"Pin Dao also coincided with the meeting, and he got involved in a confused way."

Qin Wu next to him snorted coldly.

"You also fell in love with the woman who sold the singing, and moved your mind. Do you think I, Qin Wu, don't know?"

Jia Daoshi suddenly stopped speaking.

Xiao Yu was a little curious.

"Qin Wu, what exactly is the matter of picking flowers that Taoist Jia said just now?"

"This is..."

Qin Wu suddenly faltered.

Xiao Yu's face sank.

"If you don't tell the truth again, don't blame this girl for being ruthless, and I will teach you that you can't survive, and you can't die."

Qin Wu's body was shocked, and he quickly confessed honestly.

"There is a disease of lust in the young. Even if Hua Tuo is reborn and Bian Que is reborn, it is difficult to cure."

"Only the number of imperial maids a day can be relieved."

"Small stool ordered his subordinates to collect beautiful women in the land of Qinchuan, send them to my mansion, and accept them as wives and concubines."

Xiao Yu sneered.

"You want to take women as concubines, but you kill their family members, parents and brothers. What's the reason?"

"Only in this way will the woman forget everything and only remember me, Qin Wu, in my heart."

Xiao Yu was a little puzzled.

"You are so foolish, are you not afraid that the woman you caught will kill you with a knife while you are asleep?"

"The little ones planted the technique of forgetting their souls on them. When their relatives died tragically and their minds were lost, let them forget their souls. They have forgotten everything from now on, and only Qin Wu is in their hearts, and they will never harm me. If I let them die, they won't hesitate a bit."

Facing Xiao Yu, Qin Wu was very honest.

I didn't dare to hide it at all, and said everything I had done.

It is true that Zhang Sanfeng's fame is too great.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Qin Wu knew very well that since he bumped into the hands of the other party, he could never hide what he had done.

It is better to be honest, there may be a chance of life.

After Xiao Yu heard what he said, he suddenly slapped his palm and attacked Taoist Jia next to him.

Jia Daoshi was shocked, and instinctively greeted him.

He has been on the rivers and lakes for many years. Although he is not an absolute master, he has some skills.

But how can someone like him know that a real master can't be stopped by him?


Jia Daoshi's head shattered like a watermelon.

Qin Wu couldn't help but stay for a while.

He only knew that Zhang Sanfeng was very strong, and he was the number one expert in the world.

But he never thought that this young girl would have such skills.

The palm just now was erratic and fluctuating.

With his eyesight, he didn't even see how he avoided Jia Daoshi's defense and killed him with one palm.

Qin Wu knelt there immediately, and he was more and more afraid to move.

His pants were already wet.

He killed countless people on weekdays, but today it was his turn to pee his pants.


Xiao Yu killed Jia Daoshi with one palm, and suddenly smiled sweetly.

"You've done too many bad things to die too cheaply."


Qin Wu screamed and jumped up.

But just as he flew up, his [-]-pound body was like a huge ball, and was kicked out by Xiao Yu.

At this time, outside the inn, there were many Qin Wu's subordinates.

Seeing that Qin Wu's body was kicked out, he hurriedly dodged.

Xiao Yu's figure flew out.

In her hand, she held the Wudang disciple token.

"You all listen to me, Qin Wu pretended to be a disciple of Wudang, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil."

"Wudang is here today to kill evil. You are all Qin Wu's subordinates. Now I will give you a chance to atone for your sins."

"Arrest him for me, and use all of the things he tortured others on him for me to use again."

As soon as these words came out, those Qin Wu's subordinates immediately swarmed up.

Just now, Xiao Yu clicked on Qin Wu's acupuncture point.

He wanted to struggle at this time, but he couldn't.

It was quickly tied up tightly.

These people immediately resorted to various tragic means to greet Qin Wu.

Xiao Yu couldn't stand it any longer and returned to the inn.

Out of sight is pure.

Outside, Qin Wu's cries were much more tragic and continuous than the cries of slaughtering pigs.

"Master, the disciple is finished."

Xiao Yu reported to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.

"You handled it well."

"Xiao Yu, you have to remember that strength and power always make people sink, so remember to be vigilant."

"Strength and power make people sink?"

Xiao Yu seemed to understand but did not understand, and muttered to himself.

Zhang Sanfeng picked up the wine glass and drank a glass of wine.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs."

"Buddhism says that all living beings are equal, but from the perspective of Taoism, all living beings are ants."

"If the ants think they are powerful, they are not far from death." Five.

Chapter 222

Xiao Yu seemed to understand, but she knew that what the master taught was bound to contain the Dao, so she kept it firmly in her heart.

Ye Kai sighed.

"The cause of the past, the effect of today. Qin Wu has done many evils, and he deserves this reward."

Zhang Sanfeng drank a glass of wine.

"Ye Kai, but I don't know where your master Li Xunhuan is now?"

Ye Kai smiled bitterly.

"To be honest with Zhenren Zhang, since Master retired, he has traveled everywhere, and his whereabouts are uncertain. Although I am his disciple, I don't know where he is now."

Zhang Sanfeng felt a little regretful.

Xiao Li Fei Dao, the example is not false.

Li Xunhuan is not only superb in martial arts, but also very chivalrous as a person.

It's just a little hesitant to act, but people are not sages, who can be perfect?

Li Xunhuan, who has flesh, flesh and defects, is even more admirable.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Ye Kai and suddenly laughed.

"I've heard the name of Xiao Li Fei Dao for a long time, and I was really shocked when I saw you use the knife just now."

Ninety-eight seven "Pin Dao is a martial arts idiot, and he admires all martial arts in the world."

"Ye Shaoxia doesn't want to throw a knife at Pindao. Pindao wants to try, can he catch your knife?"

Ye Kai was shocked when he heard the words.

"Zhang Zhenren is joking, how dare I show ugliness in front of Zhang Zhenren with such a trivial skill."

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand.

"Why do you have to be so modest? This is a request from the poor, and I hope Ye Shaoxia will not refuse."

When Shangguan Jinhong fought Li Xunhuan in a decisive battle, Shangguan Jinhong had countless opportunities to kill Li Xunhuan.

But he just chose not to kill, trying to see if he could avoid Xiao Li Feidao.

Today, Zhang Sanfeng also wants to try.

However, Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts are by no means comparable to Shangguan Jin Hong.

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Ye Kai's face.

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