Experience Points: 30000 points

Skill Points: 30000 points

In the column of martial arts, the Six Veined Divine Sword, Lingbo Microstep, Tianshan Liuyang Palm, Tianshan Folding Plum Hand, Life and Death Talisman, Prajna Chan Palm, Wuxiangjie Finger, these have all disappeared.

All integrated into the heart of martial arts...  

Zhang Sanfeng faintly felt that his martial skill was on the verge of breaking through.

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it, and added all experience points and skill points to his martial skill Dao Xin.

In an instant, he felt a sense of perfection.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng's martial skill and Taoism finally broke through.

After being integrated into many top martial arts, the original accumulation of martial arts Dao Xin is enough.

Just a little bit of experience and skill.

After adding it, it immediately sublimated and entered the high-level realm.

Zhang Sanfeng's figure flashed, like a teleportation, and left the library.

His footsteps moved, and he was in the air.

Lingbo's micro-step footwork naturally stepped out.

However, this set of footwork has a new change.

The original Lingbo Weibu was stepped out in sequence according to the method of the Eight, Eight and Sixty Trigrams of the Book of Changes, with endless changes.

When practicing to be brilliant, the inside and outside are one.

As long as the infuriating energy in the body moves, the footsteps will move naturally.

Moreover, you can also practice internal strength with dynamic exercises, step out according to the hexagram, and you will naturally generate internal strength.

But no matter how powerful it is, it is still on a plane, stepping out on the ground.

But now, Ling Bo Weibu under Zhang Sanfeng's feet is in the air.

It went up and down, up and down, but it never landed.

The original Lingbo Weibu was only flat, but now it is three-dimensional.

The original Lingbo micro-step requires a specific footwork, but now, it is free to come and go without restraint.

  The perfect fusion of Dianguang Shenxingbu and Lingbo Weibu, coupled with Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts, makes it completely different.

This is the light work of light work.

Focus on the agility of movement, do whatever you want, and don't confuse opponents with variable footwork.

Lightweight, easy to move up and down.

The combination of movement and stillness does not consume internal power at all. When it is displayed, it can affect the qi machine of heaven and earth into the body, adjust the breath around the sky, and accumulate internal power.

"This is the most brilliant Qinggong, Wudang's staggering the clouds, the real soaring through the clouds."

This is much more powerful than Ti Yunzong in Mr. Jin's novels.

Completely incomparable.

When it is displayed, Zhang Sanfeng's figure, like a cloud of smoke, never touches the ground, but soars in the air.

However, what made Zhang Sanfeng even more happy was the change in the Six Meridians Excalibur.

His sleeves danced, and in an instant, six sword lights shot out from his sleeves. .

Chapter 163

The sword light was incredibly fast.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is impossible to see that it is the six sword lights, only a flash of lightning.

The sword light flickered like a dragon, and flew out from Zhang Sanfeng's sleeve.

Three hundred steps away, a huge pine tree collapsed.

With a flash of sword light, it had returned to Zhang Sanfeng's sleeve and disappeared.

Feng Qingyang and Huang Yaoshi were both dumbfounded.

Martial arts cultivation has reached their realm, and it is very common to release internal strength.

But even with the cultivation of the two of them, at most, they can only release their true energy by five or six feet.

Huang Yaoshi has the supernatural power of flicking his fingers, and with the help of the utensils when he flicks his fingers, he can put it out several dozen feet away, but it is only fifty paces at most.

Master Yi Deng's Yi Yang pointed out that the intangible fingering, which is immersive and extroverted, is a distance of thirty steps.

This is already the limit.

But the invisible sword that Zhang Sanfeng had just released was already three hundred paces away.

Moreover, in terms of power and speed, compared to the internal energy they put out, they are much more powerful and completely different.

Feng Qingyang sighed.

"Sect Master, has your martial arts cultivation already entered the Land God Fairyland?"

Zhang Sanfeng's figure slowly fell from the air.

"I'm not very clear on this matter. The land of the gods on the land has always been known only by its name. Whether it has entered or not is still the number 17 of the two."

After reading a lot of Taoist classics, Zhang Sanfeng has no desire for the land of the gods.

There is a golden elixir to walk, why do you want to be a land fairy?

At this time, on the mountain road of Wudang Mountain, two men were climbing.

Both of them are handsome, personable, and the jade tree faces the wind.

One of them was named Chu Liuxiang by Zhang Sanfeng, who asked him to come to Wudang Mountain after ten days.

And another person.

There are two beards on the mouth, neatly trimmed like eyebrows, it is Lu Xiaofeng who is called four eyebrows by people in the world.

It turned out that after Chu Liuxiang was ordered by Zhang Sanfeng that day, she became frowning and restless.

He didn't know what Zhang Sanfeng was thinking, and naturally he didn't want to come to Wudang.

But since Zhang Sanfeng called his name, Chu Liuxiang didn't dare not come.

That is the first person in the world.

Although Chu Liuxiang believed that he was highly skilled, good in martial arts, courageous, and resourceful, facing Zhang Sanfeng, he felt that there was nothing he could do.

In the face of absolute strength, he has nothing to do.

At this moment, Chu Liuxiang met Lu Xiaofeng.

The two of them are both wise men on the rivers and lakes, and they are both the suave and suave sons of the rivers and lakes, so naturally they hit it off at first sight.

Coincidentally, Lu Xiaofeng also wanted to go to Wudang to visit his friend, Ximen Chuixue.

The two walked together.

"Brother Chu, don't worry, Zhang Zhenren is highly respected and cultivated to the gods, so he certainly won't embarrass Brother Chu."

Lu XiaoFeng comforted her with kind words.

He was very aware of Ximen Chuixue's character, if it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng's unique charm that could convince him, Ximen Chuixue would never join Wudang.

"hope so."

Chu Liuxiang always felt uneasy.

Today, the two of them come to Wudang all day long.

But it happened to bump into Zhang Sanfeng's enlightenment.

"It turns out that Zhenren Zhang's cultivation has really reached such a level."

Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng both sighed in admiration.

Zhang Sanfeng was younger than the two of them, but in terms of cultivation, there was a world of difference.

Immediately afterwards, they saw from a distance that Zhang Sanfeng flew into the air and used Wudang Tiyun Zong and Feizhong Feijian.

I stared blankly for a moment.

"Fortunately I didn't run away!"

Chu Liuxiang smiled bitterly.

Zhang Sanfeng once said that if he ran away, he would come out to chase him in person and compete with him in light power.

Now, seeing Zhang Sanfeng's Qinggong, Chu Liuxiang immediately understood that it was a realm that she could never reach in her entire life.

His Qinggong, in front of Zhang Sanfeng, was like a child's nonsense, childish and ridiculous.

Zhang Sanfeng walked into the library again and entered the second floor.

On this floor, there are all kinds of miscellaneous books.

Astronomy and geography, five elements and gossip, Qimen Xunjia, chess, calligraphy and painting, farmland water conservancy, economic strategy, all-encompassing.

Most of these books come from Huang Yaoshi's Peach Blossom Island.

Although this old man has a quirky temper, he is indeed knowledgeable and pedantic.

In addition, this floor also has the experiences of the people on Wudang Mountain, compiled into a book for Wudang disciples to read and increase their knowledge of the rivers and lakes.

Going up to the third floor is the martial arts secret book.

Zhang Sanfeng thought that this floor would be empty.

Unexpectedly, there are many secrets.

"This is all contributed by everyone on Wudang Mountain."

"They said that since they talked about Wudang's exercises and gained a lot of benefits, they should also make a little contribution to Wudang."

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