"What nonsense is it? Zhang Zhenzhen, a first-class person of immortality, even if it leads to changes in celestial phenomena, it will only be radiant."

"Maybe, it's Zhang Zhenren who is transcending the calamity."


In midair, Zhang Sanfeng's figure, hugging Shangguan Haitang, slowly landed down.

Zhang Sanfeng looked up at the clouds, and he suddenly said.


When this word was uttered, the situation in the world changed, and the terrifying scene just now disappeared.

Xiaguang Wanzhang, sprinkled down.

The sky was as clear as wash.

In the capital city, people opened their mouths wide in shock, unable to close their mouths.

Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi martial arts, this time, finally broke through again.

Tai Chi martial arts, second-rank! .

Chapter 200

In the fifteenth year of Zhengde's reign in the Ming Dynasty, a vision appeared in the sky.

First, there was a dark cloud over the top, and then Zhang Zhenren used his great magic to drive away the dark cloud.

There are thousands of golden lights falling from the sky.

People in the capital kneel and pray.

Emperor Zhengde led the civil and military officials to pray to heaven to celebrate this auspiciousness.


Taiji martial arts stepped from the third rank to the second rank, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt that in front of his eyes, there was a bright light in the blurred and foggy road ahead.

This light is still very dim, and it is not very clear.

But for Zhang Sanfeng, who is groping in the dark, it is tantamount to the best guiding light.

Zhang Sanfeng's current cultivation has reached an extreme.

Go beyond the limits of martial arts and enter the world of self-cultivation.

But this world itself is not the world of self-cultivation, but the world of martial arts.

When others practice martial arts, he cultivates immortals, which sounds very cool.

But everything has its pros and cons.

There is no one to teach, there is no way forward to follow, and everything can only be explored by oneself.

Cultivation of immortals is inherently difficult.

Even if there is inspiration from gods, there is no one who can achieve success by practicing according to the way of the predecessors.

You must know that every person who embarks on the path of cultivation has extraordinary talent and disdain for the existence of the world.

These geniuses, once they set foot on the road of immortal cultivation, will be extremely difficult to advance.

Many people practice hard, but after all, it is just a lifetime of learning.

The water mirror moon is empty.

The road is hard to find.

Not to mention, Zhang Sanfeng has no one to guide him, and he has no cultivation method for immortal cultivation.

Even though Zhang Sanfeng's talent is amazing, he still feels a little powerless.

You can only look for opportunities to understand the avenue.

If there is no way, then split the mountain and open the way!

But now, he has a good idea and finally takes another step.

Tai Chi Martial Arts, from the third rank to the second rank.

The road to immortality is self-opening!

Zhang Sanfeng's figure slowly fell from the air.

Guo Xiang looked at Shangguan Haitang in his arms and smiled.

The surrounding palace guards, eunuchs and maids were also secretly surprised.

Unexpectedly, the dignified Zhang Zhenren is as good as Long Yang.

Shangguan Haitang's pretty face flushed, and she gently untied the hair on her head.

Everyone just felt bright.

It turned out that Young Master Jun suddenly turned into a beautiful beauty.

Emperor Zhengde's eyes lit up at first, and then he showed a hint of regret.

It's no wonder that every time I saw Shangguan Haitang before, I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to be close to him.

It turns out that Shangguan Haitang is actually a stunning beauty.

Although there are three thousand beauties in his harem, none of them can compare to Shangguan Haitang.


Now that she has become Zhang Sanfeng's woman, she can no longer have any other thoughts about her.

Emperor Zhengde immediately put away his thoughts.

"If it's getting late today, I have already ordered people to prepare, and I also ask Zhenren Zhang to rest in the palace tonight."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.

He picked up Shangguan Haitang and walked into the bedroom.

This night, its own wind and rain are infinite.


At the same time, the confrontation between Zhu Ignore and Cao Zhengchun also entered a state of intense heat.

After Cao Zhengchun dedicated the Tiangang Boy Gong to Zhang Sanfeng, he no longer had any scruples.

That night, he entered the prison where Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, was imprisoned and ignored.

Inside the prison, Iron Claw Feiying, Luo Jusheng and Luo He's family were all there.

Cao Zhengchun took out a piece of paper from his arms.

"Marquis God, this is a confession document drawn up by this master for you, you should admit it."

Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, gave Cao Zhengchun a cold look.

"The robber, you can't make Ben Hou confess his guilt."

Cao Zhengchun stretched out his orchid finger, straightened the hair around his neck, and raised the duck's voice.

"You must make a toast and not eat and drink fine wine, then don't blame me for not reminiscing about the friendship of working with the emperor for many years."

After speaking, Cao Zhengchun gave Luohe a wink.

Luo He held a Sipa in his hand and took two steps forward.

"Marquis God, you have eaten the Persian silkworm."

"The silkworm is born with thousands of feet, and each foot is a hook, which is used to hook the internal organs of the human body."

"No internal strength can force them out, only the Luo family's unique antidote, Qingyun Powder, can kill it!"

"As long as I play the Sipa, the silkworms will follow the music and bite your internal organs, making you feel the pain of dying.

"I advise you to plead guilty earlier to avoid being tortured by this."

Zhu ignored the cold snort.


Luo He's face suddenly showed anger, and then he danced his fingers and played the serpa.


Zhu ignored the pain and screamed.

His body was covered in dense beads of sweat, his hands and feet were waving indiscriminately, and people were rolling on the ground, screaming in pain.

Luo Jusheng, the iron-clawed flying eagle, and even Cao Zhengchun, faintly showed a slightly different color.

Hou Zhu, the God of Iron Courage, ignores the strength of martial arts, and his endurance is naturally unmatched by others.

Even if he has reached this level, one can imagine the severe (bhaf) harm of the silkworm.

"Zhu ignores, why do you do this? I can't bear to see you suffer so much, you should admit it earlier, it's over."

Zhu ignored it and ignored it.

Cao Zhengchun flicked his sleeves.

Luo He's serpa became faster and faster.

The expression on Zhu's ignoring face became more and more painful, and the whole face was completely distorted, not human.

He fell to the ground, spitting out white mucus and twitching incessantly.

Seeing this, the iron-clawed flying eagle stepped forward and tried to restrain him.

At this moment, Zhu ignored the sudden stature, took out the sword of the iron-clawed flying eagle, and stabbed his heart with a sword.

Instant blood flow.

Zhu ignored and fell into a pool of blood.

Cao Zhengchun, the Luo family, and the iron-clawed eagle were all stunned.

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