As soon as Ding Chunqiu's voice fell, someone in the carriage snorted coldly.

The sound is not big, but it contains an inexplicable power.

Ding Chunqiu only felt that the qi in his body seemed to be affected, and it suddenly became chaotic.

He hurriedly suppressed it with secret luck, and managed to suppress it.

Ding Chunqiu took a deep breath and was shocked.

I don't know who is in this carriage, but he has such skill?

At this moment, Xiao Yu laughed loudly.

"You take one master at a time, why didn't I know that my master accepted a disciple like you, and how could I have a brazen junior brother like you?"

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding martial arts people were all shocked.

Ding Chunqiu was even more stunned there.

" are Zhang Zhenren's apprentice?"

"That's natural!" Xiao Yu said proudly.

Ding Chunqiu's eyes slowly turned to the carriage.

If the girl in front of her is Zhang Zhenren's disciple, she got off the carriage.

The person who hummed coldly in the carriage just now...


It must be Zhang Zhenren.

In today's world, besides him, who else has such a shocking skill?

I actually ran into Zhang Zhenren's car?

Ding Chunqiu felt a wave of fear in his heart.

With a "pop", he knelt down toward the carriage.

"Master, I finally see your old man!"

"Master, this disciple greets you!" Five.

Chapter 172

Ding Chunqiu was crawling on the ground, looking ecstatic.

But if you look closely, you will see that his body is trembling.

Inside the carriage, Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly.

"Ding Chunqiu, when did Pindao accept you as a disciple?"

This sentence was not loud, but the surrounding martial arts people could hear it clearly.

Everyone immediately looked at each other.

It turns out that Zhenren Zhang did not accept Ding Chunqiu as a disciple, but he clings like this, which is really shameless.

However, it just happened to bump into Zhang Zhenren.

This time, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat, so I walk around.

Ding Chunqiu's old face was full of smiles.

"Tianshan Tongmao is the disciple's uncle. I, the constellation faction, have always been the leader of the Tianshan Spirit Vulture Palace."

"Mother Tong once told the disciple that in the future, there will be a new owner in the Spirit Vulture Palace, who will be the disciple's master."

"The disciple has always kept this in mind."

"I later learned that Zhang Zhenren took over the position of the Palace Master of the Spirit Vulture Palace, and naturally he was the disciple's master."

"The disciple has been thinking about his master all the time. I hope to see Master's demeanor as soon as possible."

"This time I heard that Master is going to Shaolin, so he led all the disciples of the Constellation Sect and came to help Master Jiuwu Sanwei."

He spoke with sincerity, and after he finished speaking, he looked back at the Constellation Sect disciple behind him.

These disciples are best at seeing the wind and steering the rudder on weekdays.

Immediately understand at this moment.

At the moment, more than a thousand people knelt down.

"Congratulations on the success of Master Tai's cultivation, and his longevity is equal to that of the sky."

"Tai Shifu's martial arts are excellent, and he is number one in the world. There is no one in the past, and no one in the future."

"Master Wen Cheng's martial virtue is invincible, and he will rule the rivers and lakes for thousands of years."


At this moment, Xu Zhuzi, Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, Chu Liuxiang, Lu Xiaofeng and others rushed over on horseback.

Xu Zhuzi shouted loudly.

"Ding Chunqiu, you actually have today?"

Ding Chunqiu was kneeling on the ground, and when he saw Xu Zhuzi, he secretly felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Xu Zhuzi was very impressed with Ding Chunqiu, and when he remembered that this person was ruthless and murderous, he couldn't help but get angry.

"Old constellation monster, you deceived your master and destroyed your ancestors, and you did a lot of evil. Today, I will clear the door for Xiaoyao Sect."

Xu Zhuzi's inner strength first came from Wuyazi, and later he inadvertently absorbed the lifelong inner strength of Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui, and he has achieved today's achievements.

Wu Yazi asked him to kill Ding Chunqiu that day, and Xu Zhuzi still kept it in his heart.

Zhang Sanfeng laughed in the carriage.

At the beginning, when he lured Xu Zhuzi to join Wudang, he promised to kill Ding Chunqiu.

Today is the opportunity.

However, in fact, without Zhang Sanfeng doing it himself, Xu Zhuzi has this ability.

"Okay! Since this person believes that he is a disciple of Wudang, he has to clear the door."

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Ding Chunqiu turned pale, and before he could react, he saw Xu Zhuzi's palms fluttering and hit him.

Ding Chunqiu quickly responded.

The inner strength of Xu Zhuzi comes from the Free and Easy Sect.

Therefore, in the past few months, he has been practicing the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School.

Void Bamboo has more than two hundred years of strong skills, and it is naturally fast to learn.

The Xiaoyao School of martial arts emphasizes lightness and gracefulness, leisurely elegance and graceful elegance.

Ding Chunqiu and Xu Zhuzi started to fight, but saw a boy with white hair, like a fairy, and a long sleeve fluttering, as cold as the wind.

Both of them walked away as soon as they touched it, and they were really like a pair of butterflies among flowers, stumbling uncertainly.

In this word "happy and happy", it has been brought into full play.

Most of the martial arts practitioners on the sidelines have never seen the martial arts of the Xiaoyao faction.

One by one looked delighted.

In their hearts, they both thought: "These two are dangerous and attacking the enemy's key points, but their postures are so elegant and beautiful, as straight as a dance. I have never seen such a light-heavy, unrestrained palm technique, but I don't know which one is. Kung Fu? What's your name?"

Ding Chunqiu became more and more frightened the more he fought.

Xu Zhuzi's martial arts and internal strength are all above Ding Chunqiu.

It's just that his experience in facing the enemy is too shallow, and his own skills are less than [-]-[-]%.

Even so, Ding Chunqiu still felt more and more pressure.

Xu Zhuzi is more and more brave in battle, and Tianshan Folding Plum Hand and Tianshan Liuyang Palm make wonderful works.

Ding Chunqiu saw that the situation was not good, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

His figure flashed, and he used "Xiao Yao San Xiao San".

The constellation faction has always been known for its use of poison.

Among them, the most powerful is Xiaoyao Sanxiaosan.

This thing is made of poisonous snakes, scorpions, centipedes, poisonous toads, and poisonous spiders.

Anyone who falls into Xiaoyao Sanxiaosan will unknowingly emit a strange laugh.

After laughing three times, he died immediately.

Ding Chunqiu was originally afraid of Zhang Sanfeng's existence, so he didn't dare to use it, and now he can't care about it.

However, the virtual bamboo at this time has more than two hundred years of internal strength, and this kind of poison can't stand him at all.

After Xiaoyao Sanxiao San was used, the poison was immediately forced away by Xu Zhuzi's palm wind and scattered around.


The disciples of the Constellation Sect were recruited one after another.

One by one, they laughed three times and fell to the ground to die.

The surrounding martial arts people were all shocked and retreated again and again.

I don't know what kind of weird poison the old monster of the stars used, it's really weird.

It's just that for some reason, all the disciples of the Constellation Sect were poisoned.

Inside the carriage, Zhu Jian, who was waiting beside Zhang Sanfeng, suddenly spoke up.

"This constellation old monster, who dares to use such a ruthless poison, should plant a life-and-death talisman on him."

One sentence reminded Zhang Sanfeng.

He took out the jug, poured out a little wine, and with a flick of his sleeve, the wine turned into thousands of dots, fluttering snowflakes.

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