Guo Xiang picked up a copy.

"This is Dali Duan's Yiyang Finger, which is written by Master Yideng."

One Yang refers to the unique knowledge of the Duan clan in Dali.

Master Yideng is highly accomplished on a Yang finger.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect that Master Yideng didn't hide his secrets at all.

"What you pass on to them are also top-notch unique skills."

Guo Xiang picked up another one.

"This is the empty fist of the old urchin."

"This is the old urchin's technique of fighting each other."

"This is the magic power of Huang Yaoshi."

"This is Huang Yaoshi's Fallen Sword."

"This is Huang Yaoshi's orchid brushing acupoint hand."


Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but ask.

"Huang Yaoshi is bringing all the martial arts from Peach Blossom Island here?"

Guo Xiang smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"That's right, a few of them competed with each other for more and better martial arts, and they took out all of their family's wealth."

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help being stunned for a while, then burst out laughing.

Although these people are quite old, their hearts are still like children, which is really commendable.

Guo Xiang picked up another cheat book.

"This is Ga Nie's Hundred-Step Flying Sword."

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked.

"Hundred Steps Flying Sword" is the most deadly sword in the Guigu vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, known as "one blade breaks the throat, one hundred steps flying sword".

Summons a white dragon and throws the sword to attack the opponent.

This sword technique is extremely powerful.

Zhang Sanfeng did not expect that Gai Nie would actually hand over this swordsmanship.

  "You passed on the magic of Gai Nie Jiuyang and healed his internal injuries. He also contributed his swordsmanship."

Guo Xiang saw that Zhang Sanfeng was a little puzzled, and explained again.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.

Although the Hundred-Step Flying Sword is a unique skill in the Ghost Valley, there is no rule in the Ghost Valley that it cannot be passed on to outsiders.

Tianming was taught by Gai Nie, and he also learned the Hundred-step Flying Sword.

It seems that there are already quite a few unique skills in Wudang, surpassing countless martial arts schools.

However, Zhang Sanfeng is determined to let Wudang replace Shaolin and become the largest martial arts faction.

The martial arts of the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion are as vast as the sea of ​​smoke, and there are countless.

That Wudang, also can not lose to Shaolin.

Immediately, Zhang Sanfeng took pen and paper and recorded all the martial arts he mastered.

There are already many top martial arts in his heart.

Just the nine divine arts integrated into the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong, all recorded, will far exceed Shaolin.

Not to mention that Zhang Sanfeng still has his own biggest reliance.

Tai Chi martial arts.

As soon as he thought about it, the pen in his hand flew rapidly, incredibly fast.

The content of a page is almost written in one stroke.

Guo Xiang was stunned.

Zhang Sanfeng's writing speed is much faster than her reading speed.

This is due to the speed at which the Qi engine in Zhang Sanfeng runs.

Three thousand miles in an instant.

The hand moves with the air and the pen moves with the hand, which is naturally incredibly fast.

Soon, books of peerless martial arts cheats were written under Zhang Sanfeng's hands. .

Chapter 164

"Jiuji Jing", "Jiuyang Magical Art", "Dharma of Absorption", "The Revised Version of Sunflower Collection", "Dragon Elephant Prajna Art", "Jiuyin Zhenjing", "King Kong's Indestructible Magical Art", "Eight Desolations and Six Harmonies" I am the only one who respects the power of magic", "The Great Shift of Taiji Universe".

The nine great powers were soon written by Zhang Sanfeng.

Guo Xiang read one and was shocked.

She had heard of these magic tricks.

All of them are the supreme exercises that countless masters dream of in the martial arts.

After reading Zhang Sanfeng's letter, he knew that he had mastered all these exercises.

"Little Taoist priest, it turns out that you have practiced so many magical skills, no wonder martial arts are so powerful."

Today's Zhang Sanfeng has become a real Zhang who is admired by thousands of people.

Guo Xiang still used to call him a little Taoist priest.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't take it seriously, instead he felt very close.

"That's natural."

He went on to write the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School, the Tianshan Folding Plum Hand, the Tianshan Liuyang Palm, the Life and Death Talisman...

As for Lingbo Weibu, since it has been passed on to Wang Yuyan and Guo Xiang, he doesn't need to write it, Wang Yuyan will write it anyway.

The same goes for other martial arts of various schools.

After writing about the martial arts of the Tianshan School, Zhang Sanfeng went on to write his own Taiji martial arts.

The mind of martial arts can only be understood, not spoken, and naturally cannot be written.

We can only see if we can receive a suitable disciple in the future, and then pass it on to him.

Shi Lan Xiaoyu's qualifications are not bad.

However, it is extremely difficult to cultivate martial arts and Taoism, and I don't know if she can do it.

Tai Chi martial arts is broad and profound, profound and profound.

The most important point is still on the "Tao".

In a sense, this has been out of the category of martial arts, but a real immortal cultivation.

Zhang Sanfeng wrote "Meditation Song" with a stroke of his pen.

The first time to meditate and learn to practice Zen, the news is at the entrance.

Secretly adjust breathing, one yin and one yang cauldron fried inside.


The golden rooster croaks under the shadowless tree, and red lotuses appear in the middle of the night.

The winter solstice comes and goes, and a thunderclap shakes the sky.


In a trance, there is existence and non-existence, and infinite creation is in the meantime.

Mysterious in Mystery, Mysterious in Mystery, the river carts have passed three passes.


Immortals are Buddhas, and Buddhas are immortals.

The three religions used to be one family, eating when hungry and sleeping when sleepy.


Some people know the real lead and mercury, they are immortals.


To ask who composed this song, the Taoist Sanfeng Xian of Qingxu.

Zhang Sanfeng wrote "Meditation Song" in one go.

This is the essence of practicing Wudang Taoism.

With the improvement of Taiji Martial Dao, Zhang Sanfeng's understanding of Dao became deeper and deeper.

Vaguely, he felt that he had touched a trace of the true meaning of immortality.

This feeling is mysterious and mysterious, and it is indescribable.

Until today, Zhang Sanfeng wrote this short and concise "Meditation Song".

In this song, I have basically written out how to practice Taoist exercises.

As for whether or not one can cultivate successfully, and whether one can obtain the Dao, it depends on the practitioner's personal fortune.

As soon as the "Meditation Song" was written, Taoist rhyme was generated immediately.

On the white paper, every word was gleaming with gold, as if it was about to come out of the paper.


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