In this way, how much internal force should be divided, and how does he control it?

How could he have such a strong inner strength, and how could he be distracted?

A lot of questions flashed in the minds of everyone in the field.

But no one knew that what Zhang Sanfeng used was not internal power, but spiritual power.

Spiritual power is much higher than internal power.

What inner strength cannot do is easy for spiritual strength.

Fusu froze there.

At this time, he realized that the reputation of the number one person in the world is truly well-deserved.

Xiaomeng stood there, froze and unable to move.

She has practiced in seclusion for ten years, and she believes that her internal strength is superb, and almost no one in the world can match.

But he didn't expect that in Zhang Sanfeng's hands, it was like a joke.

Is this the ability of the first person in the world?

It's really not what she can do.

Xiao Meng retracted her sword and knelt down.

"Zhang Zhenzhen's Taoism is enlightened, and Xiaomeng is willing to be defeated. Xiaomeng thanks Zhang Zhenren for his guidance.".

Chapter 229

"Why should Master Xiaomeng be so polite?"

With a flick of Zhang Sanfeng's left hand, a gentle force gently lifted Xiaomeng's body.

At the same time, the fingers of his right hand moved slightly.

In an instant, thousands of "Dao" characters were arranged and combined in the air to form a huge "Li" character.

Then, suddenly it changed again.

The thousands of "dao" characters have become "li" characters.

However, the big characters formed by them have changed from "li" to "dao".

Everyone in the field was silent.

Everyone just felt that it was starting to become difficult to breathe.

What a terrifying cultivation base does this have to be able to control these waters so easily?

In particular, it has to be divided into thousands of shares, and each share has to be changed.

Such a method is really hard to come by.

Zhang Sanfeng really deserves to be the number one person in the world.

Nangong Chu reached out and stroked his beard.

"Taoism controls all things with the way of heaven, and there is nothing to do."

"The highest good is like water. Zhang Zhenren's manipulation of water flow in this way is the highest realm of Taoist imperial objects."

"But he also laid down rules for impermanence and ordered them to be followed in an orderly manner, which is the essence of Confucian rituals."

"Confucianism and Taoism are integrated into one, but they are distinct."

"Dao Yun Tiancheng, etiquette is in it."

"It turns out that Zhang Zhenren is not only a Taoist practitioner, but also a Confucian gift."

The expressions of everyone in the field changed slightly.

Master Xiaomeng had already conceded defeat, but Zhang Sanfeng did not shrink his hands immediately.

Instead, it shows them more sophisticated control techniques.

Among them, it is not without a hint of warning.

No matter how you say Fusu, he is also the young master of Qin. He grew up in the palace and has been fascinated by his eyes and ears since he was a child. How could he not know the meaning of Zhang Sanfeng's side-by-side attacks?

Li Si, Zhao Gao, and even more old-fashioned and slippery people, have no doubts in their hearts.

At this time, seeing Zhang Sanfeng's penetrating means, the three of them could not help but seep a little bit of sweat on their foreheads.

Li Si has always believed that in the whole world, there is no king soil.

No matter how masters in the world, under the king's way, they should all bow their heads and serve as ministers.

However, there are always some people in this world who have jumped out of the empire and are not under the control of kingship.

Such as the Guiguzi who stirs the world.

Guigu is angry and the princes are afraid, but when they live in peace, the world will rest.

There is no doubt that a character like Guiguzi will not be restricted by princes and empires.

And now Zhang Sanfeng is the same.

The horrified look in Zhao Gao's eyes did not dissipate.

"Every drop of water requires a single internal force to maintain its shape in the air' 〃."

"The more water droplets you control, the deeper the person's inner strength."

"The more subtle the control, the more mysterious and profound the internal power cultivation."

"Zhang Zhenren can divide internal force into thousands of strands, and each strand of internal force can be self-sufficient and condense water droplets into words."

"Such skill has never been heard in the world."

Zhao Gao shook his head slightly.

"This is not something that can be achieved by a person's internal strength cultivation. Zhang Zhenren can achieve this step by not relying on internal strength, but Tao."

"It's no wonder that in these words, there is a rhyme of Taoism."

"Could it be that he has broken through the extreme martial arts of the world and achieved the status of a true immortal?"

Gongsun Linglong's eyes widened.

"Ah! This..."

Not only her, but the disciples of Xiaoxianzhuang who were watching the battle couldn't help but let out a soft exclamation.

This way, they were all eye-opening.

Zhang Sanfeng moved his fingers again.

The thousands of "li" characters that had been condensed into water droplets suddenly dissipated.

The water droplets in the air were scattered like raindrops.

But it didn't fall to the ground.

Countless drops of water gathered into a thin plate.

The corners of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth twitched slightly, and his fingers moved a few times again.

The water gathering plate spread out immediately.

Strings of words condensed from water, formed extremely quickly.

Every word shines brightly.

"The Tao can be said, very Tao; the name can be famous, very famous."

"The nameless beginning of heaven and earth, the famous mother of all things."

"Therefore, there is always no desire to see its wonderfulness; there is always desire to see it."


"Dao rushes to use it or not, Yuanxi is like the sect of all things."

"The immortality of the god of grain is called the mysterious female, and the door of the mysterious female is called the root of heaven and earth."


"If you don't see it, it is called Yi, if you hear it, it is called Xi, and if you fight it, it is called Wei."

"Nothing in the world is soft and weaker than water, and no one who attacks the strong can be defeated, and there is no easy way to do it."


"The way of heaven is to benefit without harm. The way of saints is to do things without fighting."

The water droplets gather and disperse, and they condense into the full text of the Taoist classic "Tao Te Ching".

Yangyang five thousand words, presented in front of everyone.

At this moment, everyone in the hall felt a burst of dry mouth.

The mask fan in Gongsun Linglong's hand fell to the ground.

Xun Kuang picked up the wine glass and froze in midair.

Fusu's mouth was wide open.

Chu Nangong's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, no longer as calm and calm as before.

Condensing water droplets into words with internal force already requires extremely terrifying and brilliant skills.

And divided into thousands of internal forces, each of which is condensed into one word, it is even more incredible.

But as it is now, [-] copies of inner strength and [-] different words have been aggregated into a document.

Such skill has exceeded everyone's imagination.

This not only requires deep internal strength, but also multitasking.

But being able to use two things with one heart has surpassed countless people.

Five thousand with one heart...

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