"I don't need everyone to go to Shaolin this time."

"Today's Wudang has established a sect, so there must be someone at home to guard it."

"Besides, there are fifty young disciples who also need someone to take care of them."

"Now, all the forces in the world are staring at Wudang. If Wudang can't even keep a family, it will become a joke in the world."

Everyone nodded.

For the candidates to go to Shaolin, they discussed again.

In the end, it was decided that Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, Xu Zhuzi, Old Naughty Boy, Chu Liuxiang, Lu Xiaofeng, and Shangguan Haitang followed and went to Shaolin together.

Yilin had to follow whatever she said, and did not want to be separated from Zhang Sanfeng.

In addition, Guo Xiang, Wang Yuyan, Meilan, Zhuju and Four Swords also went together.

Dai Qisi stayed in Wudang and presided over the daily affairs of Wudang.

Xiao Yu was also brought by Zhang Sanfeng to practice.

The others stayed behind and guarded the Wudang Mountain Gate.

After the negotiation was settled, Zhang Sanfeng took everyone down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, the carriage and horses had already been prepared, and they looked at Shaolin and left.



Hong bell rang.

Mahavira Hall.

The first seat of the Thirty-six Shaolin Academy, eminent monks and elders, were all called to discuss.

There are [-] Shaolin disciples in this world, and the scale is terrifying.

Experts gathered in the temple.

Generally speaking, unless there is a big event, the eminent monks of the whole monastery and the heads of each courtyard will never be called here.

More than [-] eminent monks gathered in the temple.

The branches are lined up, and although there are many people, they are silent.

Xuanci chanted a Buddha's name.

"To call everyone here today, just for one thing' 〃."

"Three months ago, Wudang Zhang Sanfeng said that after three months, he would go to Shaolin and seek justice."

"Now, Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation is becoming more and more sophisticated, and he has been rated as the number one martial arts master in the world by Bai Xiaosheng."

"The Wudang faction he created is also full of masters."

"When I come to Shaolin this time, I'm only afraid that "the ones who come are not good, and those who are good won't come."

As soon as Xuanci's voice fell, another old Shaolin monk snorted coldly beside him.

"Zhang Sanfeng was originally an abandoned Shaolin disciple. He secretly learned Shaolin martial arts. After being discovered, he absconded in fear of crime."

"If you follow the rules of the temple, you should take him back to Shaolin and abolish martial arts."

"Before, on the top of Guangming, he used evil power to absorb the inner strength of my [-] Shaolin monks."

"Empty wisdom, emptiness, emptiness, and no form, all lose inner strength because of this."

"This son and Shaolin have already forged an eternal feud."

"Although it is said that the family is merciful, when will the grievances be repaid."

"But I, Shaolin, are the No. [-] faction in the martial arts. At this moment, I should turn the tide and slay demons and demons."

"Otherwise, if Zhang Sanfeng is allowed to go on like this, how can there be fairness and justice in the martial arts?"

"Now, he wants to go to Shaolin, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"This temple can combine the power of the whole temple to trap it in Shaolin, abolish its cultivation base, and eliminate a great harm for martial arts."

He spoke righteously and dignifiedly, but the monks in the temple were all silent and silent.

Zhang Sanfeng's reputation is growing, and everyone in the world knows that his cultivation is unfathomable. How can it be so easy to deal with?

Xuanci looked at Kongzhi.

"When you were at Bright Summit, you fought against this person. In your opinion, what flaws are there in his martial arts?"

Kongzhi shook his head slightly.

"Since I was sucked out of my body's internal strength by this son, I have repeated countless times, thinking about the situation of the fight that day."

"After thinking about it, I still feel that his martial arts are impeccable."

As soon as these words came out, the breathing sound of everyone in the monks suddenly became a little heavier.

Zhang Sanfeng is so amazing that he is a great enemy that Shaolin Temple has never had for thousands of years.

Sora sighed softly.

"An enemy should be resolved rather than a tie. The old monk had also fought against Zhang Sanfeng before, and his martial arts are unfathomable. I Shaolin should not set up such a strong enemy."

"He is aggressive this time, because of Jue Yuan's death..."

Before Kong Jian's words were finished, he was interrupted by Wu Xiang's words.

"That's just what Zhang Sanfeng was looking for."

"He created the Wudang faction now, clearly wanting to step down Shaolin."

"If you want to add a crime, why don't you worry about it? Why should Senior Brother Kongjian listen to his nonsense?"

The rest of the monks all nodded.

"Yes, Jueyuan is just a handyman disciple. Without permission, he is good at practicing magic, but he doesn't give it to the temple, and he has committed a serious crime."

"Zhang Sanfeng insisted on this pretext, just to find a reason to attack Shaolin."


Xuanci felt heavy.

When Zhang Sanfeng was at Bright Summit, he was already so powerful.

I heard that after he returned to Wudang, he achieved enlightenment, improved his cultivation, and climbed several floors.

It must be even more powerful now.

Shaolin has been passed down for so many years, and it has experienced many ups and downs.

Is it in his hands...

At this moment, only Kongzhi opened his mouth.

"." No matter how high Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts are, but with the strength of this temple, it may not have a chance to defeat him."

Xuanci was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked.

"What do you think, Junior Brother Kongzhi?"

Kongzhi's eyes slowly swept across the monks in the temple.

"To deal with Zhang Sanfeng, we must use the power of the entire temple. Only in this way can we hope to defeat him."

"That day at the Bright Summit, Zhang Sanfeng used his evil power to absorb all the internal power of the [-] people like me. Now, it is natural that the internal power has become more and more powerful."

"If you want to deal with him, you can only choose those with superb martial arts from this temple and form a great formation of one thousand and eight novices."

"Although his evil art is powerful, he is determined not to absorb the power of the sea."

"As long as one thousand and eight novice great formations are sacrificed and trapped, it will not be difficult to kill them."

The hall was silent.

Shaolin Arhat Formation, Small Arhat Formation with five or nine people, Thirteen Strange Monks Formation, Eighteen Bronze Man Formation, Two Dharma and Twenty-four Arhat Formation, Thirty-six Iron Barrel Formation and [-] Great Arhat Formation array.

In addition, there is the most powerful (Nuo Lihao) one thousand and eight novice formations.

The power of this array is extraordinary, but it has not been used since its creation.

The number of [-] alone can be imagined. Once this formation is launched, it will have unpredictable power.

But it is not an easy task to form a great formation of [-] novice monks.

Imagine that a thousand and eight monks form a formation, but only to deal with one person. It is extremely difficult to coordinate the movements of each other.

If the cooperation is not good, it will become a general siege, and the terrifying power of the formation cannot be exerted.

The thousand and eight monks who formed this formation all required superb martial arts.

Only in this way can it be possible to cooperate properly, and it will not be chaotic because of the number of people and hands.

If you really want to use a thousand and eight novice formations, then you really need to gather the power of the entire Shaolin Temple.


Xuanci chanted a Buddha's name.

"Well, that's all there is to it."

"Starting today, we will start practicing the Great Formation of One Thousand and Eight Novices."

"If that Zhang Sanfeng really wants to pick my Shaolin Temple, the only way to deal with him is this."

Chapter 170

On the rivers and lakes, various forces moved by the wind.

When Zhang Sanfeng went to Shaolin, it immediately became the biggest event in martial arts.

The world will meet.

Xiongba called Qin Shuang into the room.

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