Snowflakes flew out from the carriage and scatters onto Ding Chunqiu's body.

Ding Chunqiu hurriedly dodged, but how could he avoid the snowflakes that Zhang Sanfeng made?

In an instant, snowflakes hit him.

Ding Chunqiu felt that several acupoints on his body were numb and itchy at the same time.

As if thousands of ants were biting at the same time.

The snowflakes made from this wine contained Zhang Sanfeng's inner strength.

The cold ice entered the body and immediately melted away, but the internal force remained in his acupoints and meridians.

Ding Chunqiu was in a hurry, constantly groping in his arms, taking seven or eight kinds of antidote in one breath, and passing the internal breath five or six times.

The numbness in the acupoints is getting worse and worse.

If it were someone else, he would have already fallen to the ground.

After all, Ding Chunqiu is a famous old man, and he is still struggling to support him, but his steps are staggering, as if he is drunk...  

His face was red and white, his hands were fluttering like crazy, and he looked terrible.

The disciples of the Constellation Sect in the back were still flattering loudly.

"Old Immortal Constellation has vast magical powers, his sleeves are slightly swayed, and the boy falls to the ground with the magic of immortality!"

"The old celestial star swings his sleeves and speaks the truth, telling this stinky boy to die without a place to be buried"

"Old Constellation Immortal is using Daluo Jinxian's dance skills, and this kid will know how powerful it is later."


In the singing of merits and virtues, there was a miserable cry of "ah yo" and "ah yo" from the old star of the stars, which is really disproportionate.

The well-behaved disciple was stunned.

Most of them still shouted loudly.

"Old Immortal Constellation said 'Ah yo', and the boy's three souls and six souls were called a point!"


Hearing such flattery, and seeing Ding Chunqiu's current appearance, the surrounding martial arts people were already bursting with laughter.

These Constellation Sect disciples, one by one, seemed to be stunned.

By this time, the dead duck is still stubborn.

Ding Chunqiu finally couldn't hold it any longer, and even started to tug at his beard.

He used to have a beautiful beard like a cluster of silver, but at this moment, it was torn and fluttering in the wind.

After pulling his beard, he began to tear his shirt again, revealing his snow-white skin.

He is old, but still as strong as a boy.

His fingers were constantly scratching on his body, and blood spurted out wherever he passed.

He scratched hard, screaming incessantly.

"It tickles me, it tickles me!"

The more it screamed, the worse it became.

The surrounding martial arts people, seeing him like a ghost and hissing like a beast, couldn't help but change color.

Xu Zhuzi's face showed an unbearable look.

Xiao Yu didn't dare to look anymore, turned his head to look at the carriage, and spoke softly.


Zhang Sanfeng stepped out of the carriage.

"Ding Chunqiu, you have done a lot of evil, and you deserve this retribution today."

"If Pindao let you go today, who would let the unjust souls who were killed by you and died for no reason?"

"Repaying resentment with virtue, why repay virtue?"

"You used poison to torture many lives to death. Today, it's your turn to end up like this."

"That's why it can be called "the sky is full, sparse but not leaking"."

"The reincarnation of heaven, the karma of karma. If you end up today, it's all your own fault."

"To show you to the public today is to be a warning to those who come later."

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng flicked his sleeves.

In an instant, an invisible internal force supported Ding Chunqiu's body and sent him to a high platform dozens of meters away.

The martial arts people around can see clearly how Ding Chunqiu is crazy.

Once the talisman of life and death broke out, it would be unbearably itchy to even bow down.

Ding Chunqiu on the high platform was suffering from the pain of not being able to survive or die.

He didn't even have the strength, so he used his infuriating energy to kill himself.

He could only slowly endure the boundless pain, scratching desperately, until the wounds became more and more scratched, the blood dried up, and he stopped moving.

The martial arts people around were all shuddered.

Zhang Sanfeng's gaze swept across the audience coldly.

"If there is another person like Ding Chunqiu who harms the world, this is his end."

Chapter 173

There was silence all around.

Many people in martial arts have bullying behavior.

Even, in many cases, their self-righteousness is always accompanied by a large number of indiscriminate killing of innocents.

Seeing Ding Chunqiu end up like this, many people have feelings for each other.

Zhang Sanfeng's words echoed in their ears.

Many people are thinking that martial arts will be much more stable from now on.

At least, those underworlds who openly do evil will definitely restrain themselves.

This is a powerful deterrent.

For a long time, Shaolin has always been the leader of martial arts.

It is also recognized as the head of the righteous martial arts.

But the strange thing is that Shaolin, who is the leader of the right path, never takes the initiative to kill demons and eliminate demons.

Sit back and watch those evil demons, wicked and evil people, make troubles in the rivers and lakes, endanger the martial arts, and kill the people.

As the leader of the right path, Shaolin always keeps one eye closed.

In the name of monks who don't ask about common things, they turn a blind eye to the evil deeds of these people.

In Zhang Sanfeng's view, such an act is despicable and shameless.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Since Shaolin has been publicly regarded as the largest faction in the world, the leader of the right way.

It also takes it comfortably.

That should take the initiative to assume the responsibility of maintaining justice in martial arts.

But Shaolin doesn't do that at all.

It has all the benefits and no responsibility at all.

This is not despicable and shameless, what is it?

Not to mention, Shaolin often put some devils into the temple under the guise of "putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha on the ground at 17".

This made Zhang Sanfeng even more shameless.

The devil put down his butcher's knife and became a Buddha on the spot.

And what about the good man who has never held a butcher's knife?

Shaolin publicly shelters and shelters these demons. Have you ever thought about those who were killed by demons?

The devil killed many people outside, went to Shaolin, became a monk, and Shaolin protected him.

Saying that the four monks are all empty, the past, let go of everything.

Let those who want to seek revenge from the devil have to return with hatred.

However, what qualifications do you have in Shaolin to forgive the crimes committed by the devil on behalf of others?

If the devil kills the abbot of Shaolin with one knife, and then puts down the butcher's knife, will Shaolin still say that he can "become a Buddha on the ground" and take him into the temple to take care of him?

The answer is obvious.

will not!

These bald donkeys are just typical double standards.

Today's Wudang will replace Shaolin and become the largest martial arts faction.

Zhang Sanfeng will not continue to engage in Shaolin.

All corners of the country, all corners of the country.

What sins have been committed, and what sins have suffered.

very fair.

The constellation old monster ended up like this, and seeing Zhang Sanfeng personally take action, the disciples of the constellation sect were immediately scared to death.

These people rushed out and knelt in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

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