Chapter 228

The world is too big.


There are countless masters in the world.

But there is only one person who can truly be recognized as the number one expert in martial arts in the world.

That is Zhang Sanfeng.

Xiaomeng's expression was also deeply astonished.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"Pindao Wudang Zhang Sanfeng has met Master Xiaomeng."

Hearing his name, Xiaomeng, who had been prepared for a long time, couldn't help but tremble.

"Zhang Zhenzhen is very polite."

Her expression became much more respectful.

No longer arrogant.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Zhang Sanfeng's reputation is too loud.

Xiaomeng, who always has high self-esteem and arrogance, has to pay attention to it.

"Zhang Zhenren is the number one person in the world, Xiaomeng has countless incomprehensible things in her heart, and she wants to ask Zhang Zhenren for advice."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became subtle.

In Zhao Gao's eyes, there was an undetectable look of excitement.

For Zhang Sanfeng, he has deep fear.

There is even a trace of hatred.

The Six Swordsman was his personal bodyguard and never left Zhao Gao's side.

The only time, Zhao Gao sent them away.

But I didn't expect that this time, the Six Swordsmen would never return.

He was restrained by Zhang Sanfeng 17 with a life and death talisman and guarded the door in Wudang.

When he first heard the news, Zhao Gao's lungs were about to explode.

If it wasn't for Wudang being too far away from Daqin, he would have taken someone to kill him long ago.

Since then, Zhang Sanfeng's reputation has grown louder and louder.

What he has done has become more and more shocking.

Zhao Gao was suddenly startled.

Before he knew it, Zhang Sanfeng had become an existence that he couldn't provoke at all.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng today, his heart was full of astonishment.

nervous, scared, worried...

There are so many different things.

Zhao Gao wanted to know, how high is Zhang Sanfeng's strength?

How should he respond?

Fusu's mood was different.

He has heard the name Zhang Sanfeng countless times.

Fusu admires and yearns for this master of the Tao.

There's still a bit of a nuisance.

There are rumors in the world that Zhang Zhenren can kill any emperor.

Although it was just a rumor, Fusu knew that it was almost the truth.

After all, being able to fight the top ten masters alone, and suppressing the entire existence of Shaolin by oneself, in this world, who can stop it?

Even if there are millions of troops, it is impossible to guard them all the time.

What's more, it is very difficult to kill a million troops, but when you enter the army and kill one person, the difficulty has dropped a lot.

Everyone in the world said that Zhenren Zhang could do it easily, and Fusu had to believe it.

As the future heir of the empire, Fusu wanted to measure how strong Zhang Sanfeng's skills were.

But this temptation cannot be carried out casually.

Otherwise, it would be no small matter if you were annoyed by Zhenren Zhang.

Xiaomeng is willing to ask Zhang Sanfeng for advice, which is exactly what he wants.

"To the extreme of emptiness, keep quiet and earnest. All things are made together, and I can see them again."

"Zhang Zhenren, please advise."

After Xiaomeng finished speaking, the long sword in her hand was displayed.

Autumn Li.

The "Top Ten Famous Swords" of the Wind Beard Sword Manual ranked ninth.

This sword actually contains the Taoist principles, and it holds the vitality of the world.

Zhuang Zhou's "Xiaoyaoyou" was greatly inspired by this sword.

For a long time, this sword has been guarded by the Taoist Tianzong.

Speaking of which, this sword has quite a history.

According to legend, Xue Zhu, the sword master of Wu Yue, visited the sword for King Yue to match the famous sword Chunjun of Ou Yezi in his possession. After [-] years, he finally obtained a sword.

On the day that the sword was obtained, Xue Zhu also released the soldiers and returned to the sky, so it is said that this sword has the spirit of Xue Zhu entrusted to it.

Zhang Sanfeng was still sitting still.

Xiaomeng waved his sword.

A few feet away, there was a giant tank full of water.

With Xiaomeng's long sword, the water in the tank flew out with the sword energy.

The water gathered in the air and turned into a word.

Everyone around is not a master.

When they saw Xiaomeng's move, everyone was horrified.

Control every drop of water with internal force, so that it condenses and does not disperse, and floats like the air.

Such a method is truly a skill.

The long sword in Xiaomeng's hand trembled.

The words condensed from water suddenly swayed, twisted like insects, but vaguely, but revealed layers of rhythm.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"it is good!"

"Little girl, you have such skills at such a young age. Whether it is your internal strength cultivation base or your understanding of Taoism, you are all invaluable."

Zhang Sanfeng exclaimed sincerely.

Xiaomeng's face suddenly changed slightly.

Zhang Sanfeng was actually about the same age as her.

When the phrase "young age" fell in her ears, she immediately felt a little harsh.

But the other party is the number one person in the world. If he doesn't show some real skills, he will be a little embarrassed.

Xiaomeng's Qiu Li shines brightly.

I saw the huge "Tao" character formed by the condensation of water droplets, which seemed to gradually dissipate.

Before she could exert her strength, Zhang Sanfeng stretched out his hand and pointed at Dao Zi.

For a moment, Xiaomeng only felt like a spring breeze was blowing her face.

Her inner strength, her Dao rhyme, and her sword qi all vanished into nothingness.

The huge word "Dao" formed by the condensation of water droplets dissipated.

But the next moment, it suddenly condensed again.

However, this time, it was different.

A huge "Dao" character is composed of countless small "Dao" characters.

The corners of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth raised slightly, and his fingers flicked slightly.

The whole sky is filled with the word "Dao" flying.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field was stunned.

On Zhao Gao's forehead, there were dense beads of sweat oozing out.

Xun Kuang, Fu Nian, Yan Lu, Zhang Liang, Chu Nangong, and Gongsun Linglong all opened their mouths, unable to believe it was true.

Controlling water with internal force and condensing it into a word is already a very clever method.

If you are not a master, it is difficult to do it.

You know, to condense words with water, each bundle of water requires a point of internal strength.

The more the internal force is divided, the more control it becomes.

But now, Zhang Sanfeng turned one Dao character into a thousand Dao characters.

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