel it with your heart. How much you can realize depends on your own fortune."

The people on Wudang Mountain took advantage of this opportunity to understand Zhang Sanfeng's way of Tai Chi.

Wei Zhuang just took the people of quicksand and just climbed the White Horse Peak.

"What a majestic power of heaven and earth."

Wei Zhuang's face was horrified.

"I feel that the qi in my body seems to be pulled by some invisible force."

Chi Lian's eyes flickered.

"This is Zhang Zhenren's enlightenment, which affects the qi of heaven and earth."

Wei Zhuang sighed.

Such cultivation is truly earth-shattering.

"Consider it with your heart, even if you can realize a little bit, it will be of great help to your martial arts cultivation."


In the library.

Zhang Sanfeng only felt countless insights, like flowing water, slowly flowing from his heart.

Before he entered the Shaolin Temple, he was a well-educated person, and he had profound attainments in both Confucianism and Taoism.

Later, he entered Shaolin as a monk and followed Jueyuan.

On the one hand, Jueyuan passed on his Jiuyang magic, and on the other hand, he also passed on many of his Buddhist teachings.

You know, Jueyuan has been obsessed with Buddhism all his life.

In terms of attainments in Buddhism alone, he is by no means inferior to any Shaolin monk.

Even far more.

Although Jueyuan has a strong internal strength, he never focused on practicing martial arts, and only practiced Buddhism.

Zhang Sanfeng got his advice, and he was naturally very accomplished in Buddhism.

But the more he practiced Buddhism, the more Zhang Sanfeng understood.

Buddha is the Tao.

The Buddha and the Tao are connected, and the Tao directly points to the essence, which is still on the Buddha.

Previously, he cultivated the way of nature and only realized it by himself.

Now, after reading a lot of Taoist classics and by analogy, I have gained many new insights.

Zhang Sanfeng felt that his Tai Chi martial arts had a faint tendency to improve again.

It is only one line away from the third grade.

However, reading these Taoist treasures brought him the greatest help, but it was aimed at the mind of martial arts.

Until this time, Zhang Sanfeng didn't understand why he had been unable to integrate the peerless martial arts such as the Six Meridian Divine Sword into the mind of martial arts.

His mastery of martial arts has been superb.

However, in the point of "Dao Xin", it has not been completed.

What Zhang Sanfeng cultivated is the way of nature.

But the Dao Heart of Martial Arts, the Dao Heart required, is all-inclusive.

Every martial skill requires a different mind.

"Dao Xin" is not perfect, and martial arts are naturally difficult to integrate.

But now, after reading all the Taoist books in the library, Zhang Sanfeng's Taoist heart has finally been sublimated.

At this moment, the martial arts that could not be integrated into the heart of the martial arts are quietly integrated.

Zhang Sanfeng opened his personal panel.

Name: Zhang Sanfeng

Gongfa: Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong (Ninth Revolution) Level: seventh floor.Small Wuxiang Gong, Bodhicitta, subduing dragons and subduing elephants, Zixia magic… (there are dozens more)

Martial Arts: Martial Arts Dao Xin (Intermediate)

Martial Arts: Tai Chi Martial Arts ([-]th rank)

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