When he said three people, he meant Xiao Yu, Shao Siming, and the little girl in Xiao Yu's arms.

A little girl, only six or seven years old.

This Qin Wu, but thinking of taking it as his own, is really worse than a pig and a dog.

Xiao Yu was suddenly furious. She was about to have a seizure when she saw Ye Kai's figure flashing in front of her.

"Even if you are Zhang Zhenren's disciple and do so many evil things, I will still kill you."

In the eyes of the fifth master of Qin, a trace of horror passed by.

"Ye Kai, are you crazy?"

"You dare to kill Wudang disciples, although the world is big, there is no place for you."

Ye Kai looked at the flying knife in his hand.

"In my heart, there is only justice. Zhang Zhenzhen is a master of the Tao, and he will not be ignorant of my intentions."

Xiao Yu clapped his hands and laughed.

"Well said! If you dare to pretend to be Zhang Zhenren's disciples to scare people, you should kill them with a knife."

Qin Wuye's face suddenly changed drastically.

He asked himself that his performance was flawless, but he didn't expect to be broken by a girl's words.

"I'm pretending, I'm a Wudang disciple like a fake."

Of course Fifth Master Qin would not admit it.

Zhang Sanfeng raised his head.

"Why don't I remember that I once accepted a disciple like you?"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the inn were all stunned.

The air seemed to freeze.

Even Ye Kai was caught in petrification.

Jia Daoshi's jaw dropped.

Qin Wuye was even more frozen there, not moving.

After a long while, he murmured.

"You...you...you are Zhang Zhenren?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"Could it be that Zhang Sanfeng is still fake?"

They looked at Zhang Sanfeng, and suddenly there were rumors on the rivers and lakes.

Zhang Zhenzhen is extremely young, handsome, and wears a Taoist robe, and there will never be a shortage of stunning beauties by his side.

The young man in front of him fits this rumor perfectly.

Both Jia Daoshi and Qin Wuye felt a little fever in their tongues.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Zhang Sanfeng's reputation today has reached a level that cannot be higher.

And they actually pretended to be his disciples in front of him.

Is this because you think you have a long life?

Thinking of this, both of them only felt a chill on their backs.

"Poor pass!"

Qin Wuye's huge body knelt down and kowtowed like garlic.

"Zhang Zhenren spared his life, the youngest impersonated your disciple because he admired Zhang Zhenren too much, and the youngest dared not."


Chapter 221

When Qin Wuye knelt down, his body seemed to be a ball of flesh, round and round.

Jia Daoshi's body was also trembling.

On weekdays, he used the name of a disciple of Wudang to swindle and deceive, but unexpectedly, he ran into the true god today.

Xiao Yu opened his eyes.

"They said you were the master of Qinchuan Babaili. I thought you were a strong martial artist who could do all kinds of evil, but I didn't expect you to be so soft-hearted?"

The drunk head man plugged in.

"That's because I met Zhang Zhenren and became so soft. Otherwise, he is very arrogant."

"And this Taoist Jia, who was kidnapped, raped and looted on weekdays, but he kept using the name - Wudang."

Jia Daoshi jumped up.

"Drunk-headed man, although this old man has done a lot of harming things, don't you do it? You kill people according to your mood. When you are drunk, you will kill anyone who is not pleasing to the eye."

"In these years, there are not a thousand people who have died under your hands, but also eight hundred."

The drunken man laughed.

"So what? This world is where the strong are respected."

"I'm stronger than them, so if I want to kill them, I kill them."

"It's like when people see ants and they're in a good mood, I let them go."

"I'm in a bad mood, and I trampled them all to death with one foot."

"You are a cultivator, don't you know that the Dao is ruthless, and that there are ants under the saints?"

The drunken man smiled smugly.

"You dare to pretend to be a Wudang disciple or Zhang Zhenren's disciple, but I don't have the guts."

"The first thing you need to know when walking in the arena is to maintain absolute respect for the strong."

Jia Daoshi's face was extremely ugly.

"The guy who bullies the weak and fears the strong, I'm not ashamed of my generation!"

The drunken man laughed.

"Aren't you the same? For the weak, you kill him mercilessly, but in the face of Zhang Zhenren, you kneel on the ground in fright."

"How dare you say that others bully the weak and fear the strong?"

Jia Daoshi was at a loss for words, his face was stern, and he stopped talking.

Ye Kai bowed slightly and bowed.

"It turns out that Zhang Zhenren is here, please forgive Ye's clumsy eyes, and those who have eyes do not know Mount Tai."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"Why be so polite? Ye Shaoxia's name has been admired by Pindao for a long time."

Ye Kailian did not dare, and was respectful like a disciple.

"Xiao Yu, go and clean up the unsightly people next to you."

Zhang Sanfeng gave an order.

When Xiao Yu heard the order, he was immediately overjoyed, he crossed his waist and became a judge.

"You three, tell me all the evil things you have done on weekdays, one after another, one by one."

"As long as there is half a lie, I will plant a life and death talisman on you."

"Let you be like Ding Chunqiu, the old monster of the stars, you can't survive, you can't die."

Ding Chunqiu pretended to be a disciple of Zhang Sanfeng, and was later implanted with a life and death talisman. The tragic situation at that time is still circulating in the arena.

If it weren't for Zhang Sanfeng's eagerness to stand up and kill Ding Chunqiu with one palm, I'm afraid he would have suffered a hundred times more torture.

As soon as they heard that they were going to be planted with a life-and-death talisman, the three of them trembled with fright.

The drunken headweng thought that this matter had nothing to do with him, and at this moment, he hurriedly defended himself.

"Xiangu Mingjian, I am a drunkard, and I have never pretended to be a Wudang disciple."

Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and narrowed his eyes.

"Although you haven't pretended to be a Wudang disciple, you have done a lot of harming things. Since you ran into it today, it will be cleaned up together."

The drunk head man's heart suddenly tightened.

He suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly, and fell down.

It turned out that Drunk Headweng had already been poisoned deeply. Hearing Xiao Yu's words at this time, he knew he would die, and he broke his heart.

Although this person does bad things, he has a bit of courage.

Qin Wuye and Jia Daoshi suddenly looked terrified.

Xiao Yu suddenly asked, "You said just now that the drunkard and Qin Wu have some grudges, what's the matter?"

Jia Daoshi had already been so frightened that he was so frightened, especially when he saw the drunken head man dying in front of him, he was even more frightened in his heart.

He didn't want to die like this.

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, he answered quickly.

"A few days ago, the drunk head man fell in love with a woman who sold singing, and killed the woman's father, trying to take the woman as his own."

"Unexpectedly, I happened to meet Qin Wuye's subordinates and went out to pick flowers for Qin Wuye, so he asked the drunkard to let him out."

"The Drunk Head was reluctant, the two sides clashed, and the Drunk Head injured several people."

"Because of this, Qin Wuye sent someone to poison him and let him come to Ruyun Inn to lead him to death."

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