Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"The poor Daoist Wudang Zhang Sanfeng has met Zhang San, the genius doctor of Duanmu."

At this time, Zhang Liang was the third head of Xiaoshengxianzhuang, so Zhang Sanfeng called him that.

Zhang Liang and Duanmu Rong were both shocked when these words came out.

"It turns out that it is the first person in the world, Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Liang has eyes and does not know Mount Tai, forgive me, forgive me!"

Zhang Liang saluted again and again.

Duanmurong jumped up.

"Are you Zhang Sanfeng?".

Chapter 224

Zhang Sanfeng touched his nose.

"Is there a mark on my face?"


Duanmurong shook his head.

Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

"Since not, why are you looking at me like this?"

Duanmu Rong said: "Everyone in the world says that you are the number one person in the world. You are highly skilled in martial arts, invincible in the world, and you are able to master your Taoism. I think you are too young for your age."

Xiao Yu interjected beside him.

"Although my master is young, he is well-deserved as the number one person in the world."

"is it?"

Duanmurong was a little unconvinced.

When Shi Lan Xiaoyu saw that the other party dared to question her master, she couldn't help feeling a little angry.

Zhang Liang is very elegant and personable.

"I've heard for a long time that Zhenren Zhang is the number one person in the world. He has learned everything in one body and traverses the three religions. I don't know if he can preach at the Little Sages Village and let his disciples have a glimpse of his style?"

Zhang Sanfeng repeatedly said "How dare you", so he made an appointment to go to the disciples to give lectures.

Duanmu Rong's eyes rolled around, as if thinking about something.

Just then, a middle-aged man with a child broke in.

"Doctor Duanmu, please save my child. He seems to have been poisoned by a nameless poison, and he is in danger."

A strange color flashed in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes.

The child in this man's arms is already full of anger, and his life is hanging by a thread.

However, the poison that this child took was really no small matter.

The poison penetrates deep into the five internal organs, and penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and is difficult to remove.

Duanmurong suddenly laughed.

"Zhang Zhenren, it is said that you are omnipotent, but I want to see if your medical skills are unparalleled in the world, and whether you can remove the poison from this child."

There was a hint of pride in Duanmurong's expression.

She was obviously a little dissatisfied with Zhang Sanfeng, so she made such a statement.

Zhang Sanfeng just thought it was funny, and naturally he had no interest in arguing with Duanmu Rong.

However, saving a life is better than building a tenth-level pagoda.

As long as he can, Zhang Sanfeng is also very willing to help people.

Zhang Sanfeng reached out and probed.

The poison in this child is a mixture of seventy-seven and forty-nine kinds of poisons.

These forty-nine kinds of poisons create and restrain each other and blend together.

It's so poisonous, it's really rare and vicious.

To resolve these forty-nine kinds of poisons, the only way is to decoct the forty-nine kinds of life-saving antidote.

However, without knowing the amount of these forty-nine poisons, it is difficult to determine the amount of the antidote.

If the medicinal properties are more or less than half a point, it will endanger the life safety of the poisoned person.

Before coming here, the man had already held the child and had seen countless doctors, all of whom just shook their heads.

Just when this man was desperate, someone told him that the genius doctor Duanmu Rong might be able to save his son's life.

This person broke in with the mentality of giving it a try, hoping that Duanmu Rong could perform the magic of magic.

Hearing Duanmurong's words, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but smile.

"Now, he has been poisoned deeply, and if he wants to rescue him with a stone, the poor Daoist is not sure' 〃."

"However, all things in the world are of the same origin, ten thousand sects are unified, and the poor way can save him from danger by using Taoist exercises."

Duanmurong suddenly widened her eyes.

She is a goddess doctor, so she can naturally see the complexity of this poison.

Therefore, when Zhang Sanfeng was confident and said that he could use Taoist exercises to defuse this person's poison.

Duanmurong's eyes suddenly lit up.

Is this real Zhang really so amazing?

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly and took the child in his arms into his hands.

A spiritual force entered the child's body.

The power of a true immortal is almost omnipotent.

As long as the child still has a mouthful of vital energy and a mouthful of true immortal spiritual power, he can detoxify the poison and be safe and sound.

The poison he was in, though complicated.

But Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual power doesn't matter so much.

One power down ten sessions.

Wherever the spiritual energy is, it is like destroying the dry and pulling the rot, and all the poisons are dissolved.

The child suddenly "wow" and cried.

All the poison on his body has been dissolved, and he naturally regained consciousness.

Seeing his child wake up, that person immediately thanked him.

Duanmu Rong didn't quite believe it, and reached out to take the child's pulse.

Immediately, he felt that although his qi was deficient, it was very pure, and all the poisonous poison had been eliminated.

This time, Duanmu Rong froze there.

After a long time, she took a deep breath and bowed to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Zhang Zhenren's methods are really against the sky, and Duanmurong admires him so much."

Duanmu Rong has always been arrogant, and this is the first time that she admires a person so much.

Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

"Pindao has long heard the name of the goddess doctor, why do you have to be so polite?"

He paused.

"I heard that the goddess fairy is doing her best to write down a medical book?"

Duanmurong nodded slightly, this was her lifelong ambition.

Create a medical book that incorporates his lifelong research, find disciples who can inherit his talent, and refine the elixir of life.

Besides, there is only food in the world that makes her heart.

However, now.

Duanmurong calmed down the excitement in her heart.

"Zhang Zhenren, I have never heard of the means you used. I wonder if Zhang Zhenren is stingy about spreading it to others?"

Duanmurong's eyes were full of bullying.

Zhang Sanfeng used his spiritual power to cure the child's poison, which shocked her too much.

Hearing Duanmurong's words, Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

"." The method used by the poor way seems simple, but it requires the rescuer to have a very high level of cultivation in Taoism."

"It's not that the poor Dao is stingy, it's really that there are very few people in the world who can learn this Dao technique."

Duanmurong narrowed her eyes slightly and touched her head with her hands.

"Zhang Zhenren, Duanmurong wants to take you as a teacher and learn this technique. I wonder if Zhang Zhenren can accept me as a disciple?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yu and Zhang Liang opened their mouths in shock.

Even Shao Siming's expression flashed a strange color.

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a moment.

Duanmurong has extraordinary talent, but she can accept her.

"Okay, if you have the heart to cultivate Taoism, there is no reason for a poor Taoist to refuse."

Duanmu Rong hurriedly paid her respects to the teacher.

"Disciple Duan Murong, meet the master."

Zhang Sanfeng helped her up from the ground.

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