Ye Kai's reputation on the rivers and lakes is too loud.

People outside people, heaven outside heaven.

This is Ye Kai.

Xiao Li Fei Dao, the example is not false.

It's just that the current Li Xun Huan has long since retired.

And Ye Kai obtained the True Inheritance of Xiao Li Feidao. Although he was young, he was very impressive.

"I've heard for a long time that Young Master Ye is most forgiving, but I don't know why he killed someone today?"

Jia Daoshi asked suddenly.

The corners of Ye Kai's mouth rose slightly.

"I don't agree with the retribution of injustices. This will only make hatred endless."

"But forgiveness is not the same as indulgence. If you watch bad people commit crimes and don't stop them, because forgiveness doesn't eliminate evil, it is evil in itself."

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Ye Kai really deserves to be Xiao Li Feidao's direct disciple Hu.

This thought is correct! .

Chapter 220

Jia Daoshi was silent for a moment.

"Pindao is just a fortune teller who has never killed anyone."

Ye Kai shook his head slightly.

"Although you didn't kill people, you persuaded others to kill, and you killed innocent people, right?"

Jia Daoshi's expression changed slightly.

"Pin Dao is just talking about it casually. What he does, after all, has nothing to do with Pin Dao."

The drunk head man plugged in.

"You Taoist priest is really thick-skinned and shameless."

"Men, do what you want, but you still don't admit it, a dead duck has a tough mouth."

"My drunkard has long disliked you. I just hate that the poisoning is so deep that I am powerless to kill you."

Jia Daoshi laughed.

"Drunkhead, I'm despicable and shameless, are you better than me?"

"If it wasn't for your lustful attack and robbing the woman Qin Wuye liked, why would you appear here?"

"This time the two of us are grasshoppers on a rope. Don't laugh at anyone else. You've been poisoned, and I'm afraid you'll die worse than me."

The drunken head snorted coldly.

"When you see Fifth Master Qin, you can't escape death."

When he said this, he glanced at Ye Kai next to him.

"It seems that you can't wait for the fifth master of Qin to kill you."

Jia Daoshi shook his head again and again.

"He can't kill me!"

Ye Kai's eyes narrowed slightly.

In his hand, he didn't know when there was a flying knife.

It was the knife that just killed the man.

I don't know what Ye Kai has done, but the knife has returned to his hands.

"Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Jia Daoshi laughed.

"Little Li Feidao, the example is not false."

"You have now mastered the true inheritance of Xiao Li Feidao. If you don't leave this knife, I will definitely fall to the ground like him."

Ye Kai smiled lightly.

"Then you still think I can't kill you?"

Jia Daoshi nodded.

"Yes, you just can't kill me, no matter how high your martial arts are and how powerful your flying knife is. But in this world, there are still people you can't afford to offend."

"Today, I have joined Wudang, worshipping Zhenren Zhang as my teacher, and devote myself to cultivating the Tao."

"If you kill me, then you will be the enemy of Wudang, and the enemy of Zhang Zhenren, Ye Kai, do you dare?"

He suddenly smiled smugly.

Outside, a voice sounded.

"That's right. You and I have a predestined relationship with Zhang Zhenren as teachers."

A man came from outside.

When he walked, there was no sound at all, and he was like a ghost, leaving no trace.

This man is very fat.

The average person usually only weighs more than 200 pounds, while some fat people can reach [-] pounds.

If a person weighs 300 pounds, then the word "fat" is not enough to describe it.

However, the man's weight is not 200 jins, nor 300 jins, not even 400 jins.

His weight was five hundred pounds.

Although he only glanced at it, Zhang Sanfeng could already see his weight.

Because he is too fat, his eyes and nose are almost crowded together.

The mouth is almost out of sight.

Xiao Yu's expression also changed again and again.

She stroked the little girl she had just rescued, and the strange color in her eyes flashed by.

Unexpectedly, in this place, I encountered fake disciples, and not one, but two.

The two of them also acted well.

Xiao Yu glanced at Zhang Sanfeng, but saw that he was still eating and drinking as if nothing had happened, so she suppressed the idea of ​​making a move, and watched this big play, how to play it.

The drunken man's face changed greatly.

"You... are you Qin Wuye?"

Qin Wuye nodded.

There is too much fat on his body, and there is cumbersome flesh everywhere.

This nod was also blocked by the flesh on his body, and he just shook his head.

Qin Wuye glanced at him.

"You should die too."

The drunken head nodded, and he drank a few glasses of wine.

"I knew I would die today, and I asked Fifth Master Qin to leave me a whole corpse for the sake of me coming here to die, so as not to harm my family."

He was quite cheerful.

Jia Daoshi bowed his hands to Qin Wuye.

"Junior brother has seen senior brother."

Both of them laughed.

Show off your acting skills.

Qin Wuye turned his head and looked at Ye Kai.

"It's been a long time since I heard that you are the descendant of Xiao Li's flying knife. The flying knife in your hand has a hundred hits, and there are no false hits."

"However, if you dare to kill me, then you will be the enemy of Wudang."

"My master Zhang Zhenren will definitely take revenge."

Qin Wuye said it very proudly.

(bhaf) "Ye Kai, I advise you to just let it go and don't mind your own business."

On Ye Kai's face, the situation is unpredictable.

After a long time, he sighed.

"Zhang Zhenren is naturally superior, far more than Ye Kai can compare. If he knows that Wudang has disdained disciples like you, I am afraid he will kill both of you with his own hands."

He also did not expect that the identities of the two disciples were all fake.

Qin Wuye laughed.

"Ye Kai, you are too arrogant, how can you guess my master's mind?"

"You know each other a little, and hurry up and get out."

After he finished saying this, he turned to look at the table where Zhang Sanfeng was.

Under this glance, Qin Wuye's two small eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

"I didn't expect this Ruyun Inn to have such a stunning presence today. The three of you, go back with me and be my wife."

"There are more than [-] wives by my side of Fifth Master Qin, and I will never make you lonely."

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