Duanmurong couldn't wait.

"Master, why don't you tell me about your Dao now?"

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but stay for a while.

"Okay, since you are so eager to learn, Pindao (Nuo Qian Zhao) will satisfy you."

"Today, Pindao talks about Taoist metaphysics."

Zhang Sanfeng's Taoism advocates letting nature and everything follow your heart.

Today's sermon is like that.

Do whatever you want.

At the moment, Zhang Sanfeng spoke slowly.

"The Dao is headed by cultivating the mind and cultivating nature. The nature is within the heart, and the pericardial nature is outside. It is nature that is the master of the theorem, and the heart is the shelter of sacrifice."

"Scholars of Taoism must clear their minds and minds in order to obtain truly clear medicines."

"Nature is inside, life is outside, and inside is connected with outside. When they become one, the Dao is completed."

"The ancestors of Yuan Qi, Pu Pu is faint. Yuan Han has no zhen, and the beginning is unknown... The fate is complete, pure Yang Qi is rushing. The magic of the gods, the Taoism has no end."


Outside, Juxinglou was covered with a different layer of glow.

"Look, what's going on in Juxinglou?"

"Oh my God, it seems like a fairy light, a fairy has descended on Juxinglou."

"Come on, let's go to Juxinglou too, maybe we can see the true appearance of the real immortal."



Chapter 225

Duanmurong seemed to understand but not understand.

She scratched her head.

"Master, you speak so profoundly, why can't I understand it?"

Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

"You just have to remember it for a long time, and you will understand it later."

Duanmurong nodded obediently, her eyebrows flickered, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her face was full of smiles.

"Master is amazing."

She looked extremely happy.

Duanmurong has always had great confidence in her medical skills.

However, just like Zhang Sanfeng just now, he was able to cure such highly poisonous things with only his own spiritual power. Duanmurong was still unheard of.

She couldn't wait to learn, so she worshipped Zhang Sanfeng as her teacher.

Xiao Yu took her hand.

"I am the eldest disciple accepted by Master. You can call me Senior Sister in the future. You have to remember that this sect is respectful and orderly, and you must obey Senior Sister's orders."

"What Senior Sister, you are just getting started earlier than me. If you want me to obey your orders, you can think about it in your dreams."

Duanmurong has always been rude, so how could she listen to the so-called big sister?

"Elder Sister, we two are from the same school, and we need to support each other a lot in the future. As for who listens to who, doesn't it depend on who makes sense?"

"Whoever has reason, listen to whoever, right? Master."

Duanmu Rong looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.

   "Makes sense."

Duanmu Rong smiled happily and looked back at Xiao Yu proudly.

Xiao Yu pursed his mouth slightly, and immediately seemed to remember something, and when he rolled his eyes, he also laughed.

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng's speech, Zhang Liang was still thinking about it for a long time, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

"Listening to Zhang Zhenren's sermons, Zhang Liang has benefited a lot. If Zhang Zhenren is free, please move to the Little Sage Zhuang for a gathering."

He sincerely invites again.

At this moment, there was a sound of soldiers and armored horses outside.

A large number of Qin soldiers came from afar.

Someone shouted loudly.

"His Royal Highness is coming to Songhai City!"

Zhang Liang was shocked when he heard this.

"Zhang Zhenren, today the imperial son Fusu came to my Songhai City to visit the Little Sages Village. Zhang Liang will go to receive him first."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"No need, Fusu is here."

As soon as the voice fell, a few people walked in.

The leader was an old man with white hair, followed by two elegant scribes.

The old man was immortal and handsome, his eyes lit up when he saw Zhang Sanfeng.

"This person must be the number one Zhang Zhenren in the world? Xun Kuang sees Zhang Zhenren."

Zhang Sanfeng quickly stood up and supported him.

Xun Kuang was a master of Confucianism in the world, and he was highly respected.

"Why is Mr. Xun so polite?"

The two scribes (bhaf) beside Xun Kuang also bowed respectfully.

"Fu Nian."

"Yan Lu."

"See Zhang Zhenren."

When they were in Xiaoshengxianzhuang, they saw that the Qi Qi of Juxinglou was unusual, so they all came to find out.

When I got here, I realized that it was Zhang Sanfeng.

The few people just chatted for a while, and the sound of the armor outside became louder and louder.

Teams of soldiers from the Qin army walked over with neat steps.

Fu Nian frowned slightly.

"I wonder why Zhang Zhenren visited Songhai City?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"To be honest, I came this time to find someone to settle accounts."

"This person should be Xianyang, I just happened to pass by Songhai."

Having said that, Zhang Sanfeng gave Fu Nian a meaningful look.

"To seek good fortune and avoid bad luck, it is human nature, there is no way for good or bad, only people can get it."

Fu Nian was shocked and saluted.

"Thank you Zhang Zhenren for your teaching."

He paused, then bowed his hands again.

"Zhang Zhenren is an expert outside the world, and Fu Nian should not have disturbed him."

"It's just that Young Master Fusu was assassinated before, and I don't know which force did it."

"Now Meng Tian has been transferred to the northern Xinjiang, and the son Fusu is staying in Songhai alone."

"Li Si Zhao Gao's name is assistant, but his heart is unpredictable."

"For a while, Luo Wang, Yin-Yang family, Mo family, Taoism family, and famous family gathered together."

"Zhang Han, the shadow secret guard, led his people into Songhai again, and great forces continued to flow in."

"Under the calm sea of ​​Songhai, stormy waves have gathered."

"Little Shengxianzhuang is in Songhai, and will definitely be impacted."

He was still talking, but was interrupted by Duanmu Rong's words.

"What does it have to do with my master if the little sage village is not affected?"


Fu Nian was speechless for a while.

He originally wanted to ask Zhang Sanfeng to take care of the Little Sages Village.

But when I heard Duanmurong's words, I really didn't know how to answer.


Zhang Sanfeng has nothing to do with their little sage village.

Is there any reason for him to protect Xiaoshengxianzhuang?

Fu Nian has studied Confucianism since he was a child, and he is a person who attaches great importance to etiquette. However, the next request is impossible to say no matter what.

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