"Qin Shuang, you go to Shaolin on behalf of your teacher and tell Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin that I will support Shaolin monks in eradicating the harm of martial arts and eradicating Zhang Sanfeng."

Qin Shuang's eyes widened immediately.

Wouldn't the world have always maintained a good relationship with Wudang?

In a blink of an eye, he was about to stand on Shaolin's side again.

A fierce smile appeared in the corner of Xiongba's eyes.

"Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts are so high that no one in the world can control them."

"But the Shaolin leader Martial Arts has thousands of years of history, and if he uses the power of the entire temple, he may not be able to fight Zhang Sanfeng."

"This is also the best time to kill Zhang Sanfeng."

"If not, we can only watch him reach the top, and all the martial arts in the world have to surrender to him."

"At this moment, the world will meet, and naturally I have to stand on Shaolin's side."

Only then did Qin Shuang understand what Xiongba was thinking.

"Then should we send troops to fight side by side with Shaolin?"

Xiongba glared at him.

"This is absolutely impossible."

"If Shaolin wins this battle, that's all."

"If Zhang Sanfeng wins, wouldn't it bring unprovoked disaster to my world?"

"I just need to verbally support Shaolin's righteous deeds and strengthen the determination of these monks to fight Zhang Sanfeng to the end."

"Shaolin has always been regarded as the leader of the world's martial arts. At this moment, it is natural for them to turn the tide."

"We just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."


Hulong Villa.

Zhu ignored and also called a confidant.

"You go to Shaolin secretly and tell Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin that I, Daming Empire and Hulong Villa, must stand with Shaolin."


The same scene, all over the world, martial arts factions, are also being staged one after another.

For a time, various factions and forces in the world secretly sent messengers to support Shaolin against Zhang Sanfeng.

"It seems that the world has been suffering from Zhang Sanfeng for a long time. There are so many sects to support my Shaolin."

In the Shaolin Temple, Xuanci was deeply moved.

He was still a little uneasy at first, but now his faith has become firmer.

Beside Xuan Ci, his junior brother Xuan Sheng, however, did not take it seriously.

"These sects, one by one, lip service is not real. They say that they support Shaolin against Zhang Sanfeng, but they are unwilling to send troops to fight side by side with Shaolin."

"When they did this, they were clearly sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and whoever won would go to the other side."

Xuan Ci shook his head again and again.

"You can't blame them for that."

"Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts are unfathomable and unfathomable, and their momentum is high. It is normal for them to be afraid."

"I, Shaolin, have been the leader of the world's martial arts for thousands of years. At this critical moment, I have to stand up."

"What's more, Zhang Sanfeng came to Shaolin this time."

"Okay, let's practice this thousand and eight novice grand formation."


At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, it is another scene.

Zhang Sanfeng and his party had not yet arrived at the foot of Shaolin, but people from all corners of the world had already arrived.

Zhang Sanfeng's challenge to Shaolin is something that has never happened in martial arts for countless years.

Of course, these people who like to watch the lively rivers and lakes most will not miss it.

Just then, a group of people shouted loudly.

"The old fairy of the stars, the mana is boundless; the supernatural powers are vast, and the law is in the Central Plains."

The voice was loud and the momentum was overwhelming.

The old constellation monster sat on a rattan chair, carried by a group of disciples, and walked slowly.

In the past few months, Ding Chunqiu, a constellation old monster, opened his doors and received a wide range of disciples.

No matter the underworld, the green forest, or the evil spirits of the side door, as long as you pay homage to the door and listen to his orders, you will not refuse anyone who comes.

In just a few short months, the bandits in the Central Plains are like ants attached to the mutton, and the rushers are connected to the road.

"Oh my god, it's the old monster from the stars. He actually came to Shaolin at this time."

"What does he want to do?"

"The constellation old monster has done many evils and harmed the martial arts. Everyone will come together today to eliminate the harm of the martial arts."

This sentence was shouted, but no one responded.

Who doesn't know Ding Chunqiu's martial arts skills?

Not only is his whole body poisoned, but his transformational powers are greatly enhanced, and he is even more evil.

This kind of wicked person, everyone is afraid of it, who dares to provoke him?

Not to mention, there are a large number of people and horses of the old monsters in the stars, no less than a thousand.

Whoever goes up will die.

Therefore, these martial arts people did not respond at all, but instead fled in all directions.

These Constellation Sect disciples flattered while walking.

More than a thousand people chanted in their ears, like boiling water.

Ding Chunqiu was lying on the (bhaf) rattan chair, stroked his white beard, and narrowed his eyes.

"Old Immortal Constellation, Virtuous Matches Heaven and Earth, Megatron Universe, Incomparable Ancient and Modern!"

"The world's martial arts all originate from my constellation faction. Only the martial arts of the constellation faction are truly orthodox. Besides, they are all demons."

"Old Immortal Constellation, invincible in battle, invincible in attack, heroes of the past and present, all of them are invincible!"

"Old Immortal Constellation, has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, there is no ancient person before, and no one will come later, Shaolin bald donkey, don't hurry to kneel down and surrender."

More than a thousand people sang loudly, and some people took out gongs, drums, cymbals, suona horns, or knocked or blown.

Or wave the green flag, the yellow flag, the red flag, and the purple flag, shouting loudly, it's so lively.

Most of the martial arts people onlookers had never seen the ostentation of the constellation faction, and they all laughed in amazement.

And they all thought that this demon didn't know what was going on, but at this time of day, he came to Shaolin to make trouble.

Just thinking about it, I saw a carriage coming slowly over there.

The driver on the carriage was a young woman who was very skilled.

The constellation bosses have a huge team, and wherever they go, martial arts people are afraid to avoid them.

But this carriage seems to have not been seen.

It is facing the team of constellation bosses.



"Crashing into the old immortal and driving, the crime deserves death!"

The disciples of the Constellation Sect scolded them one after another.

Just then, a young girl jumped out of the carriage.

The girl's eyes were like electricity, indifferent like frost, and she stared at Ding Chunqiu who was sitting on the rattan chair with her eyes closed.

She suddenly narrowed her eyes and laughed.

"Old constellation monster, what ability do you have, and you dare to be so arrogant, you just don't know how to live or die."

As soon as this statement came out, the disciples of the old monsters in the stars suddenly refuted.

"Through the ages, no one can match the old fairy of the stars! You, a little baby, dare to be a car with a man's arm, it is really self-defeating."

"Ignorance child, if you speak rudely, offend the old fairy, you should die!"

In the shouting, I saw a star disciple took out a piece of paper and recited it aloud.

I don't know which Confucian Confucian this person invited to write this praise.

But I heard the high hat and the flattery flying together, and the gongs and drums sounded together.

The surrounding martial arts people all felt that it was an eye-opener.

Constellation Lao Xian's style is truly a miracle that has never happened since the beginning of the world.

The girl covered her mouth and laughed.

"Old constellation monster, you are so thick-skinned that there is no one in the past and no one in the future!"

This sentence angered the old constellation monster, and two bright rays suddenly shot out in his eyes.

The surrounding martial arts people suddenly felt a chill in their bodies.

"This constellation old monster, although his actions are shameless, but his cultivation base is really terrifying."

For a while, everyone was a little worried about the female doll.

At this moment, a disciple next to the old monster star shouted angrily.

"What are you still doing, why don't you take down this ignorant female doll quickly, dismember her body by five horses, and slash it with thousands of knives, so as to show respect!".

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