"Zhang Zhenren, just now I realized the meaning of the three swords of Abi Dao. I entered the Dao from the devil and strengthened my heart for Taoism. I hope that Zhenren Zhang can bring me into the Wudang sect, and Guihai Yidao has devoted himself to practicing Taoism since then."

After seeing the scenery when Zhang Sanfeng made his move, Gui Hai did not realize that it was what he wanted most.

Road to Road, very Avenue.

The Tao is mysterious and indescribable, but it has its own infinite beauty, which makes people willing to abandon everything and pursue it for life.

Gui Hai's eyes were clear, and his words were very firm.

"Okay, since you have the desire to be Daoist, the poor Daoist will admit you to the Wudang sect. From today onwards, you will be a Wudang disciple."

Chapter 199

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps not far away.

In the woods, thousands of men in black came from all directions.

These people held crossbow arrows in their hands and aimed at Gui Hai with a knife.

"Xichang Yuhuatian, on the order of Your Majesty, come to hunt down the devil and return to the sea with a knife, idle people, etc., quickly walk away."

Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly.

"Guihai Yidao has entered the Dao from the devil and joined the Wudang faction. Since then, he has been a cultivator of the Dao.

"You all go."

Yu Huatian was shocked when he heard the words.

"Could it be that Zhenren Zhang is here?"

Zhang Zhenzhen smiled coldly.

"It's the poor way."

Yu Huatian bowed and saluted.

"Since Zhang Zhenren has spoken, the little one should obey."

He waved his hand, and the people in the West Factory all retreated.

Gui Hai Yi Dao suddenly spoke.

"When I fell into the devil just now, I heard them say that Uncle Guo died at the hands of a tyrannical sword, but I didn't kill Uncle Guo."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. If Pindao's expectations are not bad, this matter will surface soon."

Gui Hai Yi Dao suddenly felt relieved.

Since Zhang Sanfeng said this, there is no problem.

Zhang Sanfeng took Shangguan Haitang's hand and rose into the sky again.

This time, Shangguan Haitang looked much more natural, no longer as frightened as before.

"Let's just fly away like this, don't we need to take a knife?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"He's not a three-year-old child, does he still need us to take care of him?"

Shanghai Haitang was slightly taken aback.

"However, Yu Huatian and those martial arts people may not let him go."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, "Yu Huatian will never dare not to listen to my words. As for those martial arts people, they can't even touch the clothes of Gui Hai Yi Dao, so how can they hurt him?"

The martial arts before Gui Hai Yi Dao were already top-notch.

After Zhang Sanfeng helped him from the devil to the Tao, his martial arts went a step further.

Those from the "Butcher Knife Alliance" couldn't touch him at all.

Shangguan Haitang also understood in an instant, and couldn't help nodding lightly.

She looked at the mountains and cities below and grabbed Zhang Sanfeng's hand.

Flying like this, I really hope it keeps going.

Shangguan Haitang secretly glanced at Zhang Sanfeng.

A blush rose from the neck, straight to the forehead.

Of course Zhang Sanfeng didn't know what Shangguan Haitang was thinking.

He hasn't flown like this a few times since he practiced this supreme light art.

I also feel that flying like this is extremely interesting.

In a blink of an eye, the Forbidden City came into view of Zhang Sanfeng.

At his current speed, the time it took to go from the suburbs of Beijing to the Forbidden City was really short.

Seeing that the destination was getting closer, Shangguan Haitang took a deep breath.

"Sister Guo told me that you like me and hope I can marry you, is this true' 〃?"

This sentence has been lingering in Shangguan Haitang's heart for a long time.

Originally, she had no other idea about Zhang Sanfeng.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng is a real person, a god-like figure.

It's not something a mortal woman can dream of.

Only when Zhang Sanfeng, Guo Xiang, Wang Yuyan and others were playing in the carriage, their hearts would fluctuate slightly.

Until Guo Xiang told her about this, Shangguan Haitang's attitude towards Zhang Sanfeng became subtle.

However, Shangguan Haitang is really a little confused, Zhang Sanfeng acts as he wants, will he really like him?

Is what Guo Xiang said true?

Why didn't Zhang Sanfeng say it himself?

When Zhang Sanfeng heard his words, he was stunned for a while, his body staggered, and he almost fell from the sky.

Fortunately, after all, he had a profound martial arts cultivation. As soon as his body fell, he immediately took a breath and kicked his calf twice to stabilize his figure.

Shangguan Haitang was also taken aback by this sudden change, and she was about to fall as her body swayed.

Zhang Sanfeng quickly raised his hands, hugged Shangguan Haitang's waist, and took her into his arms.

This Guo Xiang is messing around with the red line again.

It is estimated that when she saw Shangguan Haitang disguised as a man, she was very good-looking, and she liked it very much, so she changed her mind and wanted to keep Shangguan Haitang by her side.

However, looking at Shangguan Haitang's alluring face, she stared at her with expectant eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng felt that he couldn't say the word "rejection".

And, to say you don't like it, isn't that deceiving yourself?

However, Zhang Sanfeng felt that the number of women around him was gradually increasing, and slowly he put away the mentality of making trouble.

Now facing Shangguan Haitang, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly had a flash of light in his heart.

What he cultivates is the way of nature, and he pays attention to letting nature take its course.

However, he suppressed his thoughts in this matter.

Wouldn't that be a way of obstructing the avenue?

Since this period of time, his cultivation has never been able to advance an inch, and most of it is inseparable from this.

In an instant, Zhang Sanfeng's mind was enlightened.

The breath on his body has also changed.

Shangguan Haitang was held in Zhang Sanfeng's arms, staring at Zhang Sanfeng's face, feeling his breath.

A face is even more like a cloud of fire.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng didn't answer her question, he looked different.

Shangguan Haitang immediately lowered her head, sadly.

"."You don't speak, I think you don't like me anymore."


Zhang Sanfeng hugged Shangguan Haitang tightly, and suddenly lowered his head and kissed him.

At this moment, his thoughts were clear, his qi was smooth, and his feelings about heaven and earth became different.

The martial arts of Tai Chi is constantly running in Zhang Sanfeng's body.

In the Forbidden City, Guo Xiang saw Zhang Sanfeng and Shangguan Haitang hugging each other tightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, the qi of heaven and earth suddenly changed.

Countless layers of sharp black clouds gathered and came to the sky above the capital, covering the Forbidden City layer by layer.

The sky was bleak.

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to urge.

Emperor Zhengde's eyes also became nervous.

This kind of celestial appearance is really terrifying.

In the capital, the people were talking a lot.

"How is this going?"

(Nuo Zhao's)

"This ghost weather, is it going to rain heavily?"

"It was fine just now, the sky was clear, and it became like this in a blink of an eye."

"I saw that Zhang Zhenren was flying from above just now, wouldn't you say that Zhang Zhenren was attracted?"

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